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Standard Grade PE Revision Warm Up/Warm Down Brannock High School

Standard Grade PE Revision Warm Up/Warm Down Brannock High School. Warm Up Before you take part in any activity, it’s vitally important that you prepare your body. There are three main reasons why we need to warm up:.

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Standard Grade PE Revision Warm Up/Warm Down Brannock High School

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  1. Standard Grade PE Revision Warm Up/Warm Down Brannock High School

  2. Warm Up Before you take part in any activity, it’s vitally important that you prepare your body. There are three main reasons why we need to warm up: • To increase the heart rate which will allow the heart to pump more blood to the working muscles • To decrease the risk of injury. By stretching your muscles, you are preparing them for activity and are less likely to pull a muscle • To increase the body temperature. This means that the blood is moving quickly to your working muscles

  3. Warm Up There are four parts to a warm up, and each part should be given a significant amount of time to allow your body to be fully prepared. • Part 1 – Pulse Raiser • In this part of the warm up, you will be increasing your body temperature and increasing your heart rate. After you have completed this part of the warm up, you should feel warm, you may have a red face and you might be breathing heavier. Here you will be doing exercises such as: • Jogging around the pitch • Playing tig • Skipping/Side Stepping

  4. Part 2 – Stretching • In this part of the warm up, you will concentrate on stretching each muscle group. Pay particular attention to the specific muscles you will be using for the activity. • You should hold each stretch for about 7 seconds before moving onto the next one. Make sure that if you are holding a stretch, that you don’t bounce and hold it still. • You should feel a stretch in the muscles – but it SHOULDN’T be sore • You may do such exercises as: • Calf Stretches • Arm Circling • Lunges

  5. Part 3 – Skills Practice In the third part of the warm up, you will concentrate on practising the skills of the activity that you are about to take part in. For example, if your activity is hockey, you might want to warm up by doing a passing practice: This is an example of a skill practice that you could do in the third part of the warm up. Passing the ball back and forward between two players to practice passing

  6. Part 4 – Mental Preparation/Focus • In the final part of the warm up, you have to prepare mentally for the activity. This means taking time to think about what you are going to do in the activity. This might be: • Mentally rehearsing the role that you have to take on • Motivating yourself to give your “best performance” • Concentrating on what you need to do to win For example – a setter in volleyball has a very difficult job as they have to make many decisions, and be the play maker of the team. In the fourth part of the warm up, a setter will sit by her self, and mentally rehearse how she will set the ball, and how she will maintain her discipline as a setter.

  7. BRAIN BUSTER Choose an activity from the list below. Gymnastics Badminton Javelin Trampolining Swimming Hockey From this activity, describe, in detail what you did for each part of the warm up. (a) Pulse Raiser (b) Stretching (c) Skill Practice

  8. Warm Down/Cool Down After you have taken part in an activity, you need to make sure that your body is given the opportunity to recover. This is just as necessary as a warm up. • To get rid of the build up of lactic acid (waste product that stays in the muscles after exercise and causes stiffness) and reduce the risk of stiffness in the muscle • Allows the body to recover slowly from the actions of the activity

  9. Warm Down There are two parts to a cool down that should both be completed in order to recover from the activity • Part 1 – Recovery • In this part of the warm down, you are improving your blood circulation, so that more oxygen is carried to the muscles, allowing lactic acid to be removed. Examples of exercises in this part of the warm down are: • Light Jogging around the pitch • Skipping/Side Stepping

  10. Part 2 – Stretching • In this part of the warm down, you will concentrate on stretching each muscle group. Pay particular attention to the specific muscles you have used in the activity. • You should hold each stretch for about 7 seconds before moving onto the next one. Make sure that if you are holding a stretch, that you don’t bounce and hold it still. • You should feel a stretch in the muscles – but it SHOULDN’T be sore • You may do such exercises as: • Calf Stretches • Arm Circling • Lunges

  11. worksheet 5 Section 5 – Warm Up/Down Completed To finish this section, you will be given a work sheet to complete as homework. Use your notes to help you with the answers. If you need help with a question, you can look up the Standard Grade book or ask you teacher. If you have access to the internet, you can also find help on the Bitesize website http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/scotland/pe

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