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Cloud Delivery

Cloud Delivery. Delivery. Ingest Transform Publish Convey. Is Not. Virtual Servers. Is. Provisioning Your Bill-of-materials Direct Material Costs. Is Not. Operating Infrastructure. Is. Assembling Services. Have. Capital Purchase Depreciation Obsolescence. Want.

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Cloud Delivery

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cloud Delivery

  2. Delivery Ingest Transform Publish Convey

  3. Is Not Virtual Servers

  4. Is Provisioning Your Bill-of-materials Direct Material Costs

  5. Is Not Operating Infrastructure

  6. Is Assembling Services

  7. Have Capital Purchase Depreciation Obsolescence

  8. Want Responsive Provisioning Automatic Provisioning

  9. Threat Low Entry Barrier

  10. Opportunity Low Enhancement Barrier

  11. Risk New Skills Needed

  12. Benefit New Skills are Aligned With Best Practices Skills are Closer to the Product

  13. Difficulty Rapid Change Agile Approach Required

  14. As Implementation Traditional Distribution Devices are Strategy

  15. As Strategy Non-traditional Trade Enable Others to Succeed

  16. A Story The Resource Dilemma The Opportunity The Initiative

  17. A Story The Misunderstanding

  18. A Story

  19. A Story The A-ha!

  20. Lessons Inversion of Control Separation of Concerns Standard Parts

  21. Lessons Favor Click Charges Build Chameleons

  22. Greg Wiley Media Science International gjw@mediascienceinternational.com

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