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Final Review

Final Review. In Text: Chapters 1-3, 5-10, 15-16. Overview. Expect approximately 40% of questions to be driven by topics raised in the two rounds of presentations Expect approximately 40% of questions to be from chapters 9, 10, 15, and 16

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Final Review

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  1. Final Review In Text: Chapters 1-3, 5-10, 15-16

  2. Overview • Expect approximately 40% of questions to be driven by topics raised in the two rounds of presentations • Expect approximately 40% of questions to be from chapters 9, 10, 15, and 16 • Expect remaining questions to recap core ideas from the first half of the semester • Expect at least one Prolog code writing question (possibly two), and likely one Scheme code writing question  Final Exam Review 

  3. Ch. 1: Introduction • Why study PLs? • Language evaluation criteria • Two main influences on PL design • 5 paradigms • Implementation strategies  Final Exam Review 

  4. Ch. 2: History and Evolution • What are the major contribution(s) of each language? • Examples: • Support for recursion • Introduction of block structure • First in a paradigm • First formally described syntax • Etc. • Most important to review: FORTRAN, LISP, ALGOL  Final Exam Review 

  5. Ch. 3: Syntax and Semantics • BNF & EBNF • What makes a grammar ambiguous? • How do you disambiguate a grammar? • What does it mean for two grammars to “generate the same language”? • Operational semantics • Axiomatic semantics • Applying axiomatic semantics to code segments • Loop invariants, 5 criteria • Denotational semantics  Final Exam Review 

  6. Ch. 5: Names and Binding • What are the six attributes? What do they mean? • Binding and possible binding times • Type checking • Two type compatibility methods • Scope vs. lifetime  Final Exam Review 

  7. Ch. 6: Data Types • Primitive types • Type constructors: • Arrays • Records • Unions • Sets • Pointers • Design issues • Type checking issues  Final Exam Review 

  8. Ch. 7: Expressions • Precedence rules • Associativity rules • Order of operand evaluation • Type conversions: widening and narrowing • Type coercions vs. explicit conversions • Mixed-mode expressions • Relational and boolean expressions • Short-circuit evaluation  Final Exam Review 

  9. Ch. 8: Control Structures • Design issues • Selection • One-way • Two-way • Multi-way • Iteration • Counter-controlled • Logically-controlled • Gotos • Guarded statements  Final Exam Review 

  10. Ch. 9: Subprograms • Definitions • Referencing environment • What are the common parameter passing modes and mechanisms? • Independent vs. separate compilation • Advanced subprogram issues  Final Exam Review 

  11. Ch. 10: Implementing Subprograms • Activation records • Accessing locals • Accessing nonlocals (static scoping) • Static chains • Displays • Implementing blocks • Accessing nonlocals with dynamic scoping  Final Exam Review 

  12. Ch. 15: Functional Programming • What are the hallmarks of FP? • Definition of FP terms • Scheme syntax • You’ll have to write a Scheme function  Final Exam Review 

  13. Ch. 16: Logic Programming • What are the hallmarks of LP? • Definition of LP terms • Prolog syntax • You should be able to read Prolog code  Final Exam Review 

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