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Personal Project

Personal Project. 2013/14 Mr Justin. Content. 1) What is a Personal Project? 2) Requirements of a Personal Project. 3) Assessing a Personal Project. 4) Supervising a Personal Project 5) Completing a commencement form. What is a personal project?.

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Personal Project

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  1. Personal Project 2013/14 Mr Justin

  2. Content • 1) What is a Personal Project? • 2) Requirements of a Personal Project. • 3) Assessing a Personal Project. • 4) Supervising a Personal Project • 5) Completing a commencement form

  3. What is a personal project? • The Personal Project is an individual project completed during MYP 5. It consists of three components. • (1) process journal, • (2) outcome or product, • (3) report.

  4. What is a personal project? • The Personal Project is the opportunity for students to demonstrate the learning skills they developed during their MYP years, and relate these to one of the Areas of Interaction. • Personal Project Grade of at least a 3 is needed to attain an IB MYP Certificate. • Clear use of ATL’s should be evidenced throughout

  5. PP should : • Have a clear and achievable goal • Be focused on one Area of Interaction • Allow you to express a truly personal message • Demonstrate skills, attitudes and knowledge you used to complete this project over an extended period of time • Be the result of your initiative, creativity and ability to organize and plan • Reflect your special interests, hobbies, special abilities, or concerns about particular issues • Deal with a topic or area to which you are committed • Be entirely your own work (authenticity is very important)

  6. PP should not be : • Be an already assessed work • Form part of the curriculum in any other subject • Take over your personal and social life or interfere with school work

  7. Objective A Use the process journal • You should: • Demonstrate organisational skills through time and self-management • Communicate and collaborate with the supervisor • Demonstrate information literacy, thinking and reflection.

  8. Objective B Define the goal • You should: • Identify and explain a topic based on personal interest • Justify one focus area of interaction as a context for the project • Outline a clear, achievable, challenging goal • Create specifications that will be used to evaluate the project’s outcome/product.

  9. Objective C Select sources • You should: • Select varied, relevant sources to achieve the goal • Evaluate sources.

  10. Objective D Apply information • You should: • Transfer and apply information to make decisions, create solutions and develop understandings in connection with the project’s goal.

  11. Objective E Achieve the goal • You should: • Evaluate the outcome/product against their own specifications for success. • Students award a level that relates to the descriptors in criterion E in collaboration with their supervisor.

  12. Objective F Reflect on learning • You should: • Reflect on how completing the project has extended their knowledge and understanding of the topic and the focus Area of Interaction • Reflect on how they have developed as a learner by completing the project.

  13. Objective G Report the project • You should: • Organize the project report according to the required structure • Communicate clearly, coherently and concisely, within required limits • Acknowledge sources according to recognized conventions.

  14. Suitability of a Project • All projects • 1) Should be achievable and challenging. • 2) Should be measurable. • 3) Must require an extended period of work. • 4) Must have practical task specific specifications.

  15. Process • 1) Meet with students and discuss ideas for projects. • 2) Finalise selection. • 3) Enter onto ManageBac and approve. • 4) Meet with students regularly- provide guidance not only for completion of the project but also on their process journal and report.

  16. Timeline- • Phase 1: Orientation & Development • 2 weeks – Topic & Commencement form • Phase 2: Planning & Research • 4 weeks – Timeline (Gantt chart), resources, start research, update journal entries, submit preliminary bibliography & resources to supervisor • Phase 3: Reflection & Product Development • 7 months – continual progress, discuss product, revise plans, update journal • Phase 4: Presenting the Outcome • 3 weeks – Submit product, report and journal to supervisor for final assessment

  17. Role of The Supervisor • To make sure that the student has been provided with and understands the guidelines and the assessment criteria for the personal project • To emphasize to the student the importance of keeping an effective process journal

  18. Role of the Supervisor • To carry out formative assessment by offering positive, constructive oral and written comments at each stage, using the personal project assessment criteria as a basis for discussion • To provide guidance in the planning, research & completion of the personal project

  19. Role of the Supervisor • To ensure the work is authentic and entirely the student’s own work and that the material is adequately referenced • To meet with students periodically and check the completion of each phase within the deadlines set • To make sure the topic is inspired by the AOI & ATL’s

  20. Role of the Supervisor • To make sure the topic is limited in scope and “do able” • To ensure the student is able to define their goal clearly • To ensure the student has formed key questions and a statement of intention • To assess the project according to the assessment criteria

  21. Potential Issues • The student does not initiate any meetings and fails to produce any evidence of work despite many reminders.- • The PP is a student led piece of work. It is designed to enable students to plan and execute an extended piece of work by themselves. However, as their supervisor, we do not want any student not to receive their IB certificate, and must do all we can without going against the spirit of the PP.

  22. Potential Issues • The most important thing is communication. • All supervisors must ensure that they report their students progress at every deadline. • Approving projects that are not suitable. • They must be: • Measureable • Challenging • Achievable • Have a specific AOI • Specific Topic • Report any problems to Mr Justin, Mr Michael and Ms Priyanka.

  23. Commencement form • Task: • Groups of 3-4 • 1 Student. 2-3 supervisors • Complete a commencement form that meets all the discussed guidelines • Topic/Subject: Page 14 • AOI – Appropriate AOI for chosen topic (not product) • Relate to AOI learning outcomes • Theme: What will be the impact of the topic?

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