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Chapter 18. LEADERSHIP SKILLS. 18.1 Organizational Leadership 18.2 Parliamentary Procedure. Lesson 18.1. ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP. Objectives. Define leadership List six types of leadership skills Explain the purposes of a career and technical student organization

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  1. Chapter 18 LEADERSHIP SKILLS 18.1 Organizational Leadership 18.2 Parliamentary Procedure CHAPTER 18

  2. Lesson 18.1 ORGANIZATIONALLEADERSHIP Objectives Define leadership List six types of leadership skills Explain the purposes of a career and technical student organization Identify career and technical student organizations CHAPTER 18

  3. Lesson 18.1 WHAT IS LEADERSHIP? • Leadership is the process of influencing people in order to accomplish the goals of the organization. CHAPTER 18

  4. Lesson 18.1 LEADERSHIP SKILLS Successful leaders • Are good communicators • Develop committed followers • Set high standards • Are role models • Search out key issues and problems • Are involved in external relations CHAPTER 18

  5. Lesson 18.1 CAREER AND TECHNICALSTUDENT ORGANIZATIONS • Career and technical student organizations (CTSOs) are nonprofit, national organizations with state and local chapters. • They develop a respect for the occupation and its code of ethics (rules for professional practice and behavior). CHAPTER 18

  6. Lesson 18.1 CTSO PROFILES • Business Professionals of America (BPA) • Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) • Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda, Inc. (FBLA-PBL) • National FFA Organization • Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) CHAPTER 18

  7. Lesson 18.1 CTSO PROFILES (continued) • Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) • National Young Farmer Educational Association (NYFEA) • National Postsecondary Agricultural Student Organization (PAS) • SkillsUSA-VICA • Technology Student Association (TSA) CHAPTER 18


  9. Lesson 18.2 PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE Objectives Demonstrate knowledge of how groups that follow parliamentary procedure are organized Explain what happens in a meeting under parliamentary procedure CHAPTER 18

  10. Lesson 18.2 PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE • Parliamentary procedure is a way to conduct a meeting in a fair and orderly manner. CHAPTER 18

  11. Lesson 18.2 BYLAWS • The bylaws define the basic characteristics of the organization and describe how it will operate. CHAPTER 18

  12. Lesson 18.2 OFFICERS • President (or chair) • Vice president • Secretary • Treasurer • Sergeant-at-arms CHAPTER 18

  13. Lesson 18.2 MAJORITY • A majority is a vote of at least one more than half of the people who vote. CHAPTER 18

  14. Lesson 18.2 COMMITTEES • Standing committees • Special committees CHAPTER 18

  15. Lesson 18.2 HOLDING A MEETING • A quorum is a majority of the total membership. • Order of business is the standard series of steps followed in a meeting. • An agenda is a list of the items to be taken care of at a particular meeting. CHAPTER 18

  16. Lesson 18.2 MOTIONS • A motion is a brief statement of a proposed action. • Four types of motions • Main motions • Secondary motions • Incidental motions • Privileged motions • Motions are listed in order of precedence or rank of priority. CHAPTER 18

  17. TYPICAL PARTS OF A MEETING 1. Call to order 2. Roll call 3. Reading and approval of minutes 4. Adoption of agenda 5. Report of officers and standing committees 6. Report of special committees 7. Unfinished business 8. New business 9. Program 10. Adjournment Lesson 18.2 CHAPTER 18

  18. Lesson 18.2 PARLIAMENTARIAN • A parliamentarian advises the presiding officer on matters of procedure. CHAPTER 18

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