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FAST TRACK TO. Controlling Your Metabolism Naturally & Safely and How Fats Can Help You Do It. BUT FIRST, A QUIZ. What can we remember about our last topic where we learned how to keep our bodies continuously burning fat? What is your Fat Burning Zone? What is the Glycemic Index?
FAST TRACK TO Controlling Your Metabolism Naturally & Safely and How Fats Can Help You Do It
BUT FIRST, A QUIZ What can we remember about our last topic where we learned how to keep our bodies continuously burning fat? • What is your Fat Burning Zone? • What is the Glycemic Index? • Why is Glycemic Load important?
Don’t Panic You won’t take in all the information we give you in one go. No problem, just try and pick-up 1 or 2 things that you didn’t know about before. You will get to go over this again at future Fast Tracks!
Who Thinks… …as we age our metabolism slows down and we are bound to pick up weight?
What is Metabolism? Why can one person eat like a growing teenager and not gain a pound, while another person's every indulgence shows up on the scale? • Chalk it up to individual differences in Metabolism, muscle mass and physical activity • Metabolism is the process by which our bodies convert what we eat into the energywe need to survive and function • It powersall our chemical processes from breathing to blinking • The minimum amount of energyyour body requires to carry out these chemical processes is called the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) • BMRis the number of calories burned at rest, determined primarily by your fat-free mass or, more accurately, your lean muscle mass - you would have had this calculated for you at your Wellness Profile • A FASTMetabolism is like a hot furnace that burns through fuel (calories) quickly • A SLOWMetabolism needs less fuel to keep a body running
Calories Whatever isn’t used or burned in physical activity will be stored as FAT!
So, Who… …Thinks an Over Fat person has a LOWER Metabolism that a person in a healthy fat range?
Its All Relative • Over Fat people may actually have HIGHERmetabolismsthan thin people because they are literally carrying around extra body mass and/or lean muscle • For example: • A 130 pound (9st 2lbs or 59kg) 30 year-old woman who is 5'5" tall has a BMR of 1384 • The same woman at 230 pounds (16st 4lbs or 104kg) has a BMR of 1817 • This doesn’t mean that their metabolism is FASTas its relative to their overall weight • The more weight you are carrying, the more work your body has to do to keep you alive, therefore the HIGHER your BMR
The Determining Factors Body size, age, gender and genes all play a role in determining your Metabolic Rate. • Musclecells require more energy to maintain than fat cells, so people with a higher Muscle to Fatratio tend to have a higher BMR • Men burn more calories as they have more muscle tissue • As we get older, we tend to gain Fatand lose Muscle • Normally because our lifestyle choices mean we eat more calories and are less active then we were when we were younger • This explains why the BMR tends to decrease with age • However, your BMR is controllable by YOU!
How To Naturally BOOST Your Metabolism • Support and protect your Lean Muscle Mass • Keep your body in the Fat Burning Zone • Increase the number of calories you burn through Physical Activity • Adequate Water Intake • Eating or drinking naturally Thermojetic Substances
1. Lean Muscle Mass An increased muscle mass burns more calories. • To increase it, eat more high quality complete protein and exercise regularly • Every pound of lean tissue burns approx. 15-50 calories per day dependent on exercise levels • Every pound of fat tissue burns 0-2 calories per day • So, an extra 10lbs (4.5kg) of muscle will burn approximately 150-500 calories a day, or an extra 1-3lbs of fat every 3 weeks, without making any other changes
1. Lean Muscle Mass The body burns up to twice as many calories digesting proteinas it uses for fator carbohydrates. • Although you should eat a balanced diet, replacing some carbswith lean, protein-rich foods can jump-start the metabolism at mealtimes by helping you burn additional calories • Healthy sources of proteininclude: • Fish • White meat (chicken, turkey, etc.) • Tofu • Nuts • Beans • Eggs • Low-fat Dairy Products • Herbalife Meals & Snacks • Strive for 15-25 grams of proteinfor each meal and 5-10 grams for each snackdependent upon your Personalised Programme plan The more lean muscle you have, the leaner you appear and the more calories you burn.
2. Fat Burning Zone Eat 5-6 small meals a day. • Eating more really can help you lose weight - eating more often, that is • When you eat large meals with many hours in between, you train your metabolism to slowdown • Having a small meal or snack every threeto four hours keeps your metabolismcranking, so you burn more calories over the course of a day • People who snack regularly tend to eat less at meal times
3. Physical Activity Performing the correct type of exercise is crucial in building your Lean Muscle Mass and therefore boosting your Metabolism. • Regular Weight Resistance training can boostyour Basal Metabolic Rate by about 15% and causes a TRIPLECALORIE BURNeffect • Muscle is 'metabolically active' and burnsmore calories than other body tissue even when you're not moving • The exercise that increases your Muscle mass also burns calories as you are doing it • In addition to this you also get an ‘After Burn’ effect where the body uses calories to repair and build the Muscle Each of these 3 steps BURN CALORIES!
