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Re-thinking Resource Sharing Dare to Share

