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GAVI Alliance Civil Society Constituency Advocacy Strategy Paper 2011-2015. GAVI CSO Constituency Meeting International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) Geneva, Switzerland Salle 1 and 2 6 July 2011 . What is the goal of the GAVI CS Advocacy Strategy?.
GAVI Alliance Civil Society Constituency Advocacy Strategy Paper 2011-2015 GAVI CSO Constituency Meeting International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) Geneva, Switzerland Salle 1 and 2 6 July 2011
What is the goal of the GAVI CS Advocacy Strategy? To advocate and communicate for equitable access to quality, no/low cost immunization services and responsive health systems for children and women in poor countries. GAVI Alliance Operating Principles are: As a public-private partnership increasing participation of civil society, the GAVI Alliance plays a catalytic role by providing funding to countries and demonstrates “added value” by: • Advocating for immunization in the context of a broader set of cost-effective public health interventions. • Contributing to achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) • Supporting nationally defined priorities, integrated delivery, budget processes and decision making. • Focusing on innovation, efficiency, equity, performance and results. • Maximizing cooperation and accountability among partners through the secretariat.
Principles and Values of the CS Advocacy Strategy 2011-2015 GAVI CS Advocacy strategy is based on the follow core principles and values that guide GAVI Alliance and health systems strengthening: • Health Systems strengthening: GAVI CSO’s believe in universal access to comprehensive immunization and health care services on the premise of cost effectiveness, equity and social justice. Our focus is towards the impoverished and the marginalized societies of the world. • Solidarity within CS Coalitions: GAVI CSOs believe in building coalitions that strive to balance the common and diverse needs of each of the members; to respect their individual values, uniqueness and roles; and to continually ensure that the focus of all our collective activities is to benefit the health of children, mothers and all. • Commitments among our membership: GAVI CSOs endeavour to establish a commitment from members that reflects their individual needs, while maintaining balance with the organizational strategic needs in order to sustain GAVI as a vibrant, evolving and responsive alliance.
Overarching goal of the GAVI Alliance CSO Constituency 2011-2015 To advocate and communicate for access to quality and affordability of immunization services and responsive health systems for children and women in developing countries (GAVI eligible countries.
Vision: GAVI CSO Advocacy Strategy 2011-2015 • The vision of GAVI CSO Constituency is to ensure that “ all Children and mothers from developing countries have access to quality, affordable and responsive immunisation and health care services”. • Seeks to consolidate and strengthen existing advocacy initiatives that the GAVI Alliance is undertaking on immunizations and health system strengthening. • Elaborate and set out the advocacy visions of GAVI CSO’s and contributes to the realization of the objectives and strategies outlined in the GAVI Alliance main strategies outlined in the GAVI Alliance main strategic Plan (2011-2015). • Clarifies the role that GAVI CSOs shall play in advocacy and policy influence in GAVI Alliance policy implementation
Advocacy Objectives Diagram Objective 2: Increase donor and national contributions towards immunizations and HSS Objective 1: Community and Private Sector Objective 3: Raise awareness in communities Objective 4: Advocate to community and PPP support to GAVI CS
GAVI Strategy Goals guided within the strategic objectives The advocacy strategy 2011-2015 shall be guided by the following strategic objectives that are set in the main GAVI Alliance Strategic plan SG 1: Accelerate the uptake and use of underused and new vaccines SG 2: Contribute to strengthening the capacity of integrated health systems to deliver immunization SG3: Increase the predictability of global financing and improve the sustainability of national financing for immunisations. SG 4: Shape vaccine markets
Overarching issues addressed in the advocacy strategy 2011-2015 The are three overarching issues addressed in the advocacy strategy 2011-2015. These issues were discussed and prioritized in consultation by GAVI CS membership and reflect their current programme of work, organizational interest and issues of concern in current debate: Advocacy Issues: • A large number of immunized and unreached children for immunization with current vaccines in the world. • Inadequate resources for GAVI CSOs and inadequate financial resources in countries to maintain current immunisation coverage (especially countries which will be graduating for GAVI Alliance support) to strengthen their monitoring and complementary roles in immunisation and health systems strengthening. • Inadequate financial resources for new and underused vaccines for GAVI Alliance eligible countries.
Outlined advocacy activities Objective 1: to support GAVI Alliance in advocating to the international community and private sector to fill resource gaps which GAVI Alliance is currently facing and will continue to face if donor contributions do not increase by 2015 Activity 1: work with GAVI Alliance secretariat on proposed activity plans on GAVI resource mobilization. Activity 2: undertake civil society case studies (DRC, Ethiopia, Uganda, Nepal and others) to bring increased focus to the types of activities civil society are undertaking with Type A and B funding to community vaccination programs. This may link in with communication evidence reports GAVI will undertake Activity 3: Develop a strategy of engagement with international, national and community media agencies to mobilize support and understanding of GAVI Alliance, financial resource gaps, civil society constituencies. Activity 4: Develop and adopt key advocacy messages which can be presented and adopted with various media contents, such as press releases, community for a, reports, briefings etc., with donors (governments, private and multilateral).
