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South Parade Primary School 2013 / 2014. Starting Out in Upper Foundation Stage. Welcome to South Parade Primary School Fairfield Road Ossett WF5 ODZ Main School Tel: (01924) 302875 E-mail Address: headteacher@southparade.wakefield.sch.uk
South Parade Primary School 2013 / 2014 Starting Out in Upper Foundation Stage
Welcome to South Parade Primary School Fairfield Road Ossett WF5 ODZ Main School Tel: (01924) 302875 E-mail Address: headteacher@southparade.wakefield.sch.uk Web site – www.southparadewakefield.ik.org VLE parents website: wakefield.itslearning.com Username: parentsa.su Password: parents Head Teacher Mr N Blakeley Deputy Head Teacher Mrs E Fieldhouse
The Upper Foundation Stage Team: Class 1 Teacher Mrs J Kennedy Teaching Assistant Mrs D. O’Neill Class 2 Teachers Mrs E Normanton Mrs B Richardson Teaching Assistant Mrs S. Fox If you have any questions or comments about your child during their time in Upper Foundation Stage, we operate an open door policy and are always pleased to help and support you.
Upper Foundation Stage Attendance and Admissions The Upper Foundation Stage caters for 60 children – 30 pupils in each class. Attendance is full time A.M. 8:50 – 11.45. Dinner Break. 11.45 – 1.00 P.M 1.00-3pm
Staggered Entry System in September Upper Foundation Stage operates a staggered entry system as this allows staff to give more attention to your child thus ensuring a happier and more settled start. On Wednesday 4th September ten pupils will start in Class 1 and ten will start in Class 2. A further ten pupils will start in each class on Friday 6th and the remaining pupils will start on Tuesday 10th September. Your child will be given an individual start date and time.
School Uniform Uniform colours are: Black/grey trousers, skirt, pinafore dress, culottes or shorts; white polo-shirt, blouse or shirt; royal blue sweatshirt with logo, cardigan or V-necked jumper; blue striped or checked summer dresses. All uniform + property clearly labelled please. All uniform requirements can be purchased mail order or on-line. www.tesco.com/ues www.theuniformcentre.co.uk 01924 366633 (Wakefield branch) High street stores will also stock a range of uniform in our school colours.
Water bottles Clearly labelled with your child’s name please. Drawstring bag for PE things- labelled.
Key Person Each child must be assigned a key person. Their role is to help ensure that every child’s care is tailored to meet their individual needs, to help the child become familiar with the setting, offer a settled relationship for the child and build a relationship with their parents. (EYFS 3.26 September 2012)
What is a key person? Someone who: Gets to know children in the context of their family, social and cultural background Tunes into their likes and dislikes, and how they show their feelings Accepts their emotions and responds with understanding Supports them in their interactions with others Helps them to be confident and feel good about themselves Who is my key person? All children and parents will be allocated a key person at the start of their time in Upper Foundation Stage. The name of your child’s key person will be written on a letter. Key persons are available to parents each day at the start of the morning session. Key persons are available via phone call at appropriate times. Children will have group time with their key persons each week.
N.B. All members of staff are available at any given time to support parents and children’s needs.
Reporting Absences and Illness South Parade Primary School Fairfield Road Ossett Wakefield WF5 ODZ Main School (01924) 302875 Please promptly notify foundation stage staff /the office if your child is unable to attend school for medical reasons or other circumstances.
Safety of the Foundation Stage Child Safety: Please inform foundation stage staff at the beginning of the session if any changes have been made for the collection of your child. Safety: Family pets are not permitted within the school grounds. Please ensure you notify any other person who may also be collecting your child. Safety: Cars are not allowed on school premises. Mr Blakeley will individually view all cases put in writing to him with specific reasons Safety: Please use the main school gate when entering and exiting the school Always close and bolt the main gate… Thank-you
Arrangements at the start of the school day for Upper Foundation Stage children: From September – due to the building work- we are unable to accommodate parents coming into the classroom at the start and finish of the school day. Start of the day Parents to wait outside the Main door before school begins or shelter in the gazebo if the weather is inclement. A staff member will open the door. Then please bring your child into the waiting area where you will be met by a member of staff from each class. Class 1 to wait on the left hand side sitting near the shelf units. Class 2 to sit and wait in the library area. Parents will be able to say goodbye at this point. Staff will then take the children down to their classrooms.
Arrangements at the end of the school day for the collection of Upper Foundation Stage pupils. Finish of the day Parents to wait outside the Main door from 3.00 p.m.. (class 1 to the right of the door. Class 2 to the left of the door). Staff will bring small groups of Class 1 children to the outside door. Children will be passed to waiting parents and carers Staff will then bring small groups of Class 2 children to the outside door. Children will be passed to waiting parents and carers There will be a member of staff on the main doors for safety reasons. .
