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Brief Introduction of Japanese DP Experience -A Case of Kanagawa Deliberative Poll -. Dec.3 2011 Dr. Tatusro Sakano Associate Prof, Tokyo Institute of Technology. Trust on elected politicians and Democracy.
Brief Introduction of Japanese DP Experience-A Case of Kanagawa Deliberative Poll - Dec.3 2011 Dr. Tatusro Sakano Associate Prof, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Trust on elected politicians and Democracy Dalton, R. J., Democratic Challenges, Democratic Choices:The Erosion of Political Support in Advanced Industrial Democracies, 2004
DP in Japan 2009“Do-Shusei (道州制)” 152/3000 KanagawaPrefecture + Titech 2010 “City Strategic PlanI” 258/3000 2010 “City Strategic PlanII” 162/3000 Fujisawa City + Keio Univ. 2011 “Pension Reform” 126/3000 Keio Univ.+ Asahi News paper 2011 “BSE” 151/3000 Hokkaido Univ + Sapporo City +Hokkaido Times
Background of Doshusei ① Increasing Old Age Population, Budgetary Deficit → Small State without decreasing service level ② Budgetary Dependencyof local government to the state → Change Tax allocation revenue State 60% vs Local 40% spending State 40% vs local 60% ③ Weak legislative power of local government ④ Too much concentration to Tokyo Metropolitan Region Domestic Matters → Local Government Diplomacy, Defense → State Government ⑤ Municipal Government Consolidation 3600 → 1700 in 2009 ⑥ National Committee on Doshusei 2007 under LDP Government ⑦ Progressive Governors propose Doshusei
Outline Kanagawa DP Project ① Theme : Doshusei ② 2008 Pilot Experiment (Kanagawa Prefecture + Titech) ③ 2009 Full Scale DP 3000 randomly selected from voters’ list Mail + Telephone : September 2009 T1 Survey :October 2009 Mailing respondent 534 Participants Recruitment : November 2009 Deliberation Event: December 5, 2009 participants 152 5000 JPYen for honorarium
Representativeness: Participation in Government Hosted Forum 分散分析 F検定 p-value = 0.242 (クラスカル・ウォリス検定 p-value = 0.399)
Familiarity on The Policy Issue:How well do you know DoShu-sei? Fisher's Exact検定(参加者・非参加者の比較、両側検定、無回答は除く)p-value = 0.1510
Representativeness: Policy AttitudeDesirable Structure of Government?
Representativeness • Demographic Characteristics Young and Female are less than the population. But not significant. • Political Self-Efficacy • 地域活動、政治参加行動は、ほとんど差がない。 → これまで発言機会を持たなかった県民に、発言機会を提供する場と なったといえる。 • 政治的効力感の強いものほど、参加する傾向 • Policy Attitude 道州制に関心があって、賛成意見のものほど参加する傾向 → 集団分極化が起きる可能性?
KnowledgeGain T2=3.10→ T3=4.68 P=0.000
Initial Level of KnowledgeX Knowledge Gain T2=3.10→ T3=4.68 P=0.000
Knowledge GainX Attitudinal Change P=0.005 for L P=0.3072 LL randomly changed attitude For LM and LH, effective knowledge increase
Attitudinal Change グループ討議 全体会議 *1 P1 無効を除きχ二乗検定によりT3と比較 p=0.4174 P2 道州制支持の比率の差をχ二乗検定によりT3と比較 p=0.3006
PA1:Keep current system just as it is v.s. PA2: Replace prefectures by Wider regional government(P2=0.0788)*
PB1: Local Autonomy with risk of disparityvsPB2: Less Autonomy with National Equal Standard (P=0.4184) PC1: Only Regional gvt responsiility vs PC2: State govt in charge of all domestic administration (P=0.0245**)
Correlation of Judgements T2 T3 T PA: necessity of wider regional administrative area + PB: Autonomy with risk of disparityvsLess with Equality ーPC: Only Regional gvt responsiility vs State govt also in charge of all domestic administration ー
Quantity of Speech Spoken par Person Female Male Volume of Speech spoken par person Times of Speech spoken par person ・一人あたり平均発言量、回数ともに男性の方が多い
Summary ① Japanese are shy to speak openly public policies? NO. Despite a complex issue, DP format worked. ②Some demographic bias but not too significant. No significant difference in policy attitude. ③Significant learning → considered opinion ④5% participant rate is very low → media cooperation matters more → honorarium matters less
⑤ 4DPs have been carried out after the first one. Still the recognition by general public and the influence are not high. ⑥ DP on Japans Energy Future Before 3.11 60 to 70% supported Nuclear Power plant After deny it. Some propose to decide by referendum Limit of calculative method.
プロセスについての評価 a グループ討議の進行役は、全員が討議に参加できるような機会を作っていた 72.9% b グループ討議で話し合うべき内容は討議できた 62.2% c 他の参加者の意見が参考になった 81.5% d 進行役が進行役自身の意見を示唆する傾向があった 9.9% e 自分と別の意見にも、よい見解があるとわかった 72.9% 自分の考えをまとめるにあたって討議イベントが役立った 78% た