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Presentation for WLC. ‘One Page Management System’ ( OPMS ). Systems tool to aid in goal-setting and problem solving in complex systems. Contains animations – use F5 key to run presentation, else it will be confusing. “If you have built castles in the air,
Presentation for WLC ‘One Page Management System’ (OPMS) Systems tool to aid in goal-setting and problem solving in complex systems Contains animations – use F5 key to run presentation, else it will be confusing (c) OPMS for WLC
“If you have built castles in the air, -- Do not despair;For that is where they should be:Now – PUT THE FOUNDATIONS BENEATH THEM!” -- Henry David Thoreau The OPMS is EXACTLY about putting the foundations beneath your castles in the air! (c) OPMS for WLC
To tackle any kind of issue, resolve any kind of problem effectively, these are the things that need to be done: • Grab hold of all good ideas available about the problem or issue - continuingly • Record the ideas generated - continuingly • Put the ideas together in the right kind of usable order – continuingly – create effective action planning • Modify ideas to reflect the environmental reality - continuingly • ‘Integrate’ every relevant issue that might come up - continuingly The ‘One Page Management System’ (OPMS) enables one to do ALL of the above - most effectively indeed! OPMS General Presentation
Grab hold of all good ideas available! Record (and clarify) those ideas! Idea Generation tools Processes to accomplish these tasks quite well known in Management Science - but they’re generally not very effective because of the lack of the requirements sketched next: These processes not known to management science are explained in outline at the ‘technical story’ underlying OPMS • Interpretive Structural Modeling • Field Representation Method Put the ideas together into an effective Action Plan! Processes to accomplish this task barely known to Management Science as it exists today! One Page Management System (OPMS) Integrate everything to create a true system! Processes for effective integration of ideas not known at all to Management Science! OPMS General Presentation
Some terms we shall use in a very specific way • ‘Element’ • Mission • ‘Trigger Questions’ • Structure – relationship or linkage between elements • “contributes to” Claim: THE most important ‘action planning’ word! (c) OPMS for WLC
Element: An idea or a set of ideas that we choose to treat as a single unit Claim: In the conventional approach, we do not give ideas – our own ideas and others’ ideas - adequate respect Claim: The ideas we obtain from real-life form the basis of ALL our ‘systems’ Mission: An important or ambitious goal or aim that may require considerable effort and time to accomplish: individual/group Missions (c) OPMS for WLC
Individual Missions Some Example Missions: Most of these Missions have been successfully accomplished by various individuals – to greater or lesser extent • “To get myself an excellent and satisfying job on graduation” • “To become a Vice-President in a first-rate company within 5 years” • “To understand my real strengths, and use them effectively to overcome my weaknesses” • “To learn to use PowerPoint effectively • “To improve my spoken and written English” • “To develop the OPMS software” • “To launch an organization to develop and market OPMS software” • “To become a top-level s/w designer within 1/3/5/7 years” • “To raise the finances I require for my project” • “To understand all topics of my math syllabus and thereby to do very well in my exams” • “To become a top-level consultant in my field of interest” • “To ensure I never become frustrated about lack of progress” • “To propagate OPMS in India and worldwide” Each Mission is also an ‘element’ What we want to do with these statements: Create a ‘system’ to enable accomplishment of any of these Missions! Would you like to name some Missions of current interest to you? (c) OPMS for WLC
Some ‘organizational’ Missions: Would you like to name some societal Missions of current interest to you? • “To double organizational profits within two years” • “To get over the problem of attrition in our Company” • “To develop an effective communication-information system for villages” • “To ensure good motivation of lower-level staff in Dept. X” • “To develop the OPMS software” Some societal Missions: • “Garibi Hatao!” • “To develop an effective educational system for the nation” • “To ensure effective governance of the nation” • “To remove the shame of India having 47% mal-nourished children in the country – within 5 years” • “To reduce, significantly, the HUGE levels of public corruption in our nation” Would you like to name some Missions of current interest to your parent organization? (c) OPMS for WLC