Objective 2: to advocate through advocacy campaigns, working with GAVI Alliance to bring attention to real population evidence of improved quality of child health as a results of GAVI support, placing pressure on donor governments and private sector foundations in increase contributions towards immunization services and health systems strengthening by 2015. Activity 1: Development of papers highlighting several civil society vaccination service delivery programmes in countries (e.g. Ethiopia, DRC, Nepal, Kenya) that have been successful; civil society involvement in the success of those vaccines of those programmes/campaigns. Finally, case studies which look at the economics if such study country programmes are not fully financed. Activity 2: Increase national coalitions to conduct national social advocacy/resource mobilization campaigns (2011-2015) in donor countries to increase resources to GAVI Alliance needs to finance forecasting country demands for vaccine support. Activity 3: Select 3.4 country case studies where PASs and/or testimonials can be produced following civil society organizations that are involved in implementing vaccines programmes. Focus on how health systems funding is allowing for strong and evaluated national health plans. Activity 4: Dissemination of produced PSAs and/or testimonials within national newspapers, blogs, television news programmes, national, global conferences and more. The PSAs and/or testimonials can be distributed through viral video modes, twitter, Facebook and the living proof project.
Activity 5: Develop advocacy messages to increase pressure on district officials and members of parliaments (MPs) on increased resource allocation to preventive health services that include immunisation services. Activity 6: Disseminate information to the relevant interest groups, such as donors, civil society private partners, multilateral foundations, country vaccine coalitions, global health services that include immunization services.
Objective 3: to raise awareness and support community programmes on immunization services and health system strengthening by 2015. Activity 1: Engage and advocate with GAVI alliance secretariat on available financial support to CS activities and Community Systems Strengthening (CSS) activities Activity 2: Creation or broadening of county GAVI CSO coalitions (southern coalitions), i.e. friends of GAVI CSOs. This will be accomplished by selecting best practice countries that have increased GAVI interests and implementing Type A and B Civil Society funding. Activity 3: Develop grant proposals to apply for funding to fund activities by the GAVI Alliance CS steering committee (2011-2015) to be sent to funders, such as GAVI Alliance, BMGF, OSI, Ford Foundation and others. Activity 4: GAVI CSOs to participate in CSOs financial support discussion for a and opportunities that might take place during the period. Activity 5:Nomination of civil society organization representative to GAVI Alliance Board committees, and GAVI Alliance SC 2011-2015. Activity 6: GAVI CSO meetings for update and Board meeting agenda items highlighting civil society experience, issues and country highlights.
Objective 4: To advocate the international immunization community, civil society organizations and private sector (PPP) to support GAVI CS strengthening programmes and activities by 2015. Activity 1: Develop national immunization and health system strengthening fact sheets, toolkits, manuals for community awareness on community engagement in immunization services and health system strengthening. Activity 2: Work with international partners’ country organizations, UNICEF and other key actors in immunization campaigns to bring awareness and information on child immunization using existing tools and the media strategy outlined within objectives 1 and 2. Activity 3: Increase civil society participation in national efforts to reduce the prices of vaccines. Activity 4: Conduct yearly surveys on how GAVI CS is increasing CS participation on immunization and health delivery service provision. Activity 5: Develop a reference advocacy manual filled with information on GAVI Alliance, immunization information, child and vaccination facts, how to create an advocacy campaign, how to write to members of the Board/MoH, how to influence decision making at country level etc.
Monitoring and Evaluation of the Advocacy Strategy • The advocacy strategy shall be approved and operational through a yearly implementation plan 2011-2015 that will be revised and consulted on an annual basis with members of the GAVI Alliance steering committee. • Annual implementation plans will be approved and form the basis for a monitoring and evaluation framework of the advocacy strategy by specifying the activities to be undertaken under each objective and specifying when they will be undertaken. • The advocacy strategy will be reviewed every year by a selected team of internal/external members formed to undertake the review process, led by the following guiding principles: • To evaluate if the strategy is in line with GAVI Alliance civil society priorities • To determine the effectiveness of its implementation, and annual reviews shall also be conducted with all members of GAVI CSOs.
Question which will guide the monitoring and evaluation of the advocacy strategy • What has changed in the short-term? • Have the objectives been achieved? • Has the advocacy strategy achieved something not expected? • Which of the actions were affective? Why or why not? How? • Is the GAVI CS constituency a stronger constituency in terms of advocacy now than to implementation of the advocacy strategy? • Have GAVI CSOs developed new relationships as a results of the advocacy work? • Has the strategy assisted GAVI CS constituency to increase public awareness and support on health and child immunisation issues at country level? • Has the policy and advocacy initiative assisted in increasing the legitimacy of GAVI CSOs as a key institution in the health sector and as an advocate on health and immunization service delivery? • What lessons can be learned from the implementation of the advocacy strategy?
Moving forward: Questions What is expected from the Advocacy strategy? Have we achieved those expectations and gaps discussed? Are there any critical issues that were left out of the strategy which you feel needs inclusion? If so, what are these issues? Do you find the advocacy strategy 2011-2015 aligned with GAVI Alliance 4 SGs? If not, what is missing? Is the advocacy strategy developed in a way which will allow the CS constituency to undertake activities indicated in the four objectives?
THANK YOU to all who contributed to the discussion and consultation of the CS Advocacy Strategy 2011-2015. We now begin the exciting phase of implementing the strategy. WHOs READY?