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Old Testament Survey - Genesis, Pre-Abraham. Sound Baptist Bible College Fall 2002 Lesson Two Chapters 1-11. Old Testament Survey - Genesis, Pre-Abraham. I. THE CREATION Chapters 1-2 A. A literal God
Old Testament Survey - Genesis, Pre-Abraham Sound Baptist Bible College Fall 2002 Lesson Two Chapters 1-11
Old Testament Survey - Genesis, Pre-Abraham I. THE CREATION Chapters 1-2 A. A literal God The Bible begins right where it ought to begin, with the fact of the literal and true God. This is also where we ought to live our lives. Ø The first thought of every morning Ø The first prayer for every decision Ø The first concern for every testimony
Old Testament Survey - Genesis, Pre-Abraham I. THE CREATION Chapters 1-2 B. A literal Creation The God that is has created all that is. Ø We are His creation Ø We are His property Ø We are His lovely’s If the heavens declare His glory how much more should we?
Old Testament Survey - Genesis, Pre-Abraham I. THE CREATION Chapters 1-2 C. In seven literal days This is a testimony of the reliability of the Word of God. We have to make a decision right from the beginning of the Bible. Do we believe the Bible or not? If any portion of the Bible is trustworthy and helpful to us, then is trustworthy and reliable to us. Let’s believe the first words of the Bible and Let’s believe in every word of the Bible.
Old Testament Survey - Genesis, Pre-Abraham II. THE CRISIS Chapter 3 A. God’s Command Gen 2:16-17 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. (KJV) God had given Adam and Eve only one command.
Old Testament Survey - Genesis, Pre-Abraham II. THE CRISIS Chapter 3 Through the Word of God we find more and more commands but they all boil down to just two: Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart Love thy neighbor as thyself Matt 22:37-40 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. (KJV)
Old Testament Survey - Genesis, Pre-Abraham II. THE CRISIS Chapter 3 B. Satan’s Temptations Satan’s temptation came to Adam and Eve in two areas: 1. He attacked them in the one command God had given them. Expect Satan’s attacks to be in the area of God’s commands in your life. Ø He will try to keep you from obeying those commands Ø He will try to prevent you from understanding those commands Ø He will attempt to make you anxious against God’s commands 2. He attacked them by separating them Ø Satan tempted Eve, not Adam Ø Satan tempted Eve when she was away from Adam
Old Testament Survey - Genesis, Pre-Abraham II. THE CRISIS Chapter 3 C. Eve’s Failure Satan’s attacks upon Eve are all summarized in1 John 2:16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. (KJV) Gen 3:6 And when the woman saw that the tree was Good for food, (lust of the flesh) and that it was Pleasant to the eyes, (lust of the eyes) and a tree to be Desired to make one wise, (pride of life) she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. (KJV)
Old Testament Survey - Genesis, Pre-Abraham III. THE PROCREATION Chapter 4-5 A. After their image No longer would mankind be reproduced after the image of God, but after fallen man. We love it when our children look like us. We ought to want them to look instead, like the Lord.
Old Testament Survey - Genesis, Pre-Abraham III. THE PROCREATION Chapter 4-5 B. After their tendencies Some of those good Some not so good. C. After their sins What we do in moderation our children do to excess.
Old Testament Survey - Genesis, Pre-Abraham IV. THE CONDEMNATION Chapter 6 A. Sons of God and Daughters of men Two major views: 1. Softened view: Sons of God are the godly line of Seth and the Daughters of men are the ungodly line of Cain. 2. Literal view: Daughters of men are just that, Sons of God are fallen angels. Job 1:6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them. (KJV)
Old Testament Survey - Genesis, Pre-Abraham IV. THE CONDEMNATION Chapter 6 B. Imaginations only evil 1. Evil toward God Toward proper worship Toward obedience 2. Evil toward mankind Violent toward one another Vile toward one another
Old Testament Survey - Genesis, Pre-Abraham IV. THE CONDEMNATION Chapter 6 C. God repents for making man This language does not imply any passion or uneasiness in God (nothing can create disturbance to the Eternal Mind), but it expresses his just and holy displeasure against sin and sinners, against sin as odious to his holiness and against sinners as obnoxious to his justice. Power Bible CD, John Wesley’s Notes, Genesis 6:6
Old Testament Survey - Genesis, Pre-Abraham V. THE CONSERVATION Chapter 7-8 A. Noah finds grace In every age there are those whom the Lord anoints to get out the plan of salvation. Grace is simply God being good to the undeserving. Noah did not deserve God’s grace. God simply showed it to him. Likewise you do not deserve His grace. So you ought to thank Him for it!
Old Testament Survey - Genesis, Pre-Abraham V. THE CONSERVATION Chapter 7-8 B. God gives warning He did this in Noah’s day He did it in Lot’s day He did it in Jonah’s day He is doing it today
Old Testament Survey - Genesis, Pre-Abraham V. THE CONSERVATION Chapter 7-8 C. Ark provides shelter A picture of salvation in Jesus Ø It endured the judgment so others would not have to Ø All those inside were safe While they were safe from the Flood, they did go through the Flood
Old Testament Survey - Genesis, Pre-Abraham VI. THE COVENANT Chapter 9 A. No fear of a future Flood The covenant As long as the earth remains there will be regular seasons providing the necessary cycles of life to sustain man (God does hint that the earth will not exist forever. Though never again destroyed with a worldwide Flood, the earth will dissolve in fire in the future.
Old Testament Survey - Genesis, Pre-Abraham VI. THE COVENANT Chapter 9 B. No fear of animals At this point God placed a fear of man upon the beasts so they would not harm mankind. This is also when man began to eat animals. C. No fear of man Government
Old Testament Survey - Genesis, Pre-Abraham VII. THE CONFUSION Chapters 10-11 A. Sin rises once again Not until the Thousand-year reign of Christ and the Great White Throne Judgment is finished will man be free of the sin nature introduced by Adam and Eve in the Garden.
Old Testament Survey - Genesis, Pre-Abraham VII. THE CONFUSION Chapters 10-11 B. Man assumes a false worship The Tower of Babel is an effort to reach heaven through man-made means. C. God causes confusion of languages A one-world religion and one-world government leads only to rebellion against the one true God.