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我們的連南之旅 Our Liannan Tour

我們的連南之旅 Our Liannan Tour. Leader 組長: 何汶珊 (Sandy) Members 組員 ︰ 1.) 鄭麗恩 (Liyan) :視藝 (Visual Arts) 2.) 何汶珊 (Sandy) ︰ 通識 (Liberal Studies) 3.) 趙詠茵 (Yan) ︰ 英文 (English) 4.) 劉少端 (Candy) :資料收集 (Data collection) 5.) 黃嘉欣 (Annie) :總務 (General). List of members 組員名單. Aim of exchange 交流目的.

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我們的連南之旅 Our Liannan Tour

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  1. 我們的連南之旅 Our Liannan Tour

  2. Leader組長:何汶珊(Sandy) Members組員︰ 1.)鄭麗恩(Liyan):視藝(Visual Arts) 2.)何汶珊(Sandy)︰通識(Liberal Studies) 3.)趙詠茵(Yan)︰英文(English) 4.) 劉少端(Candy):資料收集(Data collection) 5.)黃嘉欣(Annie):總務(General) List of members 組員名單

  3. Aim of exchange 交流目的 1. 瞭解連南瑤族少數民族風土人情、體驗農村生活(Understand Yao minorities customs and experience their rural life) 2. 到貧困農村小學擔任小老師 (Teach in a poor rural primary school) 3. 與瑤族中學生一起上課,體驗瑤族學生校園生活(Have lessons with Yao students, experience their school life)

  4. Tour 行程 第一天:下午到達連南教育局,教育局相關人員介紹連南少數民族經濟、文化、教育的情況。晚上,參加瑤族篝火晚會。(Introduction of the economic, cultural and educational situation of Liannan ethnic minority) 第二天:上午前往大坪鎮中心小學做服務,進入課堂為農村小朋友叫英文、遊戲、唱歌、折紙等服務。中午在農戶家吃飯,到農田幫助做農活,體驗農村勞動。(Experience on working in rural school and farmers’ houses) 第三天:上午到連南民族初級中學,兩地同學一起上課,進行課堂體驗,然後學習刺繡、瑤族舞蹈,體驗瑤族文化。(Experience on Yao culture)

  5. 連南文化-服飾 瑤族男女服裝主要用青、藍土布製作。男子喜著對襟無領的短衫,下著長褲或過膝短褲。廣西南丹縣瑤寨男子喜著繡邊白褲;廣東連南瑤族男子喜留發髻,插以雉毛裝飾,並以紅布帕包頭。婦女喜著無領大襟上衣,下著長褲、短裙或百褶裙,在服裝的領口、袖口、胸襟、腰帶、裙邊飾以色彩斑斕的挑花、刺繡,鮮艷奪目。瑤族婦女的頭飾式樣繁多,喜愛以銀簪、銀花、銀串珠、弧形銀板等配以彩色絲帶做頭飾,風格別致。少女、未婚或已婚婦女從頭飾上就可以區別。

  6. 連南文化-當地生活 Yao’s Life 主要從事農業,以大米、玉米為主食。瑤族以農業為主,兼營林業和狩獵,瑤族人民精於織染和刺繡。(The Yao people are mainly engaged in agriculture, such as rice, corn-based food. They also do forestry and hunting. They are skilled in weaving, dyeing and embroidery.)

  7. 探訪連南感想 Reflection on Liannan Visit 我們最深刻是第一晚的行程-欣賞瑤族篝火晚會。當我第一次看見瑤族服飾時,覺得很特別,舞步亦充滿民族氣息。但這都是其次,記得最後的一個環節是邀請觀眾到台上圍著火盆跳舞,我們上到台有當地人主動牽我們的手帶引我們跳舞,在這刻我們感受到連南人們多熱情和和藹可親的一面。 (Our most profound part of the tour is at the first night - enjoy Yao bonfire show. When I first saw Yao costumes, I felt they are very special. The dance was also full of ethnic atmosphere. The last part of the show was inviting the audience to go to the stage and dance around the brazier. The local people on the stage held our hands and guided us. At that moment we felt enthusiasm and warmth from the Liannan People.)

