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Kennedy and Johnson Years. 1960-1968. John F Kennedy. Won Democratic Nomination in 1960 and defeated Nixon in 1960 presidential campaign Young energetic, charismatic, war hero Faced Huge national and world wide issues as president Civil rights issues Stagnate Economy World Wide Conflicts
Kennedy and Johnson Years 1960-1968
John F Kennedy • Won Democratic Nomination in 1960 and defeated Nixon in 1960 presidential campaign • Young energetic, charismatic, war hero • Faced Huge national and world wide issues as president • Civil rights issues • Stagnate Economy • World Wide Conflicts • Cold War
Cold War and Communism • Prior to JFKs Election Fidel Castro overthrew the Cuban government • Accepted soviet assistance • Nationalized American land • Communist supporter • The United States tried to work with them but Castro Refused
Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missile Crisis • Failed CIA mission to regain control of Cuba using Cuban Exiles and CIA Agents • Failed as they landed where there was no cover, and the attack happened on the night of a full moon • Of 1,400 people only 300 were not killed or captured • Soviets in Cuba Posed huge threat to US • Kennedy and Khrushchev had war or words • Kennedy blocks ports • US removed missiles in Turkey, USSR removed Missiles from Cuba.
Berlin Crisis • Khrushchev wanted to take control of west Berlin in a peace treaty • Had a peace meeting with Kennedy in an effort to get the treaty signed and hopefully relieve cold war tension • Kennedy refused to give up control and the meeting only increased tension • Khrushchev ordered construction of the Berlin Wall • Kennedy sent 1,500 Troops to Berlin and the US troops stood toe to toe with the Soviets.
Domestic Challenges John F Kennedy
Kennedy Style • Projected a Youthful leadership, charisma, and movie star like quality of leadership that people were drawn to • Surrounded himself with “the best and the brightest” • Cabinet was made up of best in business from across America • President of Ford became secretary of defense • President of Rockefeller Foundation became secretary of State
The New Frontier • Kennedys administration promised to blaze a new frontier • Plan to improve economy, education, healthcare, and civil rights • Planned to jump start the space program • “We stand today on the edge of a new frontier – the frontier of the 1960s – the frontier of unknown opportunities and perils- a frontier of unfulfilled hopes and threats”
Battle on Poverty • Kennedy was shocked by the level of poverty • Exposed in the book “The Other America” by Michael Harrington • Tried to push major legislation but congress wouldn’t pass most of it • Did manage to get an increase in minimum wage, an extension in Social Security Benefits, and improved welfare system • Created a commission to examine discrimination of women in workplace. • Tried to create equal pay for men and women with the Equal Pay Act • Required Equal Pay for Equal Work in production industries • Law had a bunch of loop holes but it was a step in the right direction.
Slow Economy • Kennedy believed that a better economy would improve other social problems the nation was facing • Kennedy proposed tax credits to help businesses hire more people • Increased military spending to increase military jobs • Accepted the idea of Deficit Spending to stimulate the economy • Borrowing money to spend more than you take in • Called for tax Cuts for middle class and increase taxes on wealthy • Kennedy Jumpstarted the Economy
Civil Rights • Kennedy was a big proponent of Civil Rights, but not right away • Narrowly won the election and had a congress that wasn’t in his favor • Didn’t want to anger white southern congressmen • By his 3rd year the Civil Rights Movement had heated up enough that Kennedy proposed the civil rights act
The Space Race • In 1957 the Soviet Union launched Sputnik I • Called in to Question the American technological advances • US Created NASA in 1958 but it was years behind the Soviets • Became a Race to the moon • A symbol of the two government styles • Became the battle to who had the most successful system • Heavily tied to the Cold War
US gets in the Race • May 1961 – Alan Sheppard Becomes first American to Make a space flight • Feb 1962- John Glen orbits the earth • John F Kennedy Commits the US to putting a man on the Moon by 1970 • Apollo Program created with goal to send men to the moon • Kennedy wouldn’t live to see the rest of the Apollo program
Rice University Speech • "Its hazards are hostile to us all. Its conquest deserves the best of all mankind, and its opportunity for peaceful cooperation may never come again. But why, some say, the moon? Why choose this as our goal? And they may well ask why climb the highest mountain? Why, 35 years ago, fly the Atlantic? Why does Rice play Texas? We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too.
