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Bird Migration Patterns and Behavior - Importance and Diversity

Learn about the fascinating world of bird migration behavior, routes, and patterns around the world. Explore common types of migratory birds and their habits in different regions. Discover how migration is influenced by climate, geography, and ecology.

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Bird Migration Patterns and Behavior - Importance and Diversity

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  4. Hummingbirds get their energy from flower nectar and the sugar water they find at feeders (recipe below). For protein and real nourishment, however, they eat insects and spiders. You might try putting out overripe fruit. Banana peels are good to attract flies for your hummingbirds. Attracting Hummingbirds

  5. COMMON HUMMINGBIRDS Ruby-throated Hummingbird - Midwest and Eastern US Anna's Hummingbird- Western US only.

  6. Ohio Bird Migration

  7. Bird species have diverse modes of migration

  8. Bird species • The varied patterns and modes of bird migration as adaptations. • migration has conferred an advantage to only certain bird species, • its not evolving in other species that remain resident, sedentary, year-round. • a particular species migrates depends on a number of factors. • The climate of the breeding area is important, as few species can with the harsh winters of inland Canada.


  10. short-distance migrant. diurnal (occurring during the day) or nocturnal. nocturnal migrants e.g. warblers, hummingbirds, and flycatchers, . By migrating at night, they minimize the risk of predation, and avoid the overheating from the energy expended to fly such long distances. Those smaller species that migrate during the day they are relatively short and weather-driven, like the larks and finches, They can feed on the wing eg.swallows ,swifts. CEDAR WAXWING

  11. Migratory birds follow established routes • Migration often is concentrated along well-established routes known as flyways. • its are shaped by geographical, ecological, and meteorological factors. • Flyways typically follow mountain ranges or coastlines, • take advantage of updrafts and other wind patterns.or avoid geographical barriers,.

  12. Patterns of migration

  13. Many migratory European and North American species fly south in winter • The Northern Pintail breeds in the northern areas of Europe and Asia . • The distance traveled by migratory birds of the Northern Hemisphere varies widely. • Some European birds, such as the insect-eating warblers, flycatchers, and wagtails, • migrate to areas of Africa south of the Sahara • North American birds, like the ruby-throated hummingbird, • the American robin and several species of grackles, winter in the states along the Gulf Coast. • Many northern-breeding ducks, geese, and swans are also long-distance migrants,

  14. Some Southern species winter in northern areas

  15. Some Southern species winter in northern areas • The Australian Rainbow Bee-eater winters north of its breeding range. • bird migrations in the Southern Hemisphere are less well-observed than Northern ones), • many species do in fact breed in the temperate regions of the Southern Hemisphere and winter further north in the tropics. • The southern African Greater Striped Swallow, the Australian Satin Flycatcher, Dollarbird, and Rainbow Bee-eater, • Eg. seabirds, Wilson's Petrels and Great Shearwaters,

  16. Tropical migration: Wet and dry seasons

  17. Tropical migration • The Woodland Kingfisher migrates into the equatorial zone during the dry season. • There is little variation in the length of day throughout the year, • it is always warm enough for an adequate food supply. • genuine long-distance migrants within the tropics. An eg is the Lesser Cuckoo, which breeds in India. • theyspends the non-breeding season in Africa. • some tropical species movements of varying distances depending on rainfall. Many tropical regions have cycles of wet and dry seasons,. An example of a bird the Woodland Kingfisher of west Africa.


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