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Join the Women's March Durango on January 19, 2019, and participate in the Indivisible Durango General Meeting on January 26, 2019. Get updates on local elections, committee achievements, and priorities for the coming year. Topics include government processes, women's rights, gun safety, and immigration.
AGENDA • Announcements of local elections / candidates • Brief presentations by the 10 Issues based ID committees on key achievements and priorities for the coming year • Opportunity for ID members to participate in supporting committee identified issues and providing recommendations
GOVERNMENT PROCESSES COMMITTEE QUESTION: What state had the first US House of Representatives election decided by Ranked Choice Voting? ANSWER: Maine, in 2018. Representative Democrat Jared Golden
GOVERNMENT PROCESSES PRIORITIES Local involvement - Ranked Choice ("Instant Run-off") Voting State Legislative & Sec State engagement (great opportunities this year!) 3. The For the People Act of 2019
WOMEN’S RIGHTS COMMITTEE The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) is a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution designed to guarantee equal legal rights for all American citizens regardless of sex; it seeks to end the legal distinctions between men and women in terms of divorce, property, employment, and other matters. EQUAL RIGHTS AMMENDMENT 1972 QUESTION: HOW MANY STATES ARE NEEDED TO APPROVE THE EQUAL RIGHTS AMMENDMENT? ANSWER: 38
Women’s Rights Achievements #MeToo March Two Showings of “Equal Means Equal” Film
Women’s Rights Priorities Continue to support ratification of the Equal Rights Ammendment Collaborate with Planned Parenthood Meeting soon to discuss new priorities
GUN SAFETY COMMITTEE QUESTION: How many children visit the ER annually for firearm injuries or deaths? ANSWER: 20,000 50% of these children are discharged with a permanent disability
GUN SAFETY COMMITTEE (IN COLLABORATION WITH • MOMS DEMAND ACTION) ACHIEVEMENTS 2018 • Added 135 members during 2018 for a total membership of 201 members 2018 MARCH FOR OUR LIVES, planned in conjunction with Durango High School students, drew about 1,300 participants here in Durango (largest non-Denver turnout in Colorado) • Applied for and obtained a $5,000 grant from Everytown for Gun Safety to help with expenses of the March and future activities related to gun safety; incorporated a 501(c)(4) to hold funds • 2018 WEAR ORANGE RALLY – 2nd Annual Rally at Buckley Park where members of the community are invited to come together to honor victims and survivors of gun violence and work for a safer future for our community • Obtained City of Durango Proclamation of Durango Gun Violence Awareness Days in June
Canvassing in October and November for Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidates • Writing Letters to Editors on gun safety issues • Contacting legislators via CTA’s to urge passage of gun sense legislation such as Red Flag laws • Collaboration with San Juan Basin Public Health Department on Suicide Prevention Issues • PRIDE Festival presence & tabling • BeSMART for Kids presentations to local PTA’s and community organizations
GUN SAFETY COMMITTEE (IN COLLABORATION WITH • MOMS DEMAND ACTION) PRIORITIES 2018 • March for our Lives– March 23 • Wear Orange 2019 – June 7-9 • Pride Festival – June 23 • Continue to coordinate activities with local and national groups • Continue educating the community about BeSMART for Kids • S – Secure guns in homes and vehicles • M – Model responsible behavior • A – Ask about unsecured guns in other homes • R – Recognize the risks of teen suicide • T – Tell your peers to Be SMART
IMMIGRATION COMMITTEE QUESTION: What LEGAL? rights does an immigrant, documented or undocumented, have when they step into the U.S.? ANSWER:
IMMIGRATION COMMITTEE UPCOMING PRIORITIES2019 • Collaboration. Continue to collaborate with community groups working on immigration issues including Compañeros, Rosa Belongs Here, U.U., Latinx at FLC, CIRC, The Friends, etc. • Legislation. Keep abreast of immigration legislation and specifically work to get the DMV in Durango eligible to issue drivers licenses for undocumented workers. Apparently this is being worked on my B. McLaughlin and new Gov. Polis is supporting it. • Education. Provide community groups with education on immigration issues—starting with the next INDIVISIBLE general meeting!
