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Bergen/Passaic Training for e2 Paterson

Bergen/Passaic Training for e2 Paterson. Facilitated by: Angel Lopez Mike Bodnar Rich Chrobak Serge Virodov. January 30, 2012. City of Paterson. Overview. Primary uses for Bergen/Passaic eCOMPAS. Data Entry Fiscal Billing Reporting Collaboration and Sharing.

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Bergen/Passaic Training for e2 Paterson

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bergen/Passaic Training for e2 Paterson Facilitated by:Angel Lopez Mike Bodnar Rich Chrobak Serge Virodov January 30, 2012 City of Paterson

  2. Overview

  3. Primary uses for Bergen/Passaic eCOMPAS • Data Entry • Fiscal Billing • Reporting • Collaboration and Sharing

  4. Types of Agencies that use eCOMPAS • Hospitals • Clinics • Community based resource centers • Counseling Centers

  5. Types of Agency Staff that use eCOMPAS • Directors • Case Managers • Medical Personnel • Non Medical Personnel/Data Entry Personnel

  6. Topics of Bergen/Passaic Training Session • Client Data Entry • Fiscal/Billing Entry • Agency Information Sharing/Consents • Reporting

  7. eCOMPAS Login Screen Above is the login page of the e2Paterson System. In addition to logging in here you can also access the client satisfaction survey, needs assessment survey, providers resource guide and affiliated sites like AIDSNJ.org.

  8. Changing Password To change your eCOMPAS account password click the “MY ACCOUNT” link at the top of the page. Enter your current password and then type in the password you would want it to be twice. Once done click “CHANGE PASSWORD and the message in green will be displayed that it will be successfully changed. Note: All password must contain one capital letter, one number and must be 6-15 characters long.

  9. New Client Entries/Intakes To create a new client intake click the “NEW CLIENT” button to start creating a new client in the e2 Paterson System.

  10. New Client Entries/Intakes After clicking the “NEW CLIENT” button a page will come up named the Create New Client Page. All fields with the exception of middle name must be filled out. Once the entry is complete click the “CREATE NEW CLIENT” button to create the client. This will then take you inside the new records created under the “GENERAL INFORMATION” tab.

  11. Searching for Existing Clients To search for a client select one option from each of the dropdown menus and type in the client ID and click the “GET CLIENT” button and the system will open that record. If difficult remembering any numbers on the record the dropdown at the bottom of the page can be used to search for the client alphabetically.

  12. Searching for Existing Clients/Editing Demographic Information Once accessing a client record the above box will be at the top of the page letting you know what record you are working under and all the basic information that was entered at the time of client intake. It will also display alerts, last medical visit and HIV care provider.

  13. Editing Client General Information In the general information tab you will be able to view client information and edit and editable fields. For faster navigation you may click the links shown in green under the tabs to go to that specific section of the page. The following slides will display the rest of the page.

  14. Editing Client General Information

  15. Editing Client General Information

  16. Editing Client General Information Once all information has been entered/edited to execute the changes click the APPLY CHANGES button. Also note for if any reason you need to delete the client due to error click the “DELETE CLIENT” button

  17. Service Entry Individual and Group

  18. Service Entry Individual and Group

  19. Service Entry Individual and Group

  20. Service Entry Individual and Group

  21. Service Entry Individual and Group

  22. Service Entry Individual and Group

  23. Service Entry Individual and Group

  24. Service Entry Individual and Group

  25. Medical Data Entry

  26. Medical Data Entry

  27. Medical Data Entry

  28. Medical Data Entry

  29. Medical Data Entry

  30. Medical Data Entry

  31. Medical Data Entry

  32. Medical Data Entry

  33. Medical Data Entry

  34. Medical Data Entry

  35. Medical Data Entry

  36. Medical Data Entry

  37. Medical Data Entry

  38. Medical Data Entry

  39. Medical Data Entry

  40. Medical Data Entry

  41. Medical Data Entry

  42. Medical Data Entry

  43. Client Referrals/Client Sharing

  44. Client Referrals/Client Sharing

  45. Outcomes

  46. Outcomes

  47. Outcomes

  48. Retention

  49. Alerts

  50. Alerts

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