All the BARRIERS/ etc that may hinder or prevent accomplishment of Mission – AND all the models with BARRIERS, etc. All aspects of ANY ‘Mission’ – no matter how large or ambitious, can be captured on a single page, with linkages to all details! This is a ‘generic’ model, applicable to any Mission! Links to all the BARRIERS, etc, that may hinder or prevent accomplishment of Mission AND all the action models constructed using those elements This Dimensions contains links to : THINGS TO DO to accomplish the Mission and all the action models constructed using the elements in the THINGS TO DO list. The complete Action Planning for the entire Mission appears here. Use of ‘System Tie-Line The ‘SYSTEM TIE-LINE’ provides us a practical means to show how elements in various Dimensions may impact on the Mission and on the THINGS TO DO in our Action Planning’ – e.g. how do the various BARRIERS impact on the activities to be performed to accomplish the Mission?, etc, etc… Use of ‘System Tie-Line We now illustrate a generic ‘One Page Management System’ (OPMS) – a framework that can be used to help accomplish any kind of Mission – individual, organizational or societal This is a ‘2nd order’ Field Representation: a ‘MODEL OF MODELS’ – it comprises of ALL the elements and ALL the models arising during the course of any Mission into appropriate classes that have been found useful through years of people working on Missions. Linkages should be developed between elements in the various dimensions of our OPMS in order to clarify our minds about our systems and how to develop effective action in them! Linkage across Dimensions: How to develop appropriate THINGS TO DO that would help us to overcome the BARRIERS, etc??? That important question becomes entirely clear to us! Linkage across Dimensions: How do the BARRIERS, etc, hinder or prevent accomplishment of THINGS TO DO (and the Mission)? (c) OPMS for WLC
Hinder specific to overcome On exploring linkages between different ‘fundamental dimensions of the OPMS, we find that we naturally begin to ‘understand the system better’ – and we are also enabled to develop all needed sub-systems for our ‘System to accomplish the chosen Mission’. The whole system we create will be highly effective because we have properly understood the relationships between the factors in the system! Action Plans to prepare to avail the OPPORTUNITIES within the ‘window of opportunity’! Action Plans to develop the strengths required (but not currently available) to accomplish Mission We get a series of models like the following, which would help clarify how to accomplish desired objectives: the models are detailed in regard to which BARRIERS hinder which specific THINGS TO DO, and exactly what are the THINGS TO DO to overcome specific BARRIERS! THINGS TO DO Action Plans to overcome weaknesses that may hinder or prevent accomplishment of our Mission! We get a whole series of such models linking up specific elements in the various dimensions of the OPMS to specific elements in other dimensions BARRIERS Enable us to identify More THINGS TO DO The model means: “BARRIERS hinder specific THINGS TO DO – and we are enabled to identify more THINGS TO DO to overcome those BARRIERS” (c) OPMS for WLC
Are you able truthfully to include these deliverables in your resume? If yes, you will soon be able to name your own terms in any company that rewards real merit for real value delivered! Can you confidently (and justifiably) promise your organization that you are able to contribute these as useful inputs? OPMS Process Deliverables • Identification of an agreed Mission – relating to an individual or group • Lists of ideas covering various aspects of the Mission • Initiation of an agreed Action Plan to accomplish the Mission • Integration into the Action Plan of practical means to overcome barriers, difficulties, and threats encountered and also weaknesses that may hinder accomplishment; also of practical means to avail of opportunities that may hinder, etc. • Reports to monitor ‘What & Why – Who – When - How Much’; etc • Design of all needed sub-systems: marketing system, planning system, information systems – whatever the subsystems that may be required for the Mission! • Above all: significant enhancement of attitudes, behaviour and performance of the majority of individuals and groups at each level – by way of them seeing practical means to overcome practically all frustrations that may be encountered. OPMS General Presentation
The heart of the matter: Relationships or ‘Linkages’between elements “To become a Vice-President in a 1st-rate company within 5 years” “may contribute” “To get myself an excellent and satisfying job on graduation” Prose Translation: “To get myself an excellent and satisfying job on graduation MAY CONTRIBUTE to become a Vice-President in a sound company within 5 years” Claim 1: It is much easier to read and understand the graphical picture than its prose translations – particularly when there are a large number of elements in the system… Claim 2: By focusing on the lower level elements of a ‘sufficiently complete’ structure, we may develop an Action Plan to accomplish the higher level elements (c) OPMS for WLC