ENVIRONMENT-CLIMATE COMMITTEE QUESTION: How many times has Scott Pruitt sued the EPA (as of January 2017) ANSWER: 13 times
ENVIRONMENT/CLIMATE COMMITTEE ACCOMPLISHMENTS2018 • Supporter of the 2018 Climate March • Supporter of many films shown locally re climate (educate the public and raise awareness of the climate change issue) • LPEA elections - supported progressive candidates and were successful in electing more progressive candidates tot he LPEA Board - so now progressive candidates have a majority. • Did numerous CTAs on various environmental issues including the Methane Rule. and About Pruitt's ethics (or lack thereof)- Pruitt resigned!! (big success) • Supporter of the FLC Sustainability Summit.
ENVIRONMENT/CLIMATE COMMITTEE UPCOMING PRIORITIES2019 • Plastics - reduce plastic bag use in Durango and educate people re proper plastic bag recycling • Climate March - late March • Local elections- identify candidates for LPEA Board and City Council who are pro-environment and pro-renewable energy and sustainability and work to support and elect those candidates • We will continue to do CTAs re environmental issues and work on state to advocate for pro-environment legislationSupporter of the FLC Sustainability Summit
PUBLIC LANDS COMMITTEE QUESTION: Who was this LION of enlightened conservation principles? Presidents of the United States have not always been hostile to public lands. One, in fact, famously said that public lands represent, “the breathing space of the nation.” This president---arguably---did more than any other to preserve the qualities of life we cherish and which flourish on our public lands. This president created through Executive Order, the Environmental Protection Agency. He signed the Clean Air Act, the Marine Mammal Protection Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, and the Endangered Species Act. ANSWER: PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON
PUBLICLANDS COMMITTEEACCOMPLISHMENTS 2018 • Simply staying alive as a Committee despite the dispiriting political environment that shuts out public participation in public lands management. • Attended Public Scoping Meetings on Bears Ears Monument Management Plan in Bluff and Blanding, Utah, and reported to Committee. • Provided Committee members with Calls tofeaturinga breakdown of proposed Bears Ears MMP and talking points for public comment. • Co-hosted workshop on how to write more effective public comments on public lands management proposals. • Hosted author Jonathan Thompson to talk with Public Lands Committee about his book on the Gold King mine spill, “River of Lost Souls”. • Attended Durango Wolf Symposium to show support for wolf reintroduction on Colorado Western Slope public lands.
PUBLICLANDSCOMMITTEEPRIORITESFOR2019 • Stay informed and engaged---to whatever degree possible---on National public lands issues, particularly regarding developments of the management plans and legal challenges to Bears Ears and Grand Staircase/Escalante national monuments. • Develop a focus on State of Colorado public lands-related conservation issues. Work in closer collaboration with local conservation organizations to make Colorado a national standard bearer for valuing and protecting public lands and public resources such as clean air and clean water. Stay in contact with our State representatives to encourage their support and thank them when they stand up to do so. • Focus on federal public lands issues specifically affecting the greater Durango area where there is a better political environment for affecting policy.
QUESTION 1: How many $B will [total] households with incomes over $1 million/year gain from the Republican-Trump Tax Cut? ANSWER: 37 Billion INCOME, TAXES, & YOUR MONEY
QUESTION 2: What is the estimated federal budget deficit at the end of 2018? ANSWER: 898 Billion INCOME, TAXES, & YOUR MONEY
Income, Taxes & YOUR Money “Money’s not everything, but it’s way ahead of whatever comes in second.” History Teacher
Sept 2017: Trump’s Proposed Budget –Presentation to Indivisible General Mtg Nov 2017: Tax Scam Protest outside of Senator Gardner’s BODO office Calls To Action on budget bills affecting: Health Care/Family Plang, Soc Security, Energy/Environment, Banking Regs, Net Neutrality and Campaign Financing City of Durango Budget Discussions Met with John Whitney of Sen. Bennet’s office Our Accomplishments
Trump’s proposed budget priorities • Defense budget - $30B (10%) increase • while cutting the State Dept (diplomacy/aid) 31% • Immigration control, deportation/detention • “The Wall” – (various sources est. btwn $12-30B) • Tax cuts for the wealthiest corporations & families • Are these your priorities?
