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TOUR BUDDY. 由行政院青輔會指導與資助的志工團體 Tour Buddy is a volunteer group organized and financed by the National Youth Commission, Executive Yuan . 旨在藉由青年志工行銷台灣給 16-30 歲的國際友人 Tour Buddy is designed to introduce and promote Taiwan to international travelers aged between 16 and 30. 自 2009 年起由本校翻譯系陳采體老師主辦
TOUR BUDDY • 由行政院青輔會指導與資助的志工團體 • Tour Buddy is a volunteer group organized and financed by the National Youth Commission, Executive Yuan . • 旨在藉由青年志工行銷台灣給16-30歲的國際友人 • Tour Buddy is designed to introduce and promote Taiwan to international travelers aged between 16 and 30. • 自2009年起由本校翻譯系陳采體老師主辦 • Joy Chen has been the project manager since 2009.
What Tour Buddies Do • 接受培訓,以便成為合格志工 • To become a qualified Tour Buddy, you need to attend the training sessions. • 服務項目有三: • Tour Buddies have the following three assignments: • 1.每個月在台南火車站前的旅遊服務中心作定點服務 • 1.Tour Buddies provide free tour guide service at the Travel Information Center in front of the Tainan Train Station. • 2.接受國際友人的預約,不定期出勤 • Tour Buddies provide free tour guide service to international travelers, who book their reservations with Joy Chen, the project manager.
導覽的路線 • 導覽路線一: • 【遊程名稱】CJCU府城經典遊 • A taste of Tainan, the oldst city in Taiwan • 【遊程規劃】台南火車站Tainan Train Station→孔廟Confucius Temple→武廟General Guan Temple→赤崁樓Chihkan Tower→安平Anping →賦歸 • 【路線特色】以台南市主要之文史古蹟為導覽重點,包含全台首學的孔子廟,主祀關公、內藏超靈驗月下老人的武廟,以及揉合中荷風情的赤崁樓與安平古堡、近年熱門景點安平樹屋等。This route features the major tourist attractions in Tainan, including some temples. Chihkan Tower was also known as Provintia, which was built by the Dutch more than 300 years ago.
導覽路線二: • CJCU府城市區尋幽遊 • Rediscovering the glamour of Tainan by strolling through the alleys • 台南火車站→台南府城隍廟→台南公會堂The Wus’ Garden→台灣文學館National Museum of Taiwan Literature→孔廟Confucius Temple→賦歸 • 以台南市火車站鄰近區域之文史古蹟為導覽重點,包含台灣第一間城隍廟(台灣府城隍廟)、昔日台南首富莊園吳園(台南公會堂)、巴洛克優美風格建築(台灣文學館)以及全台首學的的孔廟等。This route features the tourist attractions around Tainan Train Station and they are all within walking distance.
導覽路線三: • 台江國家公園樹海之旅(安平古堡、樹屋、鹽水溪自行車道與紅樹林體驗) • A Taste of Taijiang National PArk • 台南火車站→安平古堡Anping fort→樹屋Tree House→鹽水溪自行車步道Yanshui River Bike Trail→四草大眾廟遊紅樹林Mangroves→賞夕陽→賦歸 • 體驗安平的古老風情,絕無僅有的樹屋,踩著單車或漫步遊鹽水溪步道,搭乘竹筏觀賞台江國家公園的紅樹林美景與獨特生態。This route features Anping Dist. and Taijiang National Park where visitors can enjoy Anping and Taijiang National Park on their bikes.
101新導覽路線之一:冬季限定黑琵遊 • 【遊程名稱】冬季限定黑琵遊(10月到翌年3月)available from October to March • 【遊程規劃】台南火車站→台灣鹽博物館→七股鹽山→黑面琵鷺生態展示館→黑面琵鷺賞鳥亭→七股潟湖→烤生蠔,虱目魚→賦歸 • Itinerary: Tainan Train Station → Taiwan Salt Museum→Cigy Salt Mountain → Black-faced Spoonbill Ecology Exhibition Hall→ Bird-Watching Deck→ Touring Cigu Lagoons on a boat→ Enjoying Roast Oysters and Milk Fish on a boat→ Tainan Train Station • 【路線特色】攀爬台灣絕無僅有的鹽山,參觀鹽博物館,親眼目睹全球珍禽─黑面琵鷺,搭乘海洋號遊艇體驗七股內海風情,品嚐來自大海的美味珍饈─烤生蠔與虱目魚。 • This route features bird-watching of the black-faced spoonbill and enjoy the unique landscape of the Cigu lagoons.