  8. 連南瑤族篝火晚會-相片

  9. We are small teachers 我們是小老師 Teaching purpose 教學目的: 1.讓當地學校的老師知道香港的教學方式(Let the teacher in the local school know the teaching methods in Hong Kong)2.兩岸交流,明白他們的學校環境(share and understand their school environment)3.教導當地學生,我們所學的知識(Teach local students the knowledge we learned) Teaching content 教學內容:1.教導當地小學生的端午節來源和英文生字(The origin of Dragon Boat Festival and related English vocab)2 摺紙 Chinese paper folding

  10. 教學流程: 1.我們自我介紹和講述端午節的故事、生字(We introduced ourselves and talked about the story of Dragon Boat Festival and related vocabulary) 2.我們叫當地小學生摺紙(We taught the local school students to do the Chinese paper folding) 3.我們教當地小學生唱端午節英文歌曲,問答遊戲(We taught local school students to sing songs about Dragon Boat Festival English, and prepared English Quiz for them)

  11. 探訪農戶 我們去到學生農民-房劍英的家,令我們有一種幸福的感覺,而且她的家很簡陋、生活質素環境惡劣,與香港的相比是差天共地。而且她們很熱情的招呼我們,主動和我們健談,還特意給我們買豬肉吃,知道我們是無肉不歡的人,真是細心體貼。令我們更加清楚她們的艱苦生活,我們亦很慚愧,因為我們都在中國,爲什麽有不同的生活?我們亦有問她“用不用幫忙種田”,她也說需要這樣做,她只有四年級;四年級的時候我們只顧著玩耍,並不知道生活的艱苦,沒有想到她小小年紀做這麼多辛勞的工作;我們真是身在福中不知福,所以我們覺得到農戶家探訪是一個很好的經歷。

  12. Visits to farmers We went to the house of a student, and we have a feeling of happiness. Her family’s life is poor and simple, which is largely different with our living in Hong Kong. They greeted us very enthusiastically and proactively. They talked with us and prepared the pork for us. They are really considerate. They make us more aware of their difficult lives, and ashamed, because both of us are living in China but we have a very different life. We also asked her, “do you need to help farming?" she said she need to do. She is only the fourth grade; when we were fourth grade, we only cared about playing and did not know the hard life, but she did such hard work without any complaints. We are really fortunate, so we feel that it is a good experience to visit farmers’ house to understand their poor and hard life.

  13. 教學反思 對於大坪鎮中心小學,課室比較簡陋,黑板是用木做,所以不能用水抹,而且教學設施只得黑板。比起香港,香港是有足夠的教學設施。相比下,小學的學習環境較差。但小學的學習氣氛又比香港好,因為當我們首次踏入課室時候,學生們很快就安靜了,而我們問問題時,學生亦很主動舉手回答,是多麼踴躍。這是香港沒有的學習態度及氣氛,香港學校只有一個字- 「嘈」,被老師罵完一番才懂收口,但連南的小學生只要被老師說句「安靜了」,就立即安靜。所以,他們雖然處身於學習環境較差,但仍充滿對學習的那份熱情態度,讓我們值得欣賞和學習的一面。

  14. Teaching Reflection In the Central Primary School, the classrooms are simple and crude. The blackboard is made ​​of wood, so we cannot clean the blackboard with water. There is only a blackboard for teacher to use, but in Hong Kong, we have many teaching facilities in a classroom. The condition of classrooms is poor, but the learning atmosphere is good. When we first entered the classroom, the students kept quiet quickly, and we asked questions, students put up their hands to answer very actively. They are so enthusiastic. The Hong Kong students are lack of this learning attitude and atmosphere. The lessons in Hong Kong can be described in only one word - "noisy", and the students only keep quiet after teacher scold them for a long time, but in Liannan the teacher only say "quiet", and the students keep quiet immediately. So, although their learning environment is poor, they are still full of passion in learning. We should appreciate and learn from them.