Human Services • Medicaid: cut $800B (17%) cut • Medicaid budget reduces expensive E.R. visits & saves lives: some hospitals refuse patients without insurance • Social Security Disability: $72B cut • SNAP (food stamps) cut 29% • CDGB grants: CO would lose $34M for Meals on Wheels, Senior Center funding • Job training: Workforce Investment Opportunity Act cuts
Tax Scam Protest to Senator Gardner Tax Scam Protest to Sen. Gardner
Continue tracking legislation that affects our budgets and lifestyles, produce CTAs. • As Budget tightens, watch for cuts to Social Services, Environment and Energy Programs • Continue Liason with “Thrive” (Livable Wage for local workers) Our Goals for 2019
Government Shutdown • Tax cuts (1st and 2nd) What are the broader purposes or effects of
What are YOUR (personal and committees) purposes/priorities? • Will they experience budget cuts? • Will they be helped or harmed if the monied interests, the 1%, and the “malefactors of great wealth” (Roosevelt) • Gain more political and financial power? What are YOUR budget priorities for the US Fed Government?
Defense spending = OK • Bank Bailouts = OK • Tax cuts which increase deficit= very OK • Increased Banking risks = OK • Health Care = NOT OK What’s OK, What’s not OK under our current leadership?
Full law enforcement/justice support for voting rights = not • OK • Lie, Cheat, and Create obstacles = OK • Protect us from polluted water/air = not OK • Protect us from Climate Change = not OK • Tax breaks to those who further endanger us = OK What’s OK/Not OK, cont’d
Can a hollowed out government deliver the things you want, need and care about? (even if we prevail in 2020?) TO CONSIDER
“Our country is at a critical junction. With our national debt now over $20 trillion, the federal government cannot continue to spend money it doesn’t have.” Rep. Scott Tipton’s website, https://tipton.house.gov/issues/budget To Consider
Denver Post Article: “Colorado’s Cory Gardner breaks ranks with Senate Republicans, calls for end to government shutdown Maine’s Susan Collins also breaks ranks with GOP to oppose requiring border wall money” We know how to deliver the heat!
HEALTH CARE & SENIORS COMMITTEE • QUESTION: Who is the most revered individual in Canada? ANSWER: See Film – FIX IT
Durango Indivisible Health Care and Seniors Issues Committee 2018-2019 Current co-chairs - Sherrod Beall, Philip Riffe
1. Monthly Meetings (9) – except for June, July, and August 2. Monitored Colorado and US health care bills regarding universal healthcare 3. Developed Candidate liaisons – informing local candidates running for office about health care issues 4. Canvassed for candidates who support universal health care 5. Connected with other organizations advocating for universal healthcare What have we done in the past year?
6.Youtube Presentation – How We Pay for Healthcare in the US. https://youtube/7wvWHF35t58 First developed live, then made into a film 7. Presented workshop on Health Advocacy Training – partnered with Healthier Colorado for an evening presentation What have we done in the past year?
7. Attended local trainings 8 . Universal Health Coverage Day event – 12/12/18. Film (FIXIT) and dialogue at the library about people’s experiences with the healthcare system and how they are impacted by affordable health care. Received $300 grant from GHS And More…….
1. Educating the public about Universal Healthcare 2. Monitoring current health care bills • Medicare for All Bill – PramilaJayapal Wash (D) • Health Care Cost Analysis Act – Emily Sirota 3. Advocating for decrease in rural health insurance premiums in Colorado and Universal Healthcare through partnerships, participation in local events, contacting legislators Top Priorities
Film – FIX IT – Healthcare at the Tipping Point. Documentary with an in-depth look into how our dysfunctional healthcare system is damaging our economy, suffocating businesses, discouraging physicians, negatively impacting the nation’s health while remaining unaffordable to all citizens. https://fixithealthcare.com Who is the most revered individual in Canada? Letter to sign - we want to get as many signatures as possible on this letter about high cost of health insurance premiums in La Plata County and send it to Governor Polis, Lt Governor Primavera, Representative McLachlan, and Senator Don Coram. Film Clip and Letter