The Space Race • Apollo 1 explodes on take off killing Roger Chaffee, Virgil Grissom, and Edward White • Apollo 11 in July of 1969 landed on the moon and Neil Armstrong left the Columbia capsule and became the first man to step on the moon • The space race ended with the moon landing and completing Kennedys goal • In 1998 an International Space Station was begun and today scientific study continues and the two countries work closely on the space station.
Assassination of President Kennedy • Kennedy was becoming a beloved president • Leading the nation in huge issues • Had a young and beautiful family in the white house • But not everyone was a huge fan • Lee Harvey Oswald • Soviet Defector, who was getting more and more frustrated with the leadership of this country as they pushed against the soviets and encouraged civil rights • A well trained sniper
Assassination of President Kennedy • John F Kennedy was traveling the country in preparation for re-election and to push civil rights. • Traveled with his wife to Dallas Texas in November 1963 • Motorcade was to travel the streets of Dallas • As it passed the Texas School Book Depository Lee Harvey Oswald fired 3 shots from the 6th floor window • The 3rd shot hit Kennedy in the Back of the Head
Assassination of John F Kennedy • Collapsed into the lap of Jacquelyn Kennedy who cradled his bloody head in her arms • The Secret Service raced the car to Parkland Memorial Hospital where they pronounced John F Kennedy dead about a half hour later • Lyndon B Johnson became the next president and was sworn into office
Conspiracy? • Many people had questions about the assassination of the president • Was it orchestrated by someone else? • Did shots come from somewhere else? • Was there multiple shooters? • Warren Commission • Conducted the investigation of the assassination determined that Oswald was a “Lone Killer” • Oswald never got to testify in court as he was killed by Jack Ruby.
Lyndon B Johnson • Southern Texan politician and former teacher • Elected to Congress in 1937 and grew to become on of the most powerful people in congress • Was instrumental in pushing the 1957 civil rights bill through congress • Wanted the presidential bid in 1960 but Kennedy beat him so he agreed to accept the bid of vice president • Was an Important part of Kennedy’s victory in securing southern votes.
Carrying on Kennedy’s Legacy • Wanted to reassure the nation • Immediately went to work on pushing Kennedy’s plans • Civil rights act of 1964 • Johnson declares a “War on Poverty” • Pushed legislation that would cost a billion dollars but would improve the life of the poor.
War on Poverty • Legislation would train the jobless, educated the uneducated, and provide healthcare for those in need. • 1964 Economic Opportunity Act • Created the Job Corps to train young men and women ages 16-21 in work skills they needed to get better jobs and get out of poverty • Established VISTA, Volunteers in Service to America, american version of peace corps. Served in poor areas • Urban centers and searching for improvement.
Johnson vsGoldwater • In 1964 the presidential race was up in the air • Johnson was chosen to run, though it was not a done deal because he was running for his first term as president • The Republicans chose Barry Goldwater • He wanted to reign in the federal government and restricting its power. • Johnson would win in a landslide victory • Carried all but 6 states
Johnsons Great Society • Johnsons presidential plan was based around the idea of what he called “The Great Society” • The work of America was not done • We need to improve the quality of life for everyone • Poor, weak, elderly, uneducated, and discriminated.
Healthcare • In 1965 congress passed part of the great society legislation • Amended the Social Security act by adding Medicare – a medical care plan for the elderly • Also created Medicaid which provided medical services to poor and disabled Americans who were not eligible for social security.
Education • The Great Society was centered around education • The 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act was designed to help schools in poor communities • Provided funding to improve schools, libraries, learning centers, and language schools in struggling districts • Improved inner city schools, Indian schools, and Mexican American schools.
Improving life • Worked to protect consumers who bought goods or used services • Governmental monitoring of companies • Changed immigration policy • Immigration and Nationality Act • Shifted nearly 170,000 immigrants allowed from Eastern hemisphere countries to Western Hemisphere.
Legacy of The Great Society • Improved the lives of millions of Americans • Poverty Rates Declined • Medicare and Medicaid worked and helped millions • Education improved around the country, Head start programs improved. • Didn’t do all Johnson wanted but it was a great improvement • 22.2 percent lived below poverty line in 1960 • 12.6 percent lived below poverty line in 1970
Supreme Court Decisions • Supreme Court lead by Earl Warren became known as the Warren Court and created some of the most lasting decisions • Mapp v Ohio – cant obtain evidence illegally and use it in court • Gideon V Wainwright - every one has the right to an attorney even if they cant pay • Escobedo V Illinois – have to be offered one before questioning • Miranda v Arizona – criminals have to be informed of their rights before questioning. • Also made significant rulings on the separation of Church and State.