  15. 認識當地中學教育 對於連南民族初級中學,學習環境跟香港差不多,有足夠的教學設施。 全於氣氛,老師會採用另種教學,例如:說笑話、IQ題讓我們在一個輕鬆的氣氛下上學,亦會利用IQ題刺激我們腦部思考,識相當有趣的!我覺得老師教學方法不錯,跟香港亦差不多,所以在連南中學上課可 找到根香港一樣的味道,很有歸屬感。 在探觀中學,我們和連南中學生一起上中文課。坐在我旁邊的同學叫房麗香,她都很樂意跟我交流,而且我和她亦交換了即時通訊。雖然我們在語言方面都跟溝通不到,因為我是說粵語,她是說普通話,幸好她懂得聽我說的粵語,我又懂得聽她的普通話,從而我們繼續交流。最後,她還主動跟我合照。我補送了她一張祝福卡給她,她都非常開心。

  16. 我們的感想 Yan︰首先,在小學做老師的感覺很新鮮,從所未有的經驗;猜不到做老師是很多準備功夫,要怎麼才令到同學們專心聽書?這個問題竟然發生我身上,而且小學們很單純,並沒有複雜的思想和機心,令到我覺得跟他們玩很舒服。總括而然,經過這次連南之旅,我發掘了不同的知識。還讓我知道不同地方也有不同的生活方式。 (First, it is a fresh experience to be primary school teachers. I did not expect that the teacher have to do a lot of preparatory work, such as, how to make the students pay attention in the lesson? The primary students in that school is very simple, they do not have complicated thinking, so I felt very comfortable when I played with them. In conclusion, after the Liannan trip, I learned a lot of different knowledge and also knew that different places have different lifestyles.)

  17. Liyan:在這次活動中我能體驗出團隊精神。因為我們在授教小學生時要有一定的合作才做到。我亦會將團隊精神帶入我以後的合作活動。此外,我亦體驗到連南學生的自律是多麼值得我們學習。在課堂上,若我們能把自律帶到課堂上,老師們就不要浪費時間來管教我們,爭取時間完成課程,亦可領略到其他知識。所以,我會把自律帶入我未來的課堂上。最後,我認為連南學生是非常的奮發圖強,不論環境有多壞,他們仍然抱著求知精神去學習,那係香港沒有的。相比,香港的學生大部分都是不食人間煙火。我從是次活動中明白到我們應該以求知精神作學習的出發點,所以在生活中,我們都應該以問為先,那就可以學習到書本上沒有的知識。Liyan:在這次活動中我能體驗出團隊精神。因為我們在授教小學生時要有一定的合作才做到。我亦會將團隊精神帶入我以後的合作活動。此外,我亦體驗到連南學生的自律是多麼值得我們學習。在課堂上,若我們能把自律帶到課堂上,老師們就不要浪費時間來管教我們,爭取時間完成課程,亦可領略到其他知識。所以,我會把自律帶入我未來的課堂上。最後,我認為連南學生是非常的奮發圖強,不論環境有多壞,他們仍然抱著求知精神去學習,那係香港沒有的。相比,香港的學生大部分都是不食人間煙火。我從是次活動中明白到我們應該以求知精神作學習的出發點,所以在生活中,我們都應該以問為先,那就可以學習到書本上沒有的知識。 In the trip I experienced the importance of team spirit, because we had to cooperate in teaching students. I will also bring team spirit into other cooperative activities in the future. I also experienced that we should learn self-discipline from Liannan students. If we behave well in the classroom, our teachers do not need to waste time to discipline us and we can complete the course earlier. We can also take the time to learn more knowledge. So, I will have self-discipline in classroom in the future. Finally, I think that Liannan students is very hard working. No matter how bad the environment is, they still hold the eagerness to learn. Hong Kong students does not have this eagerness. In the trip I understand that we should take the learning initiation as the starting point of learning, so in daily life, we should always ask. Then we can learn something that is not in text books.

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