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INTEGRATION OF AMTSL IN SENEGAL. Rodio Diallo – IntraHealth Daren Trudeau – IntraHealth Martha Carlough – IntraHealth Saumya RamaRao – Population Council Babacar Mane – Population Council. TIMELINE AMTSL = GATPA - Gestion active de la troisième période de l'accouchement . 2007. 2008.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. INTEGRATION OF AMTSL IN SENEGAL Rodio Diallo – IntraHealth Daren Trudeau – IntraHealth Martha Carlough – IntraHealth Saumya RamaRao – Population Council Babacar Mane – Population Council

  2. TIMELINE AMTSL = GATPA - Gestion active de la troisième période de l'accouchement 2007 2008 2009 Training of Regional and district supervisors as well as midwives to use new HMIS tools Regional trainers and providers Trained on AMTSL GATPA training integrated into essential newborn care curriculum Training of providers on new HMIS tools Support to SNIS to reproduce new HMIS tools Collection and review of data on a quarterly basis Support was provided to DSR and SNIS to organize a workshop to review and harmonize the list of RH indicators (and add AMTSL and ENC) DSR validates new curriculum Support was provided to DSR and SNIS to review existing RH reporting tools, develop the required indicators and provide TA on data quality

  3. AMSTL in Senegal: Achievements *Health posts and centers in MNCH/FP regions: Louga, Thiès, Kaolack ,Kolda, Ziguinchor **Estimate is based on 9% incidence and reduced RR=0.38 with AMSTL

  4. Number of women receiving Active Management of the Third Stage of Labor Year 3 data represents half the year

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