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Skimming & Scanning

Skimming & Scanning. Created by Sarah Choi Spring 2012. Watch the video to get to know what they are. ( Until 1:53 m) Skimming and Scanning Video. What are they?. There’s too much information and we do not have enough time to read them all!. Why do we need to use them?.

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Skimming & Scanning

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Skimming & Scanning Created by Sarah Choi Spring 2012

  2. Watch the video to get to know what they are. (Until 1:53 m) • Skimming and Scanning Video What are they?

  3. There’s too much information and we do not have enough time to read them all! Why do we need to use them?

  4. locate information quickly and efficiently by moving their eyes down a page looking for key words and specific facts. • Ex) Dr. Sadler’s telephone number Office Address of Dr. Sadler Scanning

  5. identify the main ideas or gist of a text by reading a text quickly. • (You might want to read only the first and last paragraphs and then the first and last sentences of the other paragraphs.) • EX) Dr. Sadler’s recent research interest Dr. Sadler’s primary focus of interest Skimming

  6. Skimming is not looking for specific. • Scanning is looking for facts. • Skimming requires ideas (complete thoughts) in the reader’s own words. • Scanninglooks for single words or phrases. • Skimming moves the eyes across the page. • Scanning moves the eyes down the page Scanning vs. Skimming

  7. Scanning vs. Skimming

  8. Read quickly • Pick words/numbers/symbols to look for • Look for text organizers (numbers, letters words like first, second, last) • Look for bold, italic, different font, size, color How to scan

  9. Read the title. • Read the introduction or the first paragraph. • Read the first sentence of every other paragraph. • Notice any pictures, charts, or graphs. * Notice any italicized or boldface words or phrases. • Read the summary or last paragraph. How to skim

  10. Choose a Topic Pre-Research Thesis statement Formal Resource Searching Scanning: Help you find right resources among many articles and find word or phrase for quoting & paraphrasing Skimming: Help you get the main idea of the article you have found and determine whether you will use it How can we use these skills in research?

  11. Thank you!! The End

  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbozEcwLhRc • http://www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/video/skimming-and-scanning • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuaMEnW8Tv0 • http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/aSGuest57800-455276-skimming-and-scanning/ • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jG7tHz2Da3E Resources

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