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Personal Project. YLM , Monday, September 2 nd 2013. What is the Personal Project?. Year 10 only A summative assignment Formal expression of what the student has learned during their years in the MYP, culmination of the MYP
Personal Project YLM, Monday, September 2nd2013
What is the Personal Project? • Year 10 only • A summative assignment • Formal expression of what the student has learned during their years in the MYP, culmination of the MYP • Focus on one areas of interaction and reflect a topic of a real interest to the student, driven by an AoI • Final objectives and final criteria • Entirely student driven • Teachers as supervisors
Elements of the Personal Project • Product & Journal • Written reflection about process • PP Fair
Aims & Objectives AIMS • Demonstrate the personal abilities and skills required to produce and present an extended piece of work. • Engage in personal inquiry, action and reflection on specific topics and issues. • Focus on, and demonstrate an understanding of the AOI. • Reflect on learning and share knowledge, views and opinions.
Aims & Objectives OBJECTIVE • A. Use the process journal • B. Define the goal • C. Select sources • D. Apply information • E. Achieve the goal • F. Reflect on learning • G. Report the project
Objective A Use the process journal Students should:• demonstrate organizational skills through time and self-management• communicate and collaborate with the supervisor• demonstrate information literacy, thinking and reflection. Process journal
Objective B Define the goal Students should:• identify and explain a topic based on personal interest• justify one focus area of interaction as a context for the project• outline a clear, achievable, challenging goal• create specifications that will be used to evaluate the project’s outcome/product. Report
Objective C Select sources Students should: • select varied, relevant sources to achieve the goal • evaluate sources. Report
Objective D Apply information Students should: • transfer and apply information to make decisions, create solutions and develop understandings in • connection with the project’s goal. Report
Objective E Achieve the goal Students should: • evaluate the outcome/product against their own specifications for success. Students award a level that relates to the descriptors in criterion E in collaboration with their supervisor. Product and Report
Objective F Reflect on learning Students should: • reflect on how completing the project has extended their knowledge and understanding of the topic and the focus area of interaction • reflect on how they have developed as a learner by completing the project Report
Objective G Report the project Students should: • organize the project report according to the required structure • communicate clearly, coherently and concisely, within required limits • acknowledge sources according to recognized conventions. Report
What steps should I follow ? • Themes or Topics PP Committee 2. Proposal 3. Resources PP Supervisor 4. Working on the Project 5. Outcome: Structured Writing
What exactly do I have to create for the Personal Project? You must create three items: • A process journal • A product or outcome for display that shows other people what you did • A project report
The Process Journal • Your process journal is the record of your involvement in the Personal Project process. It should record all your ideas, your planning, your discussions, clippings of readings and concepts, diary excerpts, meeting schedules and outcomes with your supervisor, photographs – whatever you do that is part of the process should be kept in this document. You choose the format of your journal. It might be a scrapbook, a note book, an electronic site for example.
The Product or Outcome • The product you create is how you show other people what you have investigated. Apart from your journal, which will be part of the display, you need to have some way of showing what you produced or achieved for your goal. This might be the actual product such as a model, electronic article, artwork or it might be visuals of the outcome such as photographs of an event you organised.
The Project Report • The report you produce will be in written format. You will need to think carefully about how you report your project and how you work best. • The important thing to think about for your project is to identify something YOU want to explore and find out more about.
Types of Personal Projects • Original work of art • A written piece of work • A piece of literary fiction • An original science experiment • An invention • Business, management organizational plan • etc
So how is it supposed to be driven by an Area of Interaction ? • What are the Areas of Interaction again ? • Approaches to Learning (ATL) • Community & Service • Human Ingenuity (formerly Homo Faber) • Health & Social Education • Environments
Service for elderly Hansen’s disease patientsCommunity and Service • Visited patients at a local leprosarium and then suggested improvements. • researched the history, created a questionnaire and shared with peers • Techniques that he used for improving the patients’ condition included ice-breaking activities, simple conversation and letter writing.
The other side of the fenceHealth and Social Education • An essay designed to change people’s attitudes towards orphans and inform about their living conditions • Researched on Internet. • Questionnaires & Interviews with orphanage staff and the children plus other peoples attitudes about orphans • Surveyed people about their views on orphanages and orphans, before & after reading her article.
A medical guidebook for Suzhou expatriates Health and Social Education • user-friendly medical guidebook for English-speaking expatriates living in Suzhou, China.
Create a calendar for acharity based on the theme education?Community and Service • Design and create a calendar called “everybody deserves an education” and composed pictures, using students from her school, to represent 12 different school subjects. • A professional printer & identified a sponsor in a medical company. • She decided to donate the proceeds from the calendar sales to UNICEF.