3. Physical Activity While aerobic activities such as jogging, swimming, fast walking and aerobic classes help to toneMuscle and burn Fat, strength/resistancetraining in particular will increase the amount of Muscle you have in your body. • Focus on exercise that recruit the largest Muscles and use two-part movements such as squats and push-ups or any exercise that combinesupper and lowerbody movements • Don’t forget that exercise requires adequate amount of protein intake in order to avoid breaking down our Muscle tissue in absence of dietary protein rather than building it!
4. Water Intake Water is paramount to developing a lean, healthy physique. • Not only is it a vehicle for flushingfat from your system, but it's also crucial for your bodiesmessagingsystem to fire correctly and drinking water can actually raise your metabolism • Being dehydrated can cause cravings, and tricks your mind into thinking you're hungry, ratherthanthirsty • If you are even mildly dehydrated, your metabolism may slowdown • Staying hydrated keeps your body balanced, and helps you become more in tune with your internal senses of need • To stay hydrated, drink a glass of water or other unsweetened beverage before every meal and snack Tip: If your urine is dark – you may not be drinking enough fluid. Try sipping one glass before each meal and snack to stay hydrated!
4. Water Intake But how does it raise your metabolism? • A German study in 2003 tested drinking water and energy expenditures on healthy subjects who weren't overweight • The researchers found that after drinking about "17 ounces (483ml) of water, the subjects' metabolic rates (the rate at which calories are burned) increased by 30% for both men and women. The increases occurred within 10 minutes of water consumption and reached a maximum after about 30 or 40 minutes.“ • A follow-up study in 2010 found that subjects burned approximately 23 kcal from drinking 500 ml of water • Over a year, drinking an extra 1.5 litres a day could burn around 25,185 calories! • The moral of the story is: drink more water • And if you exercise hard, drink even more!
5. Thermojetic Substances Some natural foods can increase metabolism. • There are some foods you can eat/drink that have been found effective in speeding up you metabolism, such as:- • Acai Berry • Green Tea • Garlic • Apple Cider Vinegar • DrinkingGreen Tea is one of the easiest ways to rev up your metabolism • A study reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that green tea-extract increases the metabolism by 4% over a 24 hour period • If your RMR was 1,200 then three cups a day could help you burn an extra 48 calories a day • Green tea has also been shown to inhibit fat absorption (the movement of glucose into fat cells), support healthy glucoselevels after eating a meal, prevent insulin spikes which prevents fat storage and reduce appetite Our Herbalife Beverage uses Green Tea along with other ingredients to maximise fat burning.
What Slows Down Your Metabolism? Avoid these 3 simple mistakes people make that SLOW DOWN your Metabolism and make you GAIN FAT…
1. Excessive Simple Sugar Sugars, whether natural or processed, saturated or unsaturated, all have calories but we do need SOME sugar. • Eating more calories (from sugar)than your metabolism needs to convert into energy, is a clear way to gain weight, i.e.not burning these extra calories through exercise • We sometimes need certain NATURALsugar in our diet to add flavour or give energy but it’s important to avoid ADDED, ARTIFICIAL, PROCESSED, REFINED or EXCESSIVE amounts of sugar where possible • Readthe nutritional information on food labels to see how much sugar the food contains • Remember that sugar has many different names: Things ending in ‘ose’, corn syrup, honey, hydrolysed starch, maltodextrin, aspartame, canderel, saccharin, sorbitol, splenda, etc. • The nearer the beginning of the ingredient list the sugar is, the moresugar the productcontains • Look for the 'Carbohydrates (of which sugars)' figure in the nutrition label to see how much sugar the product contains for every 100g IN FINAL EDIBLE FORM of the product • More than 22.5g of total sugars per 100g of consumed item is high • 5g of total sugars or less per 100g is low • 4g of Sugar = 1 teaspoon
2. Fad Diets Your metabolism slows down as a result of too few calories and when weight loss is achieved through muscleloss instead of fat loss. • As our metabolic rate is mainly determined by the amount of muscle we have (the more muscle we have, the higher our metabolic rate), loss of lean muscle tissue will slow down metabolism • When calories are very restricted, our body becomes super efficient at making the most of the calories it does get from food and drink • The main way it does this is to protectits fat stores and insteaduse lean tissue or muscle to provide it with some of the calories it needs to keep functioning • This directly leads to a loss of muscle, which in turn lowers metabolic rate so that the body needs fewer calories to keep ticking over and weight loss slows down • Of course, this is the perfect solution if you're in a famine situation, but if you're trying to lose fat, it's going to do little to help you shift those unwanted pounds
3. Skipping Breakfast Skipping breakfast, or any other meal, has a similar effect to starving yourself. • It slows down your metabolism as your body conservesenergy, burning only what is absolutely necessary until fuel becomes available • Breakfast is your first opportunity of the day to fuel your body, rev up your metabolism and start burning the most calories possible • Skipping breakfast increases your chances of bingeing on whatever is available when hunger pangs hit and this is usually not healthy fare • Eatinga filling healthybreakfast ensures you will not resort to unhealthy choices • Skipping breakfast in order to save calories is something that a lot of people do but it can lead overeating at lunch and dinner
Who Thinks… …Fats will make you Fat?