To double organizational profits within two years “should contribute” After creating a satisfactory structure (which should include elements relating to all aspects of the Mission) we may focus on lower levels, forgetting for the moment about the upper levels, with full confidence that we are indeed still giving them due consideration! To get over the problem of attrition in our Company To design effective training programmes for new recruits to the organization To ensure that the people we recruit are right for us, our system(s), our style of functioning (c) OPMS for WLC
X “Garibi Hatao!” “should contribute” “is essential for” X Why did it fail? -- despite the huge power and popularity enjoyed by Indira Gandhi? To bring about effective governance for India within 5 years X Despite many notable achievements, we still do not have a truly effective system of governance for our country – and we still have plenty of ‘garibi’! (c) OPMS for WLC
For interest, we illustrate how various societal Missions are perceived to be linked to each other: “Garibi Hatao!” To develop an effective educational system for the nation To remove the shame of India having 47% mal-nourished children in the country – within 5 years “should contribute” • To bring about effective governance for India within 5 years• To reduce, significantly, the HUGE levels of public corruption in our nation To help develop NGOs in various areas to function effectively To make individuals conscious that it is their efforts – and their efforts only - that can help reduce the levels of public corruption in the country (c) OPMS for WLC
All ideas in all dimensions below are integrated via the OPMS to help create an effective Action Plan to accomplish the Mission… Major Trigger Questions in OPMS: • “What, in your opinion, are the THINGS TO DO to get myself an excellent and satisfying job on graduation?” • “What , in your opinion, are the BARRIERS/ DIFFICULTIES / THREATS that may hinder or prevent accomplishment of your Mission?” • “What, in your opinion, are the STRENGTHS you possess (/need) in order to accomplish your Mission?” • “What, in your opinion, are the OPPORTUNITIES that may be available in order to accomplish your Mission?” • “What, in your opinion, are the WEAKNESSES that may hinder or prevent accomplishment of your Mission?” • “What, in your opinion, are the EVENTS/MILESTONES that may occur during progress towards your Mission?” (c) OPMS for WLC
That was the ‘Elevator Presentation’ If you’d like to learn more about OPMS… (c) OPMS for WLC
The Mission of interest:“To get myself an excellent and satisfying job on graduation (c) OPMS for WLC
First Trigger Question: “What, in your opinion, are the THINGS TO DOthat could help you get yourself an exciting and satisfying job?” Some responses listed, next slide (c) OPMS for WLC
We now demonstrate ‘structuring’ - showing perceived linkages between - these elements so that, in due course, the person could go about creating an Action Plan to accomplish ‘Mission’ of “getting an excellent, satisfying job” Some responses to the trigger question: • “To ensure I really know my stuff” (1) • “To prepare well for my interviews” (2) • “To get interviews with top-level organizations” (3) • “To be very clear in my mind as to what I wish to do with my life” (4) • “To prepare a detailed listing of specific aspects of the organizations I am interested to interview for (5)” • “To get excellent recommendations from my guides” (6) • “To research thoroughly into the needs of the organizations I want to interview for” (7) • “To do some ‘mock’ interviews” (8) • “To prepare a realistic evaluation of my strengths and weaknesses for the interview” (9) • “To work to overcome my weaknesses” (10) • “To divulge enough of my weaknesses so as to convince my interviewers” (11) • “To create the best possible impression on my interviewers” (12) The elements you perceive will undoubtedly be very different from the ones to be listed here … These are some of the ‘elements’ … (c) OPMS for WLC
Creating an Interpretive Structural Model(ISM) based on List presented earlier Initial Modeling questions: Does“To ensure I really know my stuff” (1)contribute “To prepare well for my interviews?” (2) ? Does “To prepare well for my interviews?” (2)contribute “To ensure I really know my stuff” (1) ? “YES” “NO” GSC’s perceptions – others would differ (c) OPMS for WLC
A ‘structure’ Prose translation: “To ensure that I really know my stuff SHOULD CONTRIBUTE prepare well for my exams, both of which should contribute to get myselof an excellent and satisfying job” Read bottom-upwards, substituting “should contribute to” whenever you encounter an arrow An Interpretive Structural Model To get myself an excellent and satisfying job “should contribute X X X X X X To prepare well for my interviews (2) “does not contribute” To ensure I really know my stuff (1) (c) OPMS for WLC
