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Registrar’s Basic Training Manual. Raquel Banda March 13, 2011 EDTC 3332.60. Needs Assessment:. Registrar’s position will be opening within the 2011-2012 school year a new employee will be needed.
Registrar’s Basic Training Manual Raquel Banda March 13, 2011 EDTC 3332.60
Needs Assessment: • Registrar’s position will be opening within the 2011-2012 school year a new employee will be needed. • Hands on training / a hands on guide to how to perform certain duties expected plus monthly training once a month. • Manual available to whom ever comes in to fill the position opening up with the availability online to continue updating as needed or as position changes.
Instructional Goal: • After completing this training manual for the Registrar’s position I want to leave something for the next person who comes in to this position to be able to have a guide and learn the different duties assigned to the person at hand. • After viewing and practicing some of the duties required the employee should have an idea of the major duties expected of them and be able to perform them with little guidance. • Registration • Transcripts • Discipline
Performance Objectives: • Objective #1 Give parents a blank registration form to be filled out and ask from parents for proper documentation to start registration • Objective #2 Look up 10 different addresses using Q&A to learn to identify zoning based on addresses plus retrieve from Internet USPS codes to update demographic information for students. Update all information under Student Plus demographics for student being registered. • Objective #4 Obtain an out of district transcript for a student analyze, enter, and produce a transcript with your building. • Using Student Plus the learner will enter Discipline information into two different screens and learn how to search and update information.
Assessment of Learning Outcomes: • Online quiz of basic knowledge of registration process. • Test leaner on different Student Plus screens needed to be familiar with. This will be the one to one visual test of use of screens.
Learner Characteristics: • This training module is intended for a new employee as well as my current peers. • The needed skills to perform the duties of the registrar are computer skills, organizational skills, and good communication skill as well as good listening skills. The leaner will be working with many files and paperwork need to be filed at all times. • It’s a difficult job but having the will to learn and never stop learning is a must. Every year new policy come into play and new things need to be learned.
Learning Context: • This training manual will be supplemental to the training that will be provide by the district. I currently attend monthly meetings with all the registrars for the district. First meeting of the year we basically go over what we currently already do and then we review anything new for the year. Meetings are held in a computer lab with 40 laptops available to personnel. The meeting is held all day first half is to review anything new and after lunch we work on our transcripts and we have 2 people on hand to help us with any issues we may have. One person is the Curriculum Specialist and the other is the computer programmer for the district. Both ladies are wonderful and have many years of experience. They help facilitate our job and are always willing to teach and listen to our problems as they arise.
Training Module Outline: • Registration (a) Registration forms and documentation needed (b) Putting registration together (c) Enter and update information to register student • Transcripts (a) Receive out-of-district transcript (b) Analyze transcript (c) Enter out of district transcript into system, along with rank record, and transfer school (d) Run GPA and subject areas report (e) Print and verify information entered (f) Print a copy for counselor and submit original paperwork into records for filing. • Discipline (a) Enter information from referral into system (b) Post discipline number of referral and sign and date when entered (c) File Properly • Quiz and Visual Exam of different screens
Instructional Resources: • Registration packets • Student Plus to update information for registration, transcripts, discipline. • Q&A software for zoning information. • Internet use for retrieving information from USPS to update demographics information for new students. • A computer will be used at all times to update information. • New employee will have access to an office, computer, printer, phone, and a fax. • Learner will come in contact with data entry, attendance, records, and counselor on a daily basis.
Registration Procedures • Primary duty • Meet with parent • Analyze paperwork • Have parent fill out paperwork • Clear with nurse • Register • Meet with principal/fill out discipline and parent information • Meet with counselor • Receive from counselor registration folder • Send to records room to be filed Training Module Blueprint:
OUT OF DISTRICT TRANSCRIPTS DISCIPLINE • Receive official out of district transcript from records clerk • Analyze transcript • Enter into system • Enter rank record • Enter school transfer information • Calculate rank and run subject area report • Verify and print transcript • Print copy for counselor to review • Sign and date complete paperwork and submit for filing to records room • Receive paperwork from principal • Enter into system • Sign and date when information was entered • File Training Module Blueprint
Formative Evaluation: • Peer evaluation • It will be a hands on learning experience as well as assessment. Leaner will have hands on tasks. I will teach step by step and once I feel learner is ready will monitor performance. Once I feel learner is ready I will do a visual assessment of duties and will give feedback to his/her performance.
Summary • My plan is to create a manual to teach a new employee as well as my peers the duties of the registrar. I want to leave a manual to where they can refer to when needed and for the learner a guide of the duties needed to perform as a Registrar. • I choose to make my training manual available online so that it can be accessible at any time and from office or home as needed. • I also choose to make it computerized so that it can be changed and updated as need for future reference.