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Today: The Nation of Egypt is Conquered

11/06/07 Br- If another country attacked Washington DC and took over, how do you think YOUR daily life would be different?. Today: The Nation of Egypt is Conquered. Ponder. 1. What are some events that would cause a major disruption in your day to day life (we’re talking serious disruption!)

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Today: The Nation of Egypt is Conquered

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  1. 11/06/07Br- If another country attacked Washington DC and took over, how do you think YOUR daily life would be different? Today: The Nation of Egypt is Conquered

  2. Ponder.. 1. What are some events that would cause a major disruption in your day to day life (we’re talking serious disruption!) 2. Who is in charge of our state, city, country? Why doesn’t one just decide to do whatever they want? 3. What is the most important advance in medicine (as far as you know?)

  3. Vocabulary 8-11 • 8: luxurious, conceited, climate, bleak, rigid, centralized, botanist, eternity, draughtsman, monarchy, anarchy • 9:salve, millennia, barbaric, administer, accordance, absolved, malady, physician, prescription, tracheotomy, anesthesia, antibiotic, dosage, draught, asthmatic

  4. Vocabulary 8-11 • 10: vertical, garrison, adapt, mercenaries, professional, besieged, gilded, • 11: colonnade, transform, divine, mortal, deity, trinket, frantic, vulnerable

  5. Timeline #3 • 2278-2184 BCE Reign of Pepi II • 2180 BCE First Intermediate Period • 2040 BCE Middle Kingdom Period Begins • 1991-1964 BCE Reign of Amenemhet I • 1971-1926 BCE Reign of Senwosert (Senusret)1 • 1782 BCE Hyksos Invade 2nd Intermediate Period Begins • 1570 BCE Hyksos are expelled; New Kingdom Begins • 1498-1483 BCE Reign of Hatshepsut • 1483-1450 Reign of Thutmose III • 1483 BCE Thutmose III defeats rebels in Battle of Megiddo

  6. Important People • 8:Pepi II, Ankhtyfy, Senworset, Sinuhe • 9:Homer, Diodorus Siculus • 10:Manetho, Seqenere, Ahmose, Ahotep, Josephus Flavius • 11:Hatshepsut, Thutmose II, Thutmose III

  7. Study Questions • 8: 1. How did the homes of the governors show a shift in power? 2. Describe how the governors used power once they had it? 3. Why did Rich Egyptians want to get copies of the Coffin Texts? 4. In the Tale of Sinuhe, what is Sinuhe’s wish and does it come true? 5. What were some of the new ways that Egyptians expressed themselves during the 1st Intermediate Period? 6. What part did grain play in the shifting power from the king to the provinces? 7. Why do you think the Tale of Sinuhe was so popular with generations of Egyptians?

  8. Study Questions • 9: 1. Who studied in peru-ankh (houses of life?) 2. When would an Egyptian doctor use a magic spell? 3. What do honey and onions have in common as cures? 4. Describe how Egyptian doctors gained their medical knowledge. 5. What would an Egyptian family have to prove for an Egyptian doctor to be convicted of malpractice? 6. In what ways would you say Egyptian doctors are like modern doctors?

  9. Study Questions • 10:1. What did the Hyksos king use an excuse for starting war? 2. What Hyksos technology did the Egyptians improve on. 3. What was the Golden fly’s connection to Ahmose? 4.What do you think Egypt may have been like during the Second Intermediate Period? 5. What did the Hyksos do that made the Egyptians especially angry?

  10. Study Questions • 11:1. What do the inscriptions on Hatshepsut’s tomb tell about the location of Punt? 2. What things did the expedition bring back from Punt? 3. How did an Egyptian Queen’s power differ from a King’s? 4. Describe how Thutmose won at the battle of Megiddo. 5. Why do you think Hatshepsut wanted people to remember the expedition to Punt? 6. Why would the time of Thutmose III be described as a “Golden Age?”

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