Add element: “To get interviews with top level organizations” (3) To get myself an excellent and satisfying job “should contribute” To get interviews with top-level organizations (3) To prepare well for my interviews (2) To ensure I really know my stuff (1) Prose translation: “~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~…….” (c) OPMS for WLC
Add element: “To prepare listings of specific aspects of those organizations I am interested to inteview for” (5) To get myself an excellent and satisfying job “should contribute” To get interviews with top-level organizations (3) To prepare well for my interviews (2) To prepare listings of specific aspects of orgs.. I am interested to interview for (5) To ensure I really know my stuff (1) (c) OPMS for WLC
Logically, we are able to justify adding elements, in specific, appropriate positions to our starting two-element graphical structure (as we’ve done in the past few slides) because the relationship “CONTRIBUTES TO” is transitive, which means the following: Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) is based on a SINGLE transitive relationship running right through the model. If ‘A’ ‘B’, and if ‘B’ ‘C’, then ‘A’ MUST ‘C’ (where ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ are elements and stands for the specific transitive relationship under consideration) Mistaken ideas are easily corrected through regular use of this process (assuming, of course, there is a basic desire to correct one’s own mistaken ideas) This simple idea has huge impact – in regard to construction of these models as well as to their interpretation. Models constructed using the above rule would be logically consistent AND, further, the construction of even very large models would also be quite efficient because of the transitivity of the single relationship used in each such structure. The process helps the people easily perceive the logical inconsistencies that may be embedded in their thought processes! (c) OPMS for WLC
About the transitive relationship “contributes to” • It’s THE most important‘action verb’ there is! • ‘A’ “contributes to” ‘B’: means “accomplishing ‘A’ would help to accomplish ‘B’ ” • “contributes to” is the basis of ALL effective Action Planning – accomplishing any goal is simply doing effectively all the things that may contribute to that goal! (c) OPMS for WLC
Add element: “To get excellent recommendations from my guides (6) To get myself an excellent and satisfying job “should contribute” To get interviews with top-level organizations (3) To prepare well for my interviews (2) To prepare listings of specific aspects of orgs.. I am interested to interview for (5) To get excellent recommendations from guides (6) To ensure I really know my stuff (1) (c) OPMS for WLC
Add element: “To become very clear in my mind what I want to do in life (4) To get myself an excellent and satisfying job “should contribute” To get interviews with top-level organizations (3) To prepare well for my interviews (2) To prepare listings of specific aspects of orgs.. I am interested to interview for (5) To get excellent recommendations from guides (6) • To ensure I really know my stuff (1) • To become very clear in my mind what I want to do in life (4) (c) OPMS for WLC
What we had started out with: “should contribute” To get myself an excellent and satisfying job To prepare well for my interviews (2) To ensure I really know my stuff (1) (c) OPMS for WLC
What comes out of ISM HOWs? and WHYs? Action Planning Expanding on specific elements (c) OPMS for WLC
HOWs? and WHYs? WHY? HOW? The HOWs? and the WHYs? of every element are built into each “contribution” structure ! To get myself an excellent and satisfying job “should contribute” Read DOWNthe structure to find out the HOW of the focus element! To get interviews with top-level organizations (3) To prepare well for my interviews (2) To prepare listings of specific aspects of orgs.. I am interested to interview for (5) Focus on ANY element in the structure: Read UPthe structure to find out the WHY? of the focus element! To get excellent recommendations from guides (6) • To ensure I really know my stuff (1) • To become very clear in my mind what I want to do in life (4) (c) OPMS for WLC
Action Planning Expanding on specific elements – ‘gaps’ in structures To get myself an excellent and satisfying job “should contribute” To get interviews with top-level organizations (3) To prepare well for my interviews (2) To prepare listings of specific aspects of orgs.. I am interested to interview for (5) The model develops further (next slide) To get excellent recommendations from guides (6) • To ensure I really know my stuff (1) • To become very clear in my mind what I want to do in life (4) (c) OPMS for WLC
“should contribute” Model is too large to fit onto single screen – we break it up into two parts (c) OPMS for WLC
Upper level “should contribute” From Element 5 From Element 4 (c) OPMS for WLC
Lower level “should contribute” To Element 12 To Element 6 (c) OPMS for WLC
