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a. to assess an unconscious person b. how to perform CPR on an adult c. how to perform CPR on a child d. how to perform CPR on a baby e. how to treat a big bleed f. how to recognise and treat clinical shock. Learning objectives. You will learn:. Introduction.
a. to assess an unconscious person b. how to perform CPR on an adult c. how to perform CPR on a child d. how to perform CPR on a baby e. how to treat a big bleed f. how to recognise and treat clinical shock. Learning objectives You will learn:
Introduction The lungs carry oxygen into the blood when you breathe. The heart pumps the blood to every part of the body.Every part of the body needs oxygen. Without it, the body dies. If someone’s breathing stops…. …or if someone’s heart stops beating… …no oxygen gets through. That person is in big trouble. Could you save them?
What was the right thing to do? Click here to see. a. to assess an unconscious person Jasmine’s story “Me and my mates were in the park when this jogger collapsed. He was running along one moment and the next he was lying on the ground…” > check for danger > try to get a response > open the airway > check for breathing
a. to assess an unconscious person Jasmine’s story “It was a scary situation. But I just concentrated on doing the right thing and that kept me calm…” “It seemed safe enough and I was with my mates. I tried shaking the man’s shoulders and spoke to him, but got no reaction so I knew he was unconscious, so we shouted for help. I tilted his head back and lifted his chin to open the airway so I could check to see if he was breathing…”
b. how to perform CPR on an adult If someone is not breathing, you have to act fast! And stay calm… Call 999 for an ambulance. Then, it’s time for CPR…. He’s not breathing! Stay calm…
b. how to perform CPR on an adult Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation – CPR for short. It sounds complicated - but it’s not that tricky. You press on someone’s chest and breathe into someone’s mouth to keep them alive. The chest compressions do the job of the heart – pushing blood around the body, the breathing gets oxygen into their lungs.
b. how to perform CPR on an adult CPR – How do I do it? Call 999 before you start! This video clip shows you more! 30 chest compressions 2 rescue breaths
c. how to perform CPR on a child If a child is unconscious you have to be more gentle. Tap shoulders gently to try to get a response. This video shows you more!
d. how to perform CPR on a baby If a baby stops breathing, you have to be a lot more gentle. This video clip shows you what to do.
e. how to treat a big bleed If someone is losing a lot of blood, you need to act. Blood carries oxygen to every body part – without it the body dies. Adults each have about 6 litres of blood. If an adult loses more than 1.5 litres, his or her life is in danger. Children have much less blood, so it’s even more important to act quickly. ? ? ?
e. how to treat a big bleed “I dropped a glass and cut my arm really badly clearing it up. There was so much blood! It was all over the kitchen floor. I started to panic, but my girlfriend was there and she knew what to do…”
e. how to treat a big bleed When you can see a lot ofblood, you have toact fast… Click on the button to see what to do. How do you treat a big bleed? To answer this question… > Watch the video clip.
e. how to treat a big bleed How do you treat a big bleed? 1. Press on the wound 2. Raise the wound above heart level 3. Bandage the wound 4. Call 999 for an ambulance.
e. how to treat a big bleed Do you know how to treat a deep wound to the arm? Put the pictures in the right order… The right order is: H D B G E A C F Click for answers
f. how to recognise and treat clinical shock If you lose too much blood, you go intoshock.This is not the kind of shock you get at a sudden surprise. This is clinical shock, where your body starts to shut down… Vital organs like the heart, lungs and brain cannot get enough oxygen from the blood that is left. They start to pack up. You have toact fast. Left untreated,shock can kill.
f. how to recognise and treat clinical shock pale, cold clammy skin fast, shallow breathing feels like throwing up how to spot shock thirst restlessness blueness around lips or ear lobes feels weak and dizzy
f. how to recognise and treat clinical shock Internal bleeding can also lead to shock. Both problems are caused by a lack of blood flowing to the vital organs. So you deal with both problems in the same way…
f. how to recognise and treat clinical shock I’ll keep talking to her and checking her breathing until the ambulance comes. >Treat any bigbleeds. >Help casualty tolie down. >Raisecasualty’slegsabove heart level, so the blood runs to the vital organs where it is most needed. >Loosencasualty’s clothing. >Call 999for an ambulance. >Keep casualtywarm–lie them on a blanket or coat and cover them with another one. >Do notlet casualtyeat,drinkorsmoke. Activity notes
Plenary The main points again… > check for danger > try to get a response > open the airway > check for breathing > give chest compressions. Remember it all like this….
Plenary • Big bleed • > Press on the wound. • > Raise it above heart level. • > Bandage the wound. • Shock • > Lie casualty down. • > Raise casualty’s feet above heart level. • > Keep casualty warm. Call 999 as soon as you can
Find out more You’ve now completed this lesson about first aid basics. Test your knowledge in our interactive quiz or find out more with one of these activities… Read a CPR flowchart. Draw a set of pictures for it. “Lee stumbled towards me, blood trickling down his arm…” Finish the story. Interactive quiz
> Work in threes to act out an emergency situation. • >In your groups of three decide who will be: • the casualty of an accident who has a deep cut to the left arm. • the role of first-aider. • the operator at ambulance control. • >What questions would the operator ask the first-aider? e.g. “Can you see anything inside the wound?”. • >What advice would the operator give? e.g. “Press on the wound and raise the arm above heart level.” • >When the wound has been treated, the casualty goes into shock. • >What would the first-aider see and describe? What would the operator advise them to do? Back to presentation