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Kennedy and Johnson Years. Ch.22. 1960 Election. John F. Kennedy (Dem.) and Richard Nixon (Rep.) Who won the election? WHAT HELPED THE NEW PRES. WIN BY A SLIM MARGIN?. Election of 1960. Highly contested election with two very popular candidates
1960 Election John F. Kennedy (Dem.) and Richard Nixon (Rep.) Who won the election? WHAT HELPED THE NEW PRES. WIN BY A SLIM MARGIN?
Election of 1960 • Highly contested election with two very popular candidates • Kennedy and Nixon were both former senators and friends. • Nixon had served as Eisenhower’s Vice Pres. • 1st election where TV/the media had an influence on voting and shaping political opinion
Election of 1960What were the MAIN issues of the campaign? • Cold War and the economy • Both candidates were “Cold Warriors” • Kennedy believed the U.S. lagged behind the Soviet Union in missile production
JOHN F. KENNEDY(1961-1963)Democrat • Vice President= Lyndon B. Johnson • Kennedy was 42 when he was elected • He was the only Catholic ever elected President • Youngest elected President • Wife: Jacqueline • Children: Caroline and John Jr. • Large extended family also involved in politics
Kennedy’s New Frontier The New Frontier proposed: • Aid to education • Create a Dept. of Urban Affairs • Help migrant workers • Improve the American economy
Women’s Rights • JFK promoted women’s rights • He created the Presidential Commission for the Status of Women • Appointed Esther Peterson to the Women’s Bureau of the Dept. of Labor
Court Decisions under Kennedy • The Supreme Court Chief Justice at the time was Earl Warren. • The Court became known as the WARREN COURT
Warren Court • Due Process was extended to the states Meaning: the 14th amendment was extended to state gov. and that no individual could be treated unfairly and courts must follow a procedure when trying individuals.
Supreme Court Cases of the Warren Court • Brown v. The Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas 1954 - Separate but equal is unconstitutional. • Mapp v. Ohio 1961- evidence seized without a warrant is inadmissible in court • Baker v. Carr 1964- ensured equal representation in voting districts. Outlawed gerrymandering-drawing congressional districts to favor the party in power.
Engel v. Vitale 1962-teacher led prayer in school is unconstitutional • Gideon v. Wainwright 1963- everyone entitled to an attorney if they can not afford one. • Escobedo v. Illinois 1964- everyone entitled to an attorney during questioning. • Miranda v. Arizona 1966-police must inform you of your rights before you are arrested.
John F. Kennedy’s domestic program was called • The New Frontier c. VISTA • The Great Society d. Civil Rights in America • Which court case made school segregation illegal? • Plessy v. Ferguson c. Engle v. Vitale • Brown v. Board of Education d. Jim Crow v. Board of Education • Who won the election of 1960? • Lyndon Johnson c. John F. Kennedy • Dwight David Eisenhower d. Richard Nixon
JFK and the Cold War JFK developed the flexible response doctrine which stated that if nations needed help fighting off communist nations, the president would push for a build up of weapons and troops. Nikita Khrushchev, leader of the Soviet Union and John F. Kennedy
Green Berets JFK created the military “Special Forces” which were a unit specifically designed to fight guerilla warfare. This group became known as the Green Berets.
Alliance for Progress • JFK sent aid to other nations, especially Latin America. He created the Alliance for Progress whichwas a plan to aid Latin American governments. Over 10 years the USA pledged $20 billion to help Latin America fight communism.
Peace Corps • JFK started the Peace Corps. This was an organization of young Americans who went to 3rd world countries toprovide humanitarian services and provide stability.
Space Race In 1962 John Glenn became the 1st American to orbit the Earth. 3 years later Saturn V launched Apollo—a capsule that launched 3 men into orbit. July 16, 1969, Saturn V launched Neil Armstrong,Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins on Apollo 11. These men landed on the moon. Armstrong’s famous quote: “That’s one small step for man, one great leap formankind.”
Bay of Pigs Fiasco The first Cold war crisis for Kennedy occurred in Cuba—90 miles off the coast of Florida. Fidel Castro, a communist, had overthrown the Cuban government. Castro immediately established ties with the Soviet Union and this outraged Americans. Under President Eisenhower, the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) had trained Cuba exiles to invade the island. This was intended to ignite an uprising against Castro. JFK approved of the plan and made some changes. On April 17, 1961, 1400 armed Cuban exiles landed at the Bay of Pigs on the south coast of Cuba. The invasion was a disaster! The exiles boats hit coral reefs, JFK cancelled air support and most of the exiles were captured by Castro forces. The invasion exposed an American plot to overthrow a neighbor’s government.