Fats Regularly eating ‘Saturated’ or ‘Trans’ fats can lead to Heart Disease and High Cholesterol Levels. • Saturated Fats: hard fats mainly found in animalproducts such as red meat, butter and full-fat cheeses • Trans Fats: are predominately found in vegetable fats which have been chemically altered by a process called hydrogenation which turns liquidoils into solidfat – contained in fried and processed food as well as baked goods with a long shelf life Remember: Check the ingredient labels!
Fats However, some fats & oils have essential benefits which can help to improve blood cholesterol levels and decrease your risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. • These are called ‘Unsaturated’ fats (also known as ‘good’ fats) and are found in foods such as olive oils, avocado, oily fish, nuts and seeds • Monounsaturated Fats: Found in a variety of foods and oils • Polyunsaturated fats: Found mostly in plant-based foods and oils • One type of polyunsaturated fat, omega-3 fatty acids found in certain fish oils, are especially beneficial to the heart and decreases the risk of coronary artery disease Daily intake of both types of unsaturated oils is important for good health
Fats Omega-3 (e.g. fish oils) and Omega-6 (e.g. vegetable oils) are two unsaturated fats that are essential for health and must be obtained through the diet, as the body is unable to produce them. • Known as Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) • They form part of the structure of every cell in our bodies and we need them to achieve and maintain a healthyheart, brain and healthy function of eyes • The optimal ratio is thought to be 4 Omega-6 to 1Omega-3 or lower and it is even better if there is more Omega-3than Omega-6 • Modern Western diets typically have ratios of in excess of 10 Omega-6to 1 Omega-3, some as high as 30 to 1; the average ratio in the Western diet is roughly 15 to 1 • Studies show those supplementing with Omega-3’s lost MORE body fat than those who didn’t, mainly due to the improved blood sugar control Begin using a high quality fish oil product to increase and re-create insulin sensitivity Study: TsitourasPD, et al. 2008. High omega-3 fat intake improves insulin sensitivity and reduces CRP and IL6, but does not affect other endocrine axes in healthy older adults. Hormones and Metabolic Research. 2008 Mar;40(3):199-205.
Fats We all need Healthy Fats to: • Stabilise Blood Sugar Levels • Slow the absorption of carbohydrates • Maintain a Healthy Heart & Brain • Help in maintaining cellmembranes • Protect our organs from damage • Provide energy when carbohydrate sources become used up • fat is the most concentrated source of energy and is stored in the body • Help the absorption of certain vitamins • such as fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K
Who’s Heard… …That you should avoid SALT to minimise risks of increased blood pressure?
Salt The healthbenefits of reducingsalt intake have been well established. • Doctors are recommending a reduction in salt because of the sodium and its impact on blood pressure • But by cutting our salt intake we may also be cuttingour iodineintake, which is why average iodinelevelsplummeted by more than half over a 20-year period • In nature, iodine is a relatively rare element; it’s found in abundance in the ocean, however, its presence in soil, is very low in many places around the world • Iodineis essential to life and it also plays a centralrole in healthyfunction of your thyroid gland • This is why the most visible symptom of iodine deficiency is goiter - the unsightly, painful enlargement of the thyroid gland that manifests as an enormous swelling around the neck and larynx
Your Thyroid Gland and the Role of Iodine Your thyroid gland is located in the front of your neck, just below your voice box. • The thyroid produces twoforms of thyroid hormone, both of which requireiodine • Thyroid hormones control your body’s metabolism, regulating everything from body temperature and heart rate to glucose consumption • Fortunately, all iodine deficiency disorders and related health dangers can be prevented by adequateintake of iodine • You need to ensure that your dailynutrition intake has naturallyderivediodine in it • Adults require 150 mcg of iodine daily (more for pregnant women) • If you are going to have salt then make it sea salt rather than processed table salt due to it having a lower impact on blood pressure • iodine can also be found in fish, seaweed, shrimp, dairy products and grains
In Summary You are not a victim to a slow metabolism! • By pushing your metabolism to a higher level, you can burn fat and reach your fitness goalssooner • Use these simple techniques to aid in your quest for a faster metabolism, and as a result, a fitter, slimmer body! • Eat protein to support and protect your Lean Muscle Mass • Eat frequently to keep your body in the Fat Burning Zone • Use Physical Activity to burn extra calories • Ensure you have an adequate Water Intake • Eat or drink naturally Thermojetic Substances • Avoid ExcessiveSimpleSugar • Do NOTeat Too Little or Too Much • Do NOTSkipMeals
Remember…Be CEEN • Community • Engage in the social events we organise on a weekly basis • Education • You don’t know what you don’t know! • Continue to attend these FTTL10 sessions • The internet is full of contradictory information so beware! • Exercise • 80% Nutrition, 20% Exercise • You can’t exercise your way out of a “bad-eating day” • See you at FitClub – Who are you bringing? • Nutrition • Stick to your plan • Don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions or difficulties
Next Fast Track to Level10 Topic Exercise secrets and the popular exercise that could actually make you GAIN fat! BE HERE…SAME TIME…SAME PLACE…