101新導覽路線:台灣歷史博物館半日遊 • 【遊程名稱】國立台灣歷史博物館半日遊 • A glimpse of Taiwan History at National Museum of Taiwan History in Annan Dist. • 【遊程規劃】台南火車站→台灣歷史博物館→賦歸 • Itinerary: Tainan Train Station →National Museum of Taiwan History →Tainan Train Station • 【路線特色】體驗台南府城最新、展覽內容最豐富、融合建築,展覽與自然生態於一身的台史博。 • This route features the newly-opened largest museum of Taiwan history where visitors can get a glimpse of Taiwan history, appreciate the architecture, and enjoy the ecological design.
10/13實地探訪 • 景點:赤崁樓, 億載金城, 安平古堡,安平樹屋,四草紅樹林體驗 • 集合時間: 9:00 • 集合地點:行政大樓前噴水池 • 攜帶物品:筆記,防曬用品 • 預計返校時間:18:30 • TOURBUDDY部落格帳號:tourbuddy15 • 密碼:06479492
注意事項 • 交通工具 • 以大眾交通工具為主,如巴士,火車,高鐵接駁車 • 禁止以摩托車進行導覽 • 熟悉公車路線 • 縮短候車時間 • 注意人身安全
公車概況 • 觀光休閒公車88、99路,途經台南市重點古蹟 • 88安平線 台南公園↔觀夕平台 • 88安平線區間車 台南公園↔觀夕平台 • 99台江線 台南公園↔七股鹽山 • 99台江線區間車 台南公園↔鹽田生態文化村 • 88、99路於2010年7月1日起開始收費,台南市民憑(身份)證可免費搭乘。
88號公車 • 火車站(南站)─縣知事官邸─東門圓環─延平郡王祠(開山路)─法華寺─誠品書局─文化中心─巴克禮公園─台糖長榮酒店─竹溪寺(健康路)─體育公園─大南門城─孔廟─山林事務所─鄭氏家廟─天壇(忠義路)─赤崁樓─水仙宮(民族路─神農街─中正商圈─大億麗緻酒店、新光三越─水萍塭公園(永華路─市政中心(永華路─億載金城─林默娘公園─安平港濱歷史公園─原住民文化會館─運河博物館─延平街─安平蚵灰窯文化館─安平古堡(安北路)─德記洋行、安平樹屋─古運河─觀光魚市場─觀夕平台
99號路線 • 火車站(南站)─台南醫院(新光三越─吳園─大遠百─赤崁樓─水仙宮(西門路)─接官亭─望月橋─安平蚵灰窯文化館─安平古堡(安北路─德記洋行、安平樹屋─古運河─四草大橋東─四草大橋西─四草生態文化園區(大眾廟─鹽田生態文化村─鹿耳門天后宮─鹿耳門聖母廟─龍山村─鹽田旅服中心─台灣鹽博物館─七股鹽山─火車站(北站)
注意事項 • 1.請穿著制服 • 2.請拍照 • 3.結束時請國際旅客填寫問卷(中日英) • 4.記得書寫部落格以便經驗傳承 • 部落格帳號:tourbuddy15 • 密碼:06479492
台南的歷史(1) • 當前臺南市地域在前現代史上曾是台灣平地原住民西拉雅族的生活領域;17世紀時荷蘭東印度公司曾以大員為其國際貿易據點,並以赤崁為行政中心支配周邊原住民部落及漢族移民。自荷蘭統治時期起,先後在原臺南市位置上建立的熱蘭遮、普羅民遮二城,以及東寧王朝王都承天府、大清帝國臺灣府等府城,均曾是臺灣島上文教經濟中心;由於此種歷史淵源,座落著如億載金城等古蹟的臺南市,素有「臺灣文化古都」、「臺灣漢文化起點」之稱。
台南的歷史(2) • 19世紀清治晚期臺灣府城,挾擁有當時台海航運要衝安平港的優勢,是島上大陸貿易的重鎮之一;[2]1865年,安平港成為清帝國開放國際通商的口岸之一。自清治末期至日治中期,臺南與臺北發展成為臺灣南北兩大都市;20世紀後,安平港航運要衝的地位漸為高雄港所取代,惟仍為全台灣四大城市之一。
台南市現況 • 臺南市是中華民國的直轄市,位於臺灣西南部嘉南平原的曾文溪流域,西面臺灣海峽、東臨阿里山山脈、北接嘉義縣、南與高雄市為界。轄區原分屬為臺灣省轄之臺南市和臺南縣,2010年12月25日起合併升格改制為直轄市,改制後面積2,192平方公里,人口約187萬。
安平古堡,古稱奧倫治城、熱蘭遮城(Zeelandia)、安平城、臺灣城,最早建於1624年,是台灣最古老的要塞建築。安平古堡,古稱奧倫治城、熱蘭遮城(Zeelandia)、安平城、臺灣城,最早建於1624年,是台灣最古老的要塞建築。 Anping Fort is also called Orange, Zeelanida, Anping City, Taiwan City. It was built in 1624, the oldest fort ever built in Taiwan. 安平古堡Anping Fort
安平古堡Anping Fort • 1662年,鄭成功攻下「熱蘭遮城」,順利將荷蘭人驅逐出台灣,建立了台灣歷史上第一個漢人政權。鄭氏同時也將該城改為「安平鎮城」,這就是現今「安平古堡」這個名稱的由來。鄭氏王朝三代統治者均駐居此城,故又叫「王城」。 • In 1662, Koxinga occupied Zeelandia, expelling the Dutch out of Taiwan. Zeelandia was renamed Anping City by Koxinga.
古堡正前方有一洋公館,建於1888年稅務司,為外人在台南所建三座洋公館之一。 現改為熱蘭遮城博物館 The western-style public building in front of the fort was built by the taxation bureau in 1888. It has been remodeled into Zeelandia Museum. 安平古堡Anping Fort
目前保有明清遺跡為南璧古井及外城南壁,高三丈餘,以糯米、糖漿、蚵殼灰三合土砌磚而成。也就是一般所稱的糯米牆 The ancient remains include an old well and the outer wall, which was cemented with sticky rice juice, sugar leftovers, and oyster shell. 安平古堡Anping Fort
天后宮,又稱天妃宮、天后祠、天后寺、天后廟、媽祖廟、聖母廟等,日本又稱天妃神社,常見於中國大陸沿海,及香港、澳門、台灣等地 This is one of the temples which offer sacrificial rituals to天后,媽祖, the goddess of the sea. Temples dedicated to天后 or媽祖are common along the coasts of China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan. 從南中國以至全中國的海岸都有拜媽祖的信仰,認為可保航海順利,所以每所天后廟正門都朝海。 It is believed that the goddess of the sea can protect the sailors and ships during their voyages. The temples of sea goddess always face the sea. 安平古堡外之天后宮
天后宮 • 相傳,媽祖於宋代開國元年(公元906年)3月23日出生於福建興化軍莆田縣的湄洲島,出生時已有特殊徵兆:紅光滿室,香氣四溢;出生至滿月均沒有啼哭過,故取名林默娘。林默娘自童年起即有預測天氣的異能,常於海難發生時前往救人,至29歲時於鄉間湄洲峰上羽化升天。 • According to the legend, Mazu, the sea goddess, was born on March 23rd on the island of Meizhou, Fujian Province. She was born with auspicious signs. She could forecast weathers and rescue people from ship wrecks. She became immortal at the age of 29.
天后宮 • 其後每多顯靈,於海濱救人無數,於是沿海鄉民紛紛立廟祀奉,歷代君主都賜以頭銜,尊為天妃 • She rescued numerous sailors from the sea and many temples were built in honor of her. Emperors decreed that she is revered as the empress of the heaven (or the empress of the immortals).
瞭望塔是民國以後增建的,登頂之後,可遠眺鹽水溪、四草紅樹林、出海口的台灣海峽、安平港、和台南市的新舊市區。瞭望塔是民國以後增建的,登頂之後,可遠眺鹽水溪、四草紅樹林、出海口的台灣海峽、安平港、和台南市的新舊市區。 This observation tower was added later on. Once on top of the tower, you can have a bird view (panorama) of Yanshui River, Sicao Mangroves, the Taiwan Strait, Anping Harbor, and the city of Tainan. 安平古堡的瞭望塔
安平是台南最造開發的地區, 老街延平街號稱為台灣第一條開發的商業街道。十九世紀初安平港開港,聚集各國的洋行,繁華的昔日隱身在古早的巷弄中。 Anping was the first area developed in Tainan, with the very first commercial street named Yanping St. It used to be a busy port city teeming with large foreign trading companies and local businesses. 安平的巷弄:海山館
海山館 • It was a navy base in the Qing Dynasty. • 100多年前是清朝水師駐地 • 目前由民間公司改造成景點,內有劒獅,卜卦,建築互動遊戲等
為1653年荷治時期興建之歐式建築普羅民遮城(Provintia,或稱紅毛樓)為1653年荷治時期興建之歐式建築普羅民遮城(Provintia,或稱紅毛樓) Provintia (present-day Chihkan Tower) was built in 1653 by the Dutch colonists. It was also nicknamed Castle of the red-haired. 赤崁樓內有九座贔屭碑 、海神廟、文昌閣 、鄭成功受降雕像 In present-day Chihkan Tower there are remains of Provintia, 9 Bixi Tablets, a temple dedicated to the sea god, a temple in honor of Wencha, a statue of Coyett (a Dutch governor of Taiwan) surrendering to Koxinga, and various tablets. 赤崁樓Provintia or Chihkan Tower
池塘中成群的錦鯉 Variegated carps are common for their beauty and the good luck they bring for their owners. 赤崁樓Provintia or Chihkan Tower
蓬壺書院 這是後門; 正門面對街上。 This is the back door of the school of Penghu. 赤崁樓Provintia or Chihkan Tower
赤崁樓Provintia or Chihkan Tower • 此城原來是用糖水、糯米汁,攪拌蠔殼灰,三合土疊磚建造而成。 • The remains of the wall was made with bricks and cementing mixture of sugar, sticky rice juice, and oyster shell. • 1661年4月,鄭成功在任職荷蘭通事之客家籍漢人何斌的引導下,通過鹿耳門港道,越渡台江內海,首先攻下普城 • It was attacked and occupied by Koxiga in April 1661 with the help of He Bin.
赤崁樓Provintia or Chihkan Tower • 9個月以後,鄭成功再攻下熱蘭遮城,結束了荷蘭東印度公司在台灣38年的經營。 • Koxinga ended the 38-year rule of the Dutch East India Company in Tainan.
1788年乾隆晚年平定林爽文事件,台灣清治時期三大民變之一。 ,清朝將福康安將軍平定過程刻成10塊長方形石碑碑文,以漢文、滿文撰寫,立置放於赤崁樓 In 1786, Lin Shunagwen Incident, one the three significant civil rebellions, took place in Taiwan. Fu Kangan, the Qing General, appeased the rebellion and the incident was recorded on ten tablets.(贔屭碑 ) 赤崁樓Provintia or Chihkan Tower
赤崁樓Provintia or Chihkan Tower • 台灣的日治時期,日本人則以海神廟和文昌閣、五子祠當做醫院和學生宿舍。 • In the Japanese colonial era, the Sea God temple, Five Child Temple were served as a hospital and a student dorm. • 赤崁樓在1983年由內政部宣佈為國家一級古蹟。 • Chihkan Tower was declared the first-class historical site.
海神廟 The temple was dedicated to the sea god, which was believed to protect the Qing navy cross the Taiwan Strait. 九座贔屭碑.贔屭龙生九子之长,貌似龜而好負重,有齒,力大可馱負三山五嶽。 贔屭are legendary turtle-like creatures. They are good at carrying weights and are placed at the bottom of tablets or pillars. 紀念1788年乾隆晚年平定林爽文事件 赤崁樓Provintia or Chihkan Tower
臺南孔子廟建於1665年由陳永華建議鄭經建立,初設時僅大成殿,用來祭祠孔子 。 The temple was built by Chen Yonghua, the chancellor to Koxinga. 後又設明倫堂作為講學之用,是為全臺首學。 It is the first school (to teach Confucius teachings) ever built in Taiwan. 台南的孔廟Confucius Temple
格局為標準的左學右廟,前殿後閣的三合院,有三進兩廂。右廟的第一進為大成門,分別設立了名宦祠和鄉賢祠,第二進是大成殿,供奉孔子牌位。第三進是崇聖祠。左學為明倫堂和文昌閣 The layout is the traditional one of school*academic building) on the left and temple o the right. Temples consist of名宦祠、鄉賢祠、大成殿和崇聖祠 while 明倫堂 is the classroom. 孔廟的平面圖Confucius Temple
孔廟旁的忠義國小武德殿 The gym-like building is the biggest of its kind built by the Japanese in their occupation. 弘揚日本武士道精神 It aimed to promote the samurai spirits. 孔廟旁的忠義國小Confucius Temple
榕樹的特色 樹型優美 容易生長 不容異己 無花果科 Features of the banyan tree include: It has an elegant appearance It grows easily It does not accommodate other trees It’s a kind of fig trees, with buds covered by two scales 孔廟裡生病的老榕樹Confucius Temple
孔子在中國歷史的地位:萬世師表、至聖先師 Confucius has been regarded as the greatest (model) teacher of all time. 孔子的教育哲學:因材施教、有教無類 Confucius’ teacher philosophy includes: to teach students in accordance with their aptitudes and to teach students without discrimination. 祭祀孔子的廟Confucius Temple
大學之道,在明明德,在止於至善 The Great Learning大學was one of the “Four Books四書” in Confucianism. The “Four Books” were selected by the neo-Confucian, Zhu Xi 朱熹 during the Song Dynasty as a foundational introduction to Confucianism and examinations for the state civil service in China. The Way of the great learning involves manifesting virtue,renovating the people, and abiding by the highest good. 明倫堂Confucius Temple
明倫堂作為講學之用 兩旁有盆栽:藉園藝家的努力與巧思供觀賞者欣賞 The purposes of bonsai are primarily contemplation (for the viewer) and the pleasant exercise of effort and ingenuity (for the grower). Confucius Temple
德:virtues 孔廟之入德之門Confucius Temple
小巧精緻的巷弄 This street is lined with trees, cute shops, and handicraft stands. 孔廟旁的刺桐花巷Confucius Temple
大成殿,用來祭祠孔子,又稱先師聖廟 Dacheng Temple: it offers sacrificial rituals to Confucius. Confucius Temple
求籤 How to request a籤詩 求籤與擲筊相同有其一定之程序,並需藉擲筊以確認所求得之籤是否真為神尊所欲賜予者,其程序為: 一、稟告:需向神尊稟明求者姓名、住址、農曆出生年日以及詳細說明所求事項,並向神明說明欲求籤,此時便需先行擲筊,待獲得「聖筊」,得到神明首肯後,才行抽取籤條。 二、抽取籤條:此時信徒需至籤筒處,通常為將整把籤條抓起再放下,此時最突出者即為神明所賜之籤,待抽取該籤後,需再將籤條所寫之號碼稟明神明,若獲得神明賜予聖筊,即表示該籤是正確無誤的。 三、取籤詩:依籤條上之號碼置放置籤詩處拿取相同號碼之籤詩即完成求籤之動作。 四、解籤:通常籤詩上之文句有其代表意義,一般人無法參透,因此需藉由廟祝或專門解籤知人加以解讀才能瞭解其意。 孔廟的籤詩(chance?)
禮門 Confucius Temple
The Confucius Temple follows the “school on the left and temple on the right” layout of the Confucius Temple. Confucius Temple
魁星塔:魁星可以幫應試者獨占鼇頭,十十寒窗無人問,一舉成名天下知。魁星塔:魁星可以幫應試者獨占鼇頭,十十寒窗無人問,一舉成名天下知。 文昌閣或文昌樓、魁星閣、魁星樓等,是中國古代的一種建築,為祭祀傳說中掌管文運功名之神,保一方文風昌盛而建。 中國的科舉制度Chinese imperial civil service examination system To pass the exam and obtain a job in the government, students spend decades studying. Confucius Temple
歷史:二鯤鯓砲臺,或作二鯤鯓礮臺,舊稱安平大砲臺,現在一般俗稱為億載金城,是一座清朝時建立的砲臺。歷史:二鯤鯓砲臺,或作二鯤鯓礮臺,舊稱安平大砲臺,現在一般俗稱為億載金城,是一座清朝時建立的砲臺。 Eternal Golden Castle is a defensive castle in Anping, Tainan, Taiwan. The castle was built in 1874 by the famous Qing official Shen Baozhen in order to safeguard the coast and to defend the island against Japanese invasions. 億載金城Eternal Golden Castle