Berlin Wall June 1961 • Nikita Khrushchev, leader of the Soviet Union, wanted to stop the flood of Germans pouring out of Communist East Germany. He demanded that USA recognize Communist east Germany and Great Britain, France and the USA pull out of West Germany. JFK refused!
Cuban Missile Crisis American intelligence learned that Soviet technicians and equipment arrived at Cuba. October 22, JFK announced on TV that USA spy planes had taken photos of Soviet long range missiles in Cuba. JFK ordered a naval blockade to stop the USSR from delivering missiles to Cuba. JFK ordered that USSR dismantle missiles already in Cuba. Americans were on the brink of war. USSR offered the USA a deal—they would remove missiles in Cuba if the USA would remove missiles in Turkey (Russia’s neighbor). The Cuban Missile Crisis brought the USA to brink of a nuclear war. 2 things occurred: (1) a Nuclear Test Ban treaty was agreed to by USSR and USA, and (2) a HOTLINE was created so that Kennedy and Khrushchev could talk at any time.
The Alliance for Progress gave ___________________ billions of dollars in economic aid. These countries, in return, were to institute democratic and capitalistic reforms. • Africa c. Latin America • South America d. Western Europe • The Peace Corps sent volunteers overseas to: • A. train to fight in guerilla warfare • B. overthrow Fidel Castro • C. help with basic projects/skills like irrigation, medical, etc. • help train young people ages 16 to 21 for employment • Which president promoted volunteerism when he stated in his Inaugural • Address the following quote: “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask • what you can do for your country?” • A. Dwight Eisenhower C. Lyndon Johnson • B. John Kennedy D. Richard Nixon
Death of a President November 22, 1963—John F. Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald, a Communist sympathizer. JFK was riding in a car with his wife in Dallas, Texas when this occurred. Lyndon Baines Johnson, VP, was sworn in as the President of the United States of America. Oswald had lived in the USSR for a period. As Oswald was being escorted from a jail, Jack Ruby, assassinated Lee Harvey Oswald to protect others who were involved in the crime. In 1964 the Warren Commission (a group created to investigate the Kennedy assassination) ruled that Oswald acted alone.
Beginnings • Lyndon Baines Johnson assumed the role of President on November 22, 1963. He was sworn in on Air Force One in Dallas, Texas, on the day of Kennedy’s assassination. • Johnson decided to continue Kennedy’s plan and push for Civil Rights, fighting poverty and maintaining a strong stand against the spread of communism.
Election of 1964 • In 1964 Johnson (democrat) ran against Barry Goldwater (republican) who was an outspoken conservative. • Johnson won the election by a landslide. Johnson-blue Goldwater-red
The Great Society During his campaign he promised to: • Fight to end poverty. The Great Society was Johnson’s vision for a more perfect and equitable nation. • Great Society’s goals addressed 4 areas: • (1)health and welfare, • (2) education, • (3) “War on Poverty” • (4) Consumer and Environmental Protection.
Health and Welfare Reform • (1) Medicare-insurance for the elderly; • (2) Medicaid—insurance for the poor; and • (3) Child Nutrition Act—started school breakfast programs
Education (4) Head Start—early educational intervention for disadvantaged children; (5) Education Act 1965—created billions of dollars for elementary and secondary schools to be built in America—the Elementary and Secondary Education Act also provided funding for adult literacy and education; (6) Higher Education Act- support college work study programs, loans, scholarships, grants, etc. for middle income students.
War on Poverty • Office of Economic Opportunity-sought to improve lifein inner cities, such as: Job Corps, education training for at risk children, etc. • Housing and Urban Development (HUD)-establishednew housing subsidy programs and made federal loans and grants for housing easier to obtain. • Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act-helped revitalize urban areas through a variety of social and economic programs.
President Johnson called his package for domestic reform the : • Fair Deal c. New Frontier • New Deal d. Great Society • Who won the election of 1964? • Kennedy c. Eisenhower • Johnson d. Nixon • What is a government subsidized health insurance solely for the elderly? • Medicare c. Welfare • Medicaid d. VISTA • What was the pre-kindergarten program for children from lower income families that provided early childhood opportunities? • Medicaid c. Head Start • Peace Corps d. VISTA
Consumer and Environmental Protection Water Quality and Clean Air Act- supported standards for the quality of air and water. Highway Safety Act-created training standards for emergency technicians and supported a team effort between federal, state and local highway officials. Fair Packaging and Labeling Act- required all consumer products to have informative labels that listed ingredients.
Johnson as Superman • According to the cartoonist, why is LBJ dressed as superman? • What country is he referring to? Why?