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歐盟第七期科研架構計畫: 2010 年合作 (Cooperation) 類別之主題八─社會經濟及人文科學領域計畫介紹. FP7 30.07.2009-02.02.2010. 中山大學政治所所長:廖達琪 中山大學 政治所博士生 : 陳月卿、 李承訓. 2010 年 SSH 領域年度計畫架構介紹. 計畫背景:緣起. 社會經濟及人文科學 ( SSH) 是自 1994 年以來的第四個且連續的社會經濟及人文科學計畫。
歐盟第七期科研架構計畫:2010年合作(Cooperation)類別之主題八─社會經濟及人文科學領域計畫介紹歐盟第七期科研架構計畫:2010年合作(Cooperation)類別之主題八─社會經濟及人文科學領域計畫介紹 FP7 30.07.2009-02.02.2010 中山大學政治所所長:廖達琪 • 中山大學政治所博士生:陳月卿、李承訓
計畫背景:緣起 • 社會經濟及人文科學(SSH)是自1994年以來的第四個且連續的社會經濟及人文科學計畫。 • 第一個社會經濟及人文科學計畫是屬於歐盟第四期科研計畫(FP4)一部分的「焦點社會經濟研究計畫(Targeted Socio-economic Research Programme)」; • 第二個是屬於第五期科研計畫(FP5)的「增進社會經濟的知識基礎(Improving the Socio-economic Knowledge Base)之計畫」; • 第三,為第六期科研計畫(FP6)中的「知識經濟社會中的公民與政府(Citizens and Governance in a Knowledge-based Society)」之計畫。
徵求計畫架構介紹 橘色代表大型計畫、咖啡色代表中小型計畫
Activity 8.1: Growth, employment and competitivenessin a knowledge society – the EuropeanCase Demand-driven research and innovation policies for growth, welfare and wellbeing Changing the role of the financial system to better serve economic, social andenvironmental objectives The public sector of the future Growth, employment and competitiveness in a knowledge society – the EuropeanCase Changing role of knowledge throughout the economy Structural changes in the European knowledge economy and society Strengthening policy coherence and coordination in Europe 橘色代表大型計畫、咖啡色代表中小型計畫
Combining economic, social and environmental objectives in a European perspective – Paths towards sustainable development Socio-economic development trajectories Regional, territorial and social cohesion Activity 8.2: Combining economic, social and environmental objectives in a European perspective – Paths towards sustainable development Creating and adapting jobs in Europe in the context of a socio-ecological transition Local welfare systems favouring social cohesion Analysis of the impacts of global changes Social Platform on Sustainable Lifestyles EU regions and their interaction with the neighborhood regions 橘色代表大型計畫、咖啡色代表中小型計畫、綠色代表支援計畫
Major trends in society and their implications Demographic changes (no topics in 2010) Societal trends and lifestyles Cultural interactions in an international perspective (no topics in 2010) Activity 8.3: Major trends in society and their implications Addictions and lifestyles in contemporary European societies 橘色代表大型計畫、綠色代表支援計畫、藍綠色代表無徵求計畫
Europe in the world Interactions and interdependences between world regions and their implications Conflicts, peace and human rights Activity 8.4: Europe in the world Europe facing a rising multi-polar world Collective challenges for Latin American and Caribbean Countries Understanding urbanisation trends and processes in contemporary China Cultures of governance and conflict resolution in Europe and India 橘色代表大型計畫、粉紅色代表中小型計畫(針對特定國家的國合計畫)
The Citizen in the European Union Participation and citizenship in Europe Diversities and commonalities in Europe Activity 8.5: The Citizen in the European Union Democracy and the shadows of totalitarianism and populism: the European experience European Identities: Inner and outer perceptions of Europe and the EU Reinterpreting Europe's cultural heritage: towards the 21st century library and museum? 橘色代表大型計畫、咖啡色代表中小型計畫、藍綠色代表無徵求計畫
Socio-economic and scientific indicators (no topics in 2010) Activity 8.6: Socio-economic and scientific indicators (no topics in 2010) 藍綠色代表無徵求計畫
Foresight activities Activity 8.7: Foresight activities Focused thematic foresight 藍綠色代表無徵求計畫
The Ocean of tomorrow - Joining research forces to meet challenges in ocean management Horizontal actions Mobilising the network of NCPs for specific tasks Quantification of climate change impacts on economic sectors in the Arctic Vectors of changes in marine life, impact on economic sectors Sub-seabed carbon storage and the marine environment Support to the preparation of ERANET / ERANET Plus projects Activity 8.8: Horizontal actions 藍色代表明日海洋計畫、藍綠色代表無徵求計畫
徵求計畫細項說明(IMPLEMENTATION OF CALLS) Associated countries (Ac): EU non member countries associated to FP7, ie, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, Israel, Turkey, Croatia and Serbia 「明日海洋」 (The Ocean of tomorrow)計畫總預算共3,400萬歐元
各主類別已通過計畫的列表 以European Commission之資訊為主 (已在進行中之計畫:共計98個)
各主類別已通過計畫列表:格式說明 領域 國別代碼 執行組織 主持人 計畫編號與縮寫 計畫名稱 執行單位
Activity 1 - Growth, employment and competitiveness in a knowledge society
Activity 2 - Combining economic, social and environmental objectives in a European perspective