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Habitat Destruction

Habitat Destruction. By: Lily Maul. What is this issue about?.

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Habitat Destruction

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  1. Habitat Destruction By: Lily Maul

  2. What is this issue about? All over the world, animals are getting taken away from their habitats and put into zoo’s while their former home gets turned into buildings, houses, park, etc. If animal’s can’t live in their natural habitat, they’ll adapt to living in zoo’s and they won’t learn skill’s like hunting and caring for their young. These important skill’s are what makes the animals who they are, we shouldn’t be able to take that away from them.

  3. Who does it affect? • Tropical Rainforests- Monkeys, apes, lizards, leopards, birds, etc. • Arctic- Arctic foxes, arctic hares, polar bears, seals, etc.

  4. Tropical-

  5. Arctic-

  6. Why is this important? If we take animals out of their habitats, they’ll lose the important skills they’ve learned in the wild in the past. Baby animals are being born into zoo’s and are fed by humans. They don’t learn how to hunt for food by themselves. They get taken care of mostly by humans instead of taking care of themselves.

  7. Science behind this issue

  8. In the news • Recently in the news, arctic drilling has been a problem. People are wanting to drill for oil in the animals habitats. If we had another oil spill like the Gulf of Mexico spill in 2010, that would have a negative affect on the endangered species living there. There are too many animals in a habitat that’s already melting to take a risk as big as that.

  9. What are people doing about this? • There are a lot of organizations trying to help save these animals habitat such as Habitat For Humanity and the World Wildlife Fund. If you donate or volunteer, you can help the animals stay where they belong instead of having them die out or be located in zoo’s across the world.

  10. Bibliography • http://www.teachervision.fen.com/rain-forest-ecology/animals/6238.html • http://library.thinkquest.org/3500/animals.htm • http://www.habitat.org/cd/giving/lander/default.aspx?media=Google&source_code=DHQOQ1107W1GGR&keyword=brand&gclid=CNXSqMSloLYCFeN_Qgod4S8AJA

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