The relationship “contributes to” is probably the single most important of all relationships that can help us arrive at a working understanding from scratch of the systems under consideration Some features of ISM Some important transitive relationships in systems: Relationship “implies” is not yet handled in OPMS and a whole lot of others… “contributes to” “aggravates” (in case or problems/ difficulties encountered) “precedes” (PERT and Gantt Charts – well known in ‘Project Management Software’) • ANYtransitive relationship may be modeled through ISM (a single relationship per model) – • An ISMbased on on “contributes to” clarifies the “HOWs?” and the “WHYs?” of EACH and EVERY things done or to be done! • ISM enables individuals and groups to explore the relationships between factors in their systems to any depth and degree of detail as required (These models can be ‘blown up’ as much as required for clear understanding all round • A simple model of, say 20-25 elements on 1 or two pages would be the equivalent of some 30-40 (or even more) pages if translated in full into standard prose: ISM enables huge compression of long prose passages! • ISM is one of the powerful modeling techniques created by Warfield that help individuals and groups to explore complexity in systems. “is more/less important than” “supports” “enhances” (c) OPMS for WLC
John Warfield’s ‘Interactive Management’ comprises a whole set of methodologies to: • enable problem solvers to generate & clarify ideas along with • two powerful modeling tools to enable them to ‘structure’, or organise ideas generated. You’ve just seen ISM, one of the modeling tools. (c) OPMS for WLC
Apart from ISM, Warfield has created another powerful modeling tool, ‘Field Representation and Profiling Method’ (FR)designed to help us put elements in a system into appropriate ‘similarity classes’ or ‘categories’ – which then help us explore the relationships (transitive and other) between elements and categories. We illustrate the Field Representation Method with three examples – one example being a general structure of the utmost simplicity; the second one relates to our Mission of “Developing effective educational systems for India’s real needs”, and the third one is a pretty complex Field… (c) OPMS for WLC
Here’s a list of some diverse Missions We shall now use the Field Representation process on this random list to bring some ‘system order’ into it… • To become a top level software designer • To double organizational turnover within one year • “Garibi hatao!” – (The famous ‘anti-poverty’ slogan of Indira Gandhi’s government – the slogan was excellent, but the initiative as a whole failed rather miserably) • To master my math syllabus and thereby get excellent results in my math exams • To get myself a satisfying and well-paying job • “To create an effective system of governance to meet India’s needs” • To align individuals in the organization to the organization’s goals • To qualify myself for the best job opportunities available • To launch a new product in the US market in 2008 • To set up my own consulting business • To become a global leader in software services by 2015 • “To ensure 90% true literacy in India within 10 years” • “To remove our great shame of 40% malnourished children in India – by 2015” Our first example of FR follows… (c) OPMS for WLC
The first step of the FR process involves inserting the ‘elements’ into categories/’similarity classes’ ‘Modeling question’, for creating Field Representations will be shown… We start by inserting the first element into a blank ‘Dimension’, as illustrated below… A: Dimension 1● To become a top-level software designer First element inserted in Dimension 1 …and then we ask ‘modeling questions’, as shown, next … (c) OPMS for WLC
In your opinion, is “To double organizational turnover within 1 year”(element ‘2’) similar to (/in the same category as) “to become a top-level software designer”(element ‘1’)[keeping in mind the kind of organizational structures that may be needed to accomplish the specific Mission]? Response Is “NO”, so this element goes into a different category as shown, next slide… (c) OPMS for WLC
Here’s how the Field Representation looks at this point: A: Dimension 1● To become a top-level software designer A: Dimension 1 B: Dimension 2● to become a top-level ●To double organizational software designer turnover within 1 year Next modeling question: Response: “NO”, so new question asked… In your opinion, is “Garibi Hatao!” (element ‘3’) similar to (/in the same category as) “to become a top-level software designer” (element ‘1’)[keeping in mind the kind of organizational structures that may be needed to accomplish the specific Mission]? Response again: “NO”, so a new dimension is created… Next modeling question: Second element in Dimension 2 In your opinion, is “Garibi Hatao!” (element ‘3’) similar to (/in the same category as) “To double org. turnover within 1 year?” (element ‘2’)[keeping in mind the kind of organizational structures that may be needed to accomplish the specific Mission]? A: Dimension 1 B: Dimension 2● to become a top-level●To double org. software designerturnover within 1 year C: Dimension 3 ● Garibi Hatao! and so on… If the response to a modeling question is “NO”, the question is asked again w.r.t. another element, or a new Dimension is created and the question-element is inserted there. If the response is “YES”, then the question-element is inserted in the same Dimension… (c) OPMS for WLC
