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The Reign of Louis XIV

The Reign of Louis XIV. Sovereignty. A sovereign power has the right to… Make laws Administer justice Tax -- Intendants Control the administrative system Make foreign policy. However, the power was not absolute. There was the possibility of revolt. Just ask Charles I!!.

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The Reign of Louis XIV

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  1. The Reign of Louis XIV

  2. Sovereignty • A sovereign power has the right to… • Make laws • Administer justice • Tax -- Intendants • Control the administrative system • Make foreign policy

  3. However, the power was not absolute. There was the possibility of revolt. Just ask Charles I!! Absolute Monarch • Not limited by restrictions or exceptions; unconditional • Unconstrained by constitutional or other provisions: an absolute ruler. • A form of government in which all power is vested in a single ruler or other authority. Sounds good to me!

  4. Divine Right • The doctrine that monarchs derive their right to rule directly from God and are accountable only to God.

  5. Decline of Feudalism • Local rulers became weaker • Territorial Conflicts • Created Uncertainty • Gave successful rulers more power Absolute Monarchs • Colonial Wealth • Created tremendous wealth for those who could conquer new lands • Religious Conflict • Created Uncertainty • Gave successful rulers more power

  6. Nobility Monarch Nobility Nobility Feudal System • Days of Service • Provided Soldiers during Time of War • Acted as Advisors • Consented to taxes Nobility

  7. Nobility Monarch Nobility Nobility Nobility Absolutism • Bypassed the nobility • Maintained Permanent Standing Armies • Created bureaucracies to collect taxes and enforce rules • Controlled all competing institutions within their kingdoms – Church, law, economies

  8. Louis XIV (1643 – 1715) Establishing Power • Feared Nobility – Fronde (slingshot) • Palace of Versailles • Nobility came to him • Ordered castle fortifications destroyed • Inspired awe • Separated power from privilege • Trappings vs. substance • Traded • Stable rule (72 years or 54 years)

  9. Versailles Statistics • 2,000 acres of grounds • 12 miles of roads • 27 miles of trellises • 200,000 trees • 210,000 flowers planted every year • 80 miles of rows of trees • 55 acres surface area of the Grand Canal • 12 miles of enclosing walls • 50 fountains and 620 fountain nozzles • 21 miles of water conduits • 3,600 cubic meters per hour: water consumed • 26 acres of roof • 51,210 square meters of floors • 2,153 windows • 700 rooms • 67 staircases • 6,000 paintings • 1,500 drawings and 15,000 engravings • 2,100 sculptures • 5,000 items of furniture and objects d'art • 150 varieties of apple and peach trees in the Vegetable Garden

  10. The King’s Bed The Queen’s Bed

  11. Marie Antoinette’s “Peasant” House

  12. Marie Antoinette’s “Peasant’s Hut”

  13. Marie Antoinette’s “Peasant’s Hut”

  14. Mercantilism • Economic system of the 16th and 17th Centuries • Export more than you import – favorable balance of trade (more gold and silver in than out) • Protective policies • Tariffs • Foreign retaliation • Do everything you can to build up trade • Ports, shipping, navy, domestic industries, tariffs, trade regulations

  15. Charles II

  16. French Wars • Costly with few benefits • War of Spanish Succession • Charles II (Carlos II) – childless Spanish king • Leaves throne to Philip, duke of Anjou (Bourbon) • Grandson of Louis XIV (Bourbon) • England, Austria, and the German states opposed it • Balance of power • Philip becomes king • Two thrones must never unite

  17. Legacies of Absolutism • • Absolutism paved way for modern nations • – Strong, centralized governments • • Mercantilism • • Standing armies • • Internal improvements • – Nationalism • • Promotion of common culture, identity

  18. Louis XIV - Mistakes • Taxes • Sold offices – permanent tax exemption • Exempted nobility • Tax burden was placed on the peasants • Wars • Excessive spending

  19. Chief Ministers • Cardinal Richelieu (Louis XIII) • Cardinal Mazarin (Louis XIV) • Colbert -- Mercantilism

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