Collection of children Parents/Guardians are requested to complete a comprehensive form on admission of suitable adults who will be collecting their child from the setting. *Additional people can be placed on their forms only with permission from Parents/guardians Children are only allowed to be collected from the setting by a known parent or guardian. (An older sibling / named person aged 16 or above) Parents/Guardians must notify a member of staff for that session who will be collecting and taking responsibility for their child if they are unable to collect them
Collection of children Upper Foundation Stage classes have a collections file of child’s name/photographs/pass word if required to aid collection by other family members/carers Parents/Guardians can inform school by telephone in emergency situation if somebody else will be collecting the child. Descriptions and home details can be given to staff via the telephone.
Procedures to be followed in the event of a parent/guardian failing to collect a child at the appointed time; A member of staff is to stay with the child and reassure them/key worker After five/ten minutes a member of staff is to telephone parents, guardians, relatives or friends from the contact sheet in order of preference If parents/guardians are late at the end of the school day a member of staff may telephone/visit main school for older siblings to visit the Foundation Stage providing additional support and attachment for the child. A member of staff will stay with the child until collection takes place. The Head Teacher or Deputy Head Teacher will be informed of the situation. In extreme cases Social Services will be contacted.
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) applies to children from birth to the end of Upper Foundation Stage, formerly known as Reception class. It is called the Foundation Stage because it gives children secure foundations for future learning.
The EYFS is based upon four main principles, which are supported by four comments which describe how the principles can be incorporated: • A unique Child • Every child is a competent learner from birth who can be resilient, capable, confident and self assured • 1.1 Child Development • 1.2 Inclusive Practice • 1.3 Keeping Safe • 1.4 Health and Well-being
Positive Relationships • Children learn to be strong and independent from a base of loving and secure relationships with parents and /or a key person. • 2.2 Respecting Each other • 2.2 Parents as Partners • 2.3 Supporting Learning • 2.4 Key Person • Enabling Environments • The environment plays a key role in supporting and extending children’s development and learning • 3.1 Observation, Assessment and Planning • 3.2 Supporting Every Child • 3.3 The Learning Environment • 3.4 The Wider Context
Learning and Development • Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates and all areas of Learning and Development are equally important and inter connected. • 4.1 Play and Exploration • 4.2 Active Learning • 4.3 Creativity and Critical Thinking • 4.4 Areas of Learning and Development • Parental copies of the EYFS are available to book out for further reading. (Please see any member of staff.)
Revised EYFS – September 2012 The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is made up of seven areas of learning and development. There are three ‘Prime areas’, which work together, supporting the development of learning in all other areas. The four ‘Specific areas’, include essential skills and knowledge for children to participate successfully in society.
Development Matters in the Early Foundation Stage (EYFS) The Foundation Stage has its own ‘Early Learning Goals’, which most children should reach by the end of their time in Upper Foundation Stage. Early learning goals are a progressive series of achievements, which span the seven areas of learning and development in a young child.
Development Matters in the Early Foundation Stage (EYFS) The document covers the progress within the seven areas of learning and development from Birth to 5 years, in developmental stages. i.e. Birth – 11months, 8 – 20 months, 16 – 22 months, 22 – 36 months, 30 – 50 months, 40 – 60+ months Please ask a member of staff if you would like to book out a copy of this document or alternatively you may wish to view it on line; www.foundationyears.org.uk www.education.gov.uk/publications
Areas of Provision Each half term, sometimes on a theme, we plan learning experiences reflecting the needs of the children, through the seven areas of learning and thus towards the ‘Early Learning Goals’. Staff plan on a yearly, termly, weekly and daily basis to reflect your child’s interests and next steps of their learning journey. Learning takes place through planned, child initiated or spontaneous activities within the areas of provision.
Parental Involvement Parents Notice board A notice board is located in the main entrance. News updates, events and copies of letters etc are all there for your convenience. A GOLD star isplaced by new information for parents. Parents may use the notice board, please see a member of staff Parents Complaints Procedure South Parade Primary School has a comprehensive policy in line with the Wakefield Local Authority and government guide lines. Copies of the appropriate procedures are located on the parent’s notice board. Parents are welcome to take one and read at their convenience.
Reading books and phonic sounds Our children take home 2 reading books / sound books per week. Word pots are give to help them learn their tricky words (eg no go I into). Please practise at home and return each day for further practise in school. Children will also be given a number game each Friday to be played over the weekend.
School dinners The children have already had the opportunity to have a free school meal. Children will be going into the hall/dining room at approximately 11.30 (for the first term but 11.45/11.50 after Christmas) and before all the other pupils finish their morning lessons. Dinner break for all other pupils is at mid-day.