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Hatc Njaaux Jiu Baang Jauv Church Discipline. Matv^taai 18:15-17 Matthew 18:15-17. Sin nyei M’nqorngv gorngv. The Head of the Body Says:.
Hatc Njaaux Jiu Baang Jauv Church Discipline Matv^taai 18:15-17 Matthew 18:15-17
Sin nyei M’nqorngv gorngv. The Head of the Body Says: • Matv^taai 18:15 "Se gorngv meih nyei gorx-youz zoux dorngc meih, meih ganh oix zuqc mingh lorz ninh, bingx jienv mbuox ninh, ninh zoux dorngc nyei sic. Se gorngv ninh muangx meih nyei waac nor, meih ziouc duqv ninh aengx zoux gorx-youz. • Matthew 18:15 “Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.
Matv^taai 18:16 “Mv baac se gorngv ninh maiv muangx, meih ziouc oix zuqc lorz jienv yietc dauh fai i dauh caux meih mingh tengx muangx waac ziouc haih zorqv joux-joux waac zoux zorng-zengx.” • Matthew 18:16 “But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.
Matv^taai 18:17 “Se gorngv wuov dauh corc maiv muangx ninh mbuo nor, oix zuqc zorqv naaiv deix sic mbuox nzengc jiu-baang. Ninh corc maiv kangv muangx jiu-baang nor, oix zuqc funx ninh se hnangv maiv sienx nyei mienh fai tengx Lomaa hungh jaa siou nzou nyei mienh.” • Matthew 18:17 “And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.”
Our attitude toward members of the Body • E^fe^so 4:32 “Daaux nzuonx, laanh oix zuqc zoux longx bun laanh, laanh korv-lienh laanh, yaac oix zuqc guangc laanh zoux dorngc laanh nyei sic hnangv Tin-Hungh longc Giduc guangc meih mbuo nyei zuiz wuov nor.” • Ephesians 4:32 “And be kind to one another, compassionate, forgiving one another just as God has forgiven you in Christ.”
General New Testament commands for dealing with a Member in Error. • Meih duqv hoqc hiuv taux meih nyei doic zanc-zanc zoux sic ziqc zuiz meih, meih oix zuqc hnangv haaix nor zoux? • You learn of a member who is reported to be erring or has sinned against you what do you do?
“Meih ganh oix zuqc mingh lorz ninh, bingx jienv mbuox ninh, ninh zoux dorngc nyei sic.” • “Go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone.”
Se gorngv meih nyei gorx-youz bungx ndortv meih caux ninh mbuo nyei waac maiv muangx nor, meih oi zuqc hnangv haaix nor zoux? If the Brother Fails to hear you and them, what shall we do? • Sin nyei m’nqorngv gorngv. The Head of the Body says; • Matv^taai18:17 “Se gorngv wuov dauh corc maiv muangx ninh mbuo nor, oix zuqc zorqv naaiv deix sic mbuox nzengc jiu-baang. Ninh corc maiv kangv muangx jiu-baang nor, oix zuqc funx ninh se hnangv maiv sienx nyei mienh fai tengx Lomaa hungh jaa siou nzou nyei mienh.” • Mattew 18:17 “And if he refuse to hear them, tell it unto the church: and if he refuse to hear the church also, let him be unto thee as the Gentile and the publican.”
1 Ti^mo^tai 6:5 “Naaiv nyungc mienh zanc-zanc nzaeng nyinh cox nyouz, weic zuqc ninh mbuo waaic haic, zien leiz maiv yiem ninh mbuo nyei hnyouv. Ninh mbuo laaic gan Tin-Hungh se bun mienh maaih jauv butv zoih.” Haaix norm Jiu baang maaih naaiv nyungc mienh norm jiu baang maiv njien-youh orn-lorqc nyei jauv, weic zuqc naaiv nyungc mienh haaix zanc yaac bun jiu baang maaih maiv horpc fim nyei jauv. • 1Timothy 6:5 “And conflict between people whose corrupt minds have been robbed of the truth. They think that a godly life is a way to make a profit.
2 Ti^saa^lo^ni^gaa 3:6 “Zuangx gorx-youz aac, yie mbuo dengv Ziouv Yesu Giduc nyei mbuox hatc meih mbuo, haaix dauh gorx-youz lueic haic, maiv oix zoux gong yaac maiv gan yie mbuo njaaux jiex meih mbuo wuov deix waac, meih mbuo oix zuqc simv nqoi.” • 2 Thessalonians 3:6 “Brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ we order you not to associate with any believer who doesn't live a disciplined life and doesn't follow the tradition you received from us.”
Passage of Warning 17 Lomaa 16:17 “Gorx-youz aac, yie tov! meih mbuo mbungh jienv dongh nduov mienh bun nqoi wuov deix mienh. Ninh mbuo oix nduov meih mbuo sienx dorngc, maiv doix meih mbuo hoqc jiex nyei leiz. Oix zuqc simv nqoi ninh mbuo.” • Romans 16:17 “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.”
Setv Mueiz Waac - Conclusion • Maiv gunv yiem haaix nyungc zoux dorngc nyei sic yaac zeiz. No matter what the instance of fault may be; • Maiv gunv ndongc haaix hlo fai faix yaac zeiz. No matter how great or small the situation may seem; • Ei jienv Njoux Ziouv nyei jauv nor, mbuo ziouc maiv haih dorngc aqv. Follow the teaching of the Savior and we can not be wrong! • Jangx jienv Matv^taai 18:15-18 tengx mbuo maiv zoux mun mbuo hnamv nyei doic. Remember Matt 18:15-18 and use it to keep ourselves and our loved ones from harm.