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Enrolments. Presented by Chris Meadows ACS School Leaders Retreat 27 July 2012. Purposes of this session. Explain key matters about which Christian schools need to be aware in their enrolment processes Describes the experiences of three ACS in managing their enrolments

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Enrolments

    Presented by Chris Meadows ACS School Leaders Retreat 27 July 2012 ACS Leaders Retreat Coolum 25-27 July 2012
  2. Purposes of this session Explain key matters about which Christian schools need to be aware in their enrolment processes Describes the experiences of three ACS in managing their enrolments Provide some advice about how to handle the enrolment of a potential special needs (learning support) student. ACS Leaders Retreat Coolum 25-27 July 2012
  3. How are we going to do that? I will cover the first A panel of three principals will tell us about their experiences with enrolments One principal will relate his recent experiences with a special needs enrolment. ACS Leaders Retreat Coolum 25-27 July 2012
  4. Risk Management for Teachers
  5. Some basics… Decide what information your school needs Ensure relevant privacy (Collection Notice) Link to any census requirements (ATSI, Nationality and Visa, etc.) Consider any marketing information required Raft of information needed by the school and by statute ACS Leaders Retreat Coolum 25-27 July 2012
  6. Statute and Prudence “Gilding the lily” Prospectus and advertising Be careful of saying various (curriculum) outcomes will occur for each and every student Better to say “Opportunity exits for” or “may” Be careful about “inclusiveness” in any claims ACS Leaders Retreat Coolum 25-27 July 2012
  7. Australian Consumer Law (ACL) Effective 01 July 2010 Not may legal cases involving non-state school contracts prior to that date Now ACCC will take action against companies at no cost to the consumer. Reverse onus of proof No unfair terms ACS Leaders Retreat Coolum 25-27 July 2012
  8. References See ISQ Memo 2010/122 (26 July 2010) Includes a sample contract prepared by Hart and Flower solicitors ACS Leaders Retreat Coolum 25-27 July 2012
  9. Some key points Key rules and policies must be made available to parents – website, handbooks, newsletters, letters Fees – payments and increases Discipline including the option of termination of enrolment (don’t commit to all the processes of natural justice, only some) Forfeiting one term’s fees – be careful; be able to justify why this provision is necessary. ACS Leaders Retreat Coolum 25-27 July 2012
  10. More key points… Family law matters and court orders (Family law Policy is good to have) Students history relevant to risk assessment – is the student a risk to the safety of others? Details. Student medical history including allergies (especially peanut) Provide this information to all who need to know ACS Leaders Retreat Coolum 25-27 July 2012
  11. Statement of Endorsement Signed by parents endorsing the religious beliefs and practices and the involvement of students in all school activities ACS Leaders Retreat Coolum 25-27 July 2012
  12. Some real life experiences Panel: Leanne McClintock (Cooloola CC), Hector Costello (Freshwater CC) and Craig Murison (Mackay CC) ACS Leaders Retreat Coolum 25-27 July 2012
  13. Our questions What works well  for your school in enrolments? What has not worked well for you in enrolments? What things have you changed to make your enrolments process better? What are you thinking about changing in your enrolments process? What are your top 3 tips for principals about enrolment processes? ACS Leaders Retreat Coolum 25-27 July 2012
  14. Enrolling special needs students Use the same process for all students How? ACS Leaders Retreat Coolum 25-27 July 2012
  15. Some recent experience Ron Woolley (Citipointe CC) ACS Leaders Retreat Coolum 25-27 July 2012
  16. Questions ? I invite responses from other attendees please. ACS Leaders Retreat Coolum 25-27 July 2012
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