A: Dimension 1 To become a top-level… To master my math syllabus To get myself a satisfying and well-paid job … B: Dimension 2 To double organizational turnover… To get over the ‘attrition problem’ To align individuals in organization… To launch a new product in US market FR: “ System of ‘Types of Missions’ ” System Tie-Line C: Dimension 3 O “Garibi Hatao!” O “To create an effective system of governance for India’s needs” O “To develop an effective educational system for our needs” O “……” Important!The titles of the categories are arrived at only after all elements are appropriately inserted into blank categories (see next…) (c) OPMS for WLC
A: Individual Missions To become a top-level… To master my math syllabus To get myself a satisfying and well-paid job … B: Organizational Missions To double organizational turnover… To get over the ‘attrition problem’ To align individuals in organization… To launch a new product in US market FR: “ System of ‘Types of Missions’ ” System Tie-Line C: Societal Missions O “Garibi Hatao!” O “To create an effective system of governance for India’s needs” O “To develop an effective educational system for our needs” O “……” (c) OPMS for WLC
IMPORTANT: The appropriate titles of the Dimensions of this Field Representation came to light only AFTER all elements were inserted into those Dimensions via an appropriate ‘modeling question’! • Individual Missions • Organizational Missions • Societal Missions (c) OPMS for WLC
A: Individual Missions • To become a top level software designer • To master my math syllabus and thereby get excellent results in my math exams • To get myself a satisfying and well-paying job • To qualify myself for the best job opportunities that become available • To set up my own consulting business • To become more effective at what I do • To learn to use PowerPoint effectively • … (c) OPMS for WLC
B: Organizational Missions • To obtain needed financing for a major project • To align individuals in the organization to the organization’s goals • To double organizational turnover within one year • To get over the ‘attrition problem’ • To launch a new product in the US market in 2008 • To become a global leader in software services by 2015 • To obtain needed financing to market globally • … (c) OPMS for WLC
C: Societal Missions • “Garibi hatao!”(Indira Gandhi’s famous slogan, which has alas never been effectively worked on) • “To create an effective system of governance to meet India’s needs” • “To develop an effective educational system for India’s needs” • “To ensure 90% true literacy in India within 10 years” • “To become one of the ‘least corrupt’ nations in the world within 10 years (instead of being one of the ‘more corrupt’ nations)” • “To remove the great shame of 40% Indian children malnourished by 2015 • … (c) OPMS for WLC
A: Individual Missions To become a top-level… To master my math syllabus To get myself a satisfying and well-paid job … B: Organizational Missions To double organizational turnover… To get over the ‘attrition problem’ To align individuals in organization… To launch a new product in US market FR: “ System of ‘Types of Missions’ ” The ‘SYSTEM TIE-LINE’ stands for any of the relationships that may be inherent in the system under consideration On examining the ‘system’ with just the three dimensions that have developed here, we are now able to perceive that a couple more dimensions are required to render this into a truly useful and usable ‘system’… System Tie-Line C: Societal Missions O “Garibi Hatao!” O “To create an effective system of governance for India’s needs” O “To develop an effective educational system for our needs” O “……” (c) OPMS for WLC
A: Individual Missions To become a top-level… To master my math syllabus To get myself a satisfying and well-paid job … B: Organizational Missions To double organizational turnover… To get over the ‘attrition problem’ To align individuals in organization… To launch a new product in US market FR: “ System of ‘Types of Missions’ ” System Tie-Line C: Societal MissionsO “Garibi Hatao!”O “To create an effective system of governance for India’s needs”O “To develop an effective educational system for our needs” O “……” The FR process has helped us to create a ‘representation’ of a useful ‘system’ from a mere random list! The two dimensions needed to create a useful ‘system’ D: Type of organizationE: Resources reqd.Requiredo ~~~~~~~~~~~~O Self-organization o ~~~~~~~~~~~~O Incorporated Company o~~~~~~~~~~~~~ O Government or non-governmental organisation (c) OPMS for WLC