Creating a comic human ingenuity • produced a comic for the patients in the hospital in which he was born. (100th anniversary. ) • He therefore chose to design a comic to give to children in the hospital, to entertain them during their long and difficult periods of treatment. • He also received financial support from the organization FondationJeunes-PROJET.
The supervisors’ responsibilities are to: • ensure the chosen personal project topic satisfies appropriate legal and ethical standards with regard to health and safety, confidentiality, human rights, animal welfare and environmental issues • provide guidance to students in the planning, research and completion of the personal project • confirm the authenticity of the work submitted • assess the personal project according to the criteria • take part in the internal standardization of assessment process established by the school.
PERSONAL PROJECT 2012-2013SUPERVISOR’S CHECKLIST FOR PERSONAL PROJECT MEETINGS MEETING 1 (September) • Prior to this meeting, students will have chosen their topic, completed a questionnaire, filled in the proposal form and made at least one entry in a process journal or log book (Electronic versions are probably best, but the students may purchase of buy a diary if they like) They should have introduced themselves to you and arranged a regular meeting time. Student’s responsibilities: • Discuss and emphasize the importance of commitment for your project (establish a contract if necessary). • Read the personal project journey guidelines and make journal • Finalized topic – Student must have a clear idea of the product that they will be creating. • Student has begun to write research questions that are focused on their chosen Area/s of Interaction • Understand and review the summative assessment criteria (Personal Project IBO Guide) • Discuss expectations for next meeting: students should create a brief working outline or plan in their process journal, begin to record and gather potential sources, and record all ideas in their process journal (student note these expectations in the process journal)
Personal Project Meeting Record Form Meeting No : ____ Date : ________________ Start Time : ____ Finish : ________________ Items discussed: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Development: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Achievements: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Problems (if any): _________________________________________________________________________________________ Tasks for Next Meeting: _________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________ ___________________ Student’s signature Supervisor’s signature
How do you start ? 1. Explore and choose a theme - discuss ideas with different people - focus on one of interaction - set realistic goals - complete personal project proposal - consult with personal project committee
2. Find a supervisor (teachers, student support teachers) Their Role : - Provide guidelines, - Help the students complete the project - Assess work (formative & summative)
3. Planning the project - define the investigation - choose sources of material - outside resources including people - make a list of tasks - establish a time line
4.Working on the project - collecting necessary materials - follow structure of personal project - consult supervisor regularly - keep process journal/log book - length around 4000 words - normal timetable - time management
5. Presenting the project - Various types - Structured writing - School exhibition – PP exhibition
Note to Students • This logbook should be used to record the progress of your project. It is your responsibility to look after it. • At the end of each meeting with your supervisor you should fill out a brief record of your meeting. Both you and your supervisor should sign it. • On completion of the project this logbook must be submitted or attached with your project report, and will be used to assist in assessing your work. The submission of your logbook with your project is compulsory.
SAMPLE OF A PERSONAL PROJECT PROPOSAL • Student’s name: Pak Liam Tutor Group: 10C • Title: Hand-washing habits of school aged children in Indonesia • Area of Interaction and why: Community and Service because it would be a service to the community to improve basic hygiene thus preventing a wide range of diseases. • Goal:(What do you want to achieve from this project?) • To develop hand-washing habits of school aged children at DesaParigi, Tangerang • Product : (How can you achieve the goal?) • A school teaching programme that I will develop for visiting schools. (including activities and lesson plans) I can show this by making a scrap book of my visits. • Is this a good proposal for a PP ? Explain why … ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
SAMPLE OF A PERSONAL PROJECT PROPOSAL • Student’s name: Pak David Tutor Group: 10A • Title: Indonesia’s Environment • Area of Interaction and why: Human Ingenuity • Goal:(What do you want to achieve from this project?) To make a poster • Product : (How can you achieve the goal?) Poster of Indonesia • Is this a good proposal for a PP ? Explain why … ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
PP Proposal Form • PERSONAL PROJECT PROPOSALSchool Year 2013 - 2014 • Student’s name: _____________________ Tutor Group: 10_________ • Proposal One • Title: _________________________ • Area of Interaction and rationale: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • Goal:(What do you want to achieve from this project?) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • Product: (How can you achieve the goal?) `_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • Proposal Two • Title: _______________________________ • Area of Interaction and rationale: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • Goal:(What do you want to achieve from this project?) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • Product: (How can you achieve the goal?) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • DUE to B.Popy by 3.00pm Friday, 13th September 2013