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Splash Incorporated

Splash Incorporated. Partnership between: Giveline Bel, Dominique Dames, Jasmine Hepburn, Bidje Racine, Myron Spence, Olna Therlonge. What is Splash Inc.?. We are a customizing/decorative business What do we customize? Shirts Cell phone cases Folders Jewelry Flower crowns

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Splash Incorporated

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Splash Incorporated Partnership between: Giveline Bel, Dominique Dames, Jasmine Hepburn, Bidje Racine, Myron Spence, OlnaTherlonge

  2. What is Splash Inc.? • We are a customizing/decorative business • What do we customize? • Shirts • Cell phone cases • Folders • Jewelry • Flower crowns In addition: we customize in purple and gold to show school spirit.

  3. Target • Our company targets everyone • Elementary school students and parents • Middle school students and parents • High school students and parents • Staff and administration • Church Members

  4. Business Format Monday – music suite Tuesday – music suite Wednesday – foyer and courtyard Thursday – courtyard Friday – music suite, foyer, and courtyard • Orders will be taken via order sheet. A signature and nonrefundable down payment will be necessary for the item ordered. Items will be delivered between 3-5 business days.

  5. Reasons • Unify the school and church • Show school spirit • Fund for senior trip • Expression

  6. Philosophy & Motto Splash Inc., is a small business trying to build it's way to the top with creativity and diversity. We give people a new sense of style with school spirit. Not only will we be reaching out to the people of the school, and to the people of the community, but also the church, so that we may come together as one to make a united environment. Splash Inc. "To design with you in mind"

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