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Elijah of Buxton

Elijah of Buxton. by Christopher Paul Curtis. Vocabulary. Brogans Both left and right were made exactly the same. Dialect/Vocabulary. Fra-gile A coward dies a thousand deaths, a brave boy don’t die but once Put a scar on Elijah Life’s gonna be a tough row to hoe

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Elijah of Buxton

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  1. Elijah of Buxton by Christopher Paul Curtis

  2. Vocabulary • Brogans • Both left and right were made exactly the same

  3. Dialect/Vocabulary • Fra-gile • A coward dies a thousand deaths, a brave boy don’t die but once • Put a scar on Elijah • Life’s gonna be a tough row to hoe • What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander

  4. Frederick Douglas http://www.history.com/shows/america-the-story-of-us/videos/frederick-douglas

  5. Fugitive Slave Act • The Fugitive Slave Act was part of the group of laws referred to as the "Compromise of 1850." In this compromise, the antislavery advocates gained the admission of California as a free state, and the prohibition of slave-trading in the District of Columbia. The slavery party received concessions with regard to slaveholding in Texas and the passage of this law. Passage of this law was so hated by abolitionists, however, that its existence played a role in the end of slavery a little more than a dozen years later. This law also spurred the continued operation of the fabled Undergound Railroad, a network of over 3,000 homes and other "stations" that helped escaping slaves travel from the southern slave-holding states to the northern states and Canada.

  6. Harriet Tubman • http://www.history.com/shows/america-the-story-of-us/videos/harriet-tubman-and-the-underground-railroad

  7. Underground Railroad http://www.nationalgeographic.com/railroad/j1.html

  8. "There are signs of industry and thrift and comfort, everywhere; signs of intemperance, of idleness, of want, nowhere. There is no tavern and no groggery; but there is a chapel and a schoolhouse. Most interesting of all are the inhabitants. Twenty years ago, most of them were slaves who owned nothing, not even their children. Now they own themselves; they own homes and farms, and they have their wives and children about them. They are enfranchised citizens of a government which protects their rights. They have the great essentials of human happiness, "something to love, something to do, and something to hope for" and if they are not happy it is their own fault." The above was written about the Elgin Settlement by Dr. Samuel Gridley Howe (1801-1876) who was appointed by Abraham Lincoln to report on the Commission on the Canadian Negroes. His report became part of the Congressional debate on the Fourteenth Amendment.

  9. Elgin/Buxton Spinning Wheel Baking Utensils

  10. Vocabulary • felling- cutting down of a tree • blaspheming- using bad language; cursing • commence- to begin or start something • tormentation-slang for tormenting or state of mental suffering • tithing-setting aside a certain amount of income to church/God. • fretting- worrying or fussing • haints- ghosts • contemplating-thinking deeply about something • partial-fond of something • flank-the side of an animal between the ribs and hips • intrigued-fascinated • damsel-young women • bevy-large group or crowd

  11. Some of the places you will visit • Stable • mucking the stall • brushing the animals • feeding and watering • Fishin’ hole • Chunkin’-throwing

  12. More places • One room schoolhouse • Who was the teacher? • Mr. Travis-very strict

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