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Most barbecue lovers will agree that there is no better taste than meat that has slow cooked in a smoker. While there are numerous smoking options available on the market today, purchasing a smoker can be costly. Learning how to make a smoker grill can be accomplished in just a few steps. You can build a basic wood smoker that can work just as well as most purchased varieties.
How to Make a Smoker Grill
1Fillalargebucketwithwater,andpourinapproximately5lbs. (2.27 kg) of hard wood smoking chips. Ensure that the chips are completely submerged in the water, and allow them to soak thoroughly for at least 1 hour before placing them in the smoking grill. 2Removethegrillgrateandgrilllidfromyourkettle-stylecharcoal grill. 3Openthegrillvents,andplace4to5largehandfulsofnaturallump charcoalon1sideofthegrillgrate. 4Placeanelectricstarterirononthemoundofcharcoalyoujust created. Do this before you plug in the device to prevent it from heating in your hand.
5Starttheelectriciron,andallowittoheatthecoals. This process should take approximately 8 to 10 minutes or until you hear the coals crackle and can see smoke rising from the mound. 6Unplugtheelectricstarteriron,andremoveitfromthesmokergrill. You can use the iron to push the heated coals to the farthest side of the charcoal grate. 7Filladrippan,preferablyfoil,approximately1/4fullofwater,andset itontopoftheemptysideofthecoalgrate. This will allow for indirect heating. 8Closethegrilllid,andletthecontentsheatforabout20minutes.
9Removethesaturatedwoodchipsfromthebucket,andopenthe grilllid. Cover the heated charcoals with the wood chips, and replace the grill grate into your grill. 10Placethemeatyouwishtosmokeontopofthegrillgrate. It should be directly above the drip pan. 11Closethelidtothegrillastightlyaspossible. This will lock in the smoke. 12Adjustthegrillventssothataircancirculateinthesmokinggrill.
13Removethelid,andaddatleast1handfulofwetwoodchipsontop ofthepileevery30minutestoensureaplentifulsupplyofheatand smoke. 14Smokethemeatuntilyourgrillthermometershowsaconstant internaltemperaturebetween250to300degreesFahrenheit (121to 149degreesCelsius).
Article Source: wikihow.com/Make-a-Smoker-Grill Image Source: fornetto.com