Hawaii Army National Guard 298th Regiment, MFTU (RTI) and the Graduating Class oftheWarrior Leader CourseCordially invite you to attend the graduation ceremony ofClass 301-13Friday, 27 September 2013at 1100 Seating will begin at 1030at theSGT Deyson K. Cariaga Auditorium (Building 713)711 Tinker Road, Waimanalo, Hawaii(aboard the Bellows Air Station) Attire: On duty military - Duty Uniform Off duty military and civilians - Aloha AttireFor the grades of E9, W4, O6, and above, please RSVP at email: janine.a.tenorio.mil@mail.mil or call (808) 672-1811. All other guests will be seated on a first come, first served, basis.