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Early Childhood Music Education. Express Class, S ummer 2013 Annina Rintakumpu. BASIC IDEA. WHAT IS IT ALL ABOUT? - General music education usually for young children MORE SPECIFICALLY? Different music playgroups : 1) family groups ( kids aged 0-2 )
EarlyChildhood Music Education Express Class, Summer 2013 Annina Rintakumpu
BASIC IDEA WHAT IS IT ALL ABOUT? - General music educationusually for youngchildren MORE SPECIFICALLY? • Different music playgroups: 1) familygroups (kidsaged 0-2) 2) ”basic”playgroups (kidsaged3-6) 3) instrumentalgroups (kidsaged5-8) 4) instrumentaltraining (kidsaged5-8) 5) basicsof music and music theory 6) playgroups for children with specialneeds 7) artsintegrationgroups 8) mamagroups (pregnantwomen) 9) senior groups
WHEN? • once a week in the morning, afternoon or evening • a lesson lasts from 30 to 90 minutes depending on the group WHERE? • Music schools (music institutes and conservatories) • Evangelical Lutheran Parishes • The Mannerheim League for Child Welfare (MLL) • Adult Education Centers
HOW THE LEARNING HAPPENS? • Learning bydoing • Using Creativity • Experientiallearning • Activatingprocess TEACHING METHODS? • Singing and rhyming • Playing instruments • Moving and feeling the rhythm • Listening to music These methods are used to teach each age group the basic elements of music: dynamics, timbre, rhythm, tempo, melody, form, and harmony
Onlysinging and playing games? • Is earlychildhood music educationonly for fun? • Is earlychildhood music teacher just a lady to takecare of the children(babysitter!) whenparentswantsomefreetime?
GOALS • Supportthe development of a child’spersonality and self-expression • Support the children’s cognitive, emotional, motor, and social development • Strengthen the bond between parent and baby (familygroups)
Learn basic musical skills • Introduce the children to the basics of solmisation and musical notation • Arouse a life-long love of music
WHAT SAYS BRAIN RESEARCH? • There’s a lot of evidence and researchresultsthatprove the benefits of earlychildhood music education • Music getsthe childinvolved in the process of learning • Music activitiesprepare the brain for moredifficulttasksbypreparing the brain to work with bothhemispheres • Music trainingaffectsbraindevelopment in youngchildren • Each component of music affects a differentpart of the brain • Activating the wholebrainensuresbetterretention (=muistissa säilyttäminen) • Ability to keep a steady beat is in connection with linguisticdevelopment • Music and movementcanbeused to enchancememoryskills, retention and languagedevelopment • Crossing the mid-sectionbycross-lateralmovement – necessary for reading and writing
SomeExamples.. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTu54qphai8Early Childhood Music Education.pptx • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RuNikA8Twg