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First Grade Biome. Welcome to the Arctic! Throughout the year we focus on the Arctic and the Antarctic. Learning about the Environment, Geography, Animals, & Weather!. Writing Expectations. First grade writing expectations. Scoring Rubric Monthly Cahoon Writes Writing Workshop
First Grade Biome Welcome to the Arctic! Throughout the year we focus on the Arctic and the Antarctic. Learning about the Environment, Geography, Animals, & Weather!
Writing Expectations • First grade writing expectations. • Scoring Rubric • Monthly Cahoon Writes Writing Workshop • Read aloud with focus • Shared / Modeled Write • Independent Write • Author’s Chair
School Rules P – Patience and tolerance for others A– Always do your best W – Work responsibly with a positive attitude S – Show respect to everyone including yourself
School Wide Discipline Policy • Continuity throughout school • Students receive two warnings then receive a letter representing their behavior • Levels – A, B, C, D
School Wide Discipline Policy • Level A • Behaviors: not being prepared (includes not signing planners), off-task, not sitting in assigned seat, horseplay, being out of seat without permission, blurting out, some dress code violations, chewing gum or food • Consequences: Verbal warning
School Wide Discipline Policy • Level B • Behaviors: Chronic talking, minor disruptions (dropping books, humming), minor abuse of school property, physical horseplay, not completing work, some dress code violations, not returning forms on time • Consequences: moving to another seat, silent lunch, having to leave the room, or loss of privileges
School Wide Discipline Policy • Level C • Behaviors:cheating, minor disrespect, threats, frequent disruption of instruction, some dress code violations, physical/disruptive horseplay, stealing, undirected profanity • Consequences: moving to another classroom temporarily, parent conference, teacher-student contract, conditional suspension, or better choices sheet
School Wide Discipline Policy • Level D • Behaviors:major disrespect, possession of weapons, fighting, stealing, inappropriate touching, bullying, leaving school ground • Consequences:referral to the principal, calling parent, administrator time-out and student conference, parent conference, administrator-student contact, conditional suspension, or out of school suspension
Positive Reinforcement • Ms. Beil – Behavior Awards/Treasure Chest/Class Behavior Link • Mrs. Ditto - Behavior Awards/Treasure Chest/Class Behavior Link • Ms. Foley – Behavior Awards/Treasure Chest/Class Behavior Link • Mrs. Varela – Behavior Awards/Treasure Chest/Class Behavior Link
Whisker’s Wahoo! • Reward on Fridays for those students who earned necessary points • Rewards include movie and popcorn, extra recess, games, tasty treats, crafts, etc…
Student Planner/Agenda • Means of communication between home and school • Students are responsible for bringing their planners DAILY! If they are not brought to school signed, it is marked as being unprepared for class and disciplinary action may follow (automatic point deduction).
Parent/Homework Folder • Ms. Beil – Most information will go home in the planner • Mrs. Ditto – Folder goes home nightly (left side homework and anything that needs to be signed and returned, right side information for parents to keep at home) • Ms. Foley – • Mrs. Varela -
Uniforms • Mandatory dress code for all students • White or maroon collared, sleeved polo-style shirt or blouse • Khaki or navy pant, short, skirt, or jumper • No flip flops • Shoes must be securely fastened to the feet and suitable for outdoor PE classes • Spirit t-shirts are worn on Friday!
Reading- Sunshine State Standards The Reading Process Phonological Awareness, phonemic awareness, phonics/word analysis, vocabulary development, reading comprehension
Phonological Awareness Phonological awareness is the knowledge that words are made up of individual sounds.
Phonemic Awareness • Phonemic Awareness: The ability to hear and manipulate sounds in words. Phonemic awareness is not phonics. Phonemic awareness is auditory and does not involve words in print
Phonics/ Word Analysis Phonics- refers to a instructional design for teaching children to read. Phonics involves teaching children to connect sounds with letters or groups of letters. Word Analysis- or "decoding." It is the process of using the written patterns of speech to figure out unfamiliar words.
Vocabulary DevelopmentOral and Print Oral vocabulary refers to words that are used in speaking or recognized when listening. Print vocabulary is synonymous with reading vocabulary and refers to words we recognize and use in print.
Reading Comprehension • Reading comprehension is understanding a text that is read, or the process of "constructing meaning" from a text.
Websites for Parents • Reading is Fundamental www.rif.org • Starfall www.starfall.com • Carl’s Corner www.carlscorner.us • Teach a child to read www.suceedtoread.com
Enrichment Cluster “Electives” Gifted Talented Development Academy Thursdays 1:25pm-2:25pm Gardening Dance and Movement Spanish Reader’s Theater
CIM 15 Minute Session in the Mornings 8:20-8:35am 30 Minute Session in the Afternoon 1:55-2:25pm (Don’t be late, don’t leave early!) Weekly tests administered on Friday!
SCIENCE • Processes of Life • Growth, adaptations, grouping, habitats • How Living Things Interact with the Environment • Living/Nonliving, Food chains, Oxygen production, survival needs • Earth and Space • What it is composed of, how to take care of it, different materials • Processes that shape the Earth • Night sky/Day sky, Phases of the moon,
SCIENCE • The Nature of Matter • Classifying, States of matter • Force and Motion • Relative speed of an object, momentum, vibrations • Energy • Solar energy, Human energy • The Nature of Science • Investigating, cooperative learning, recording data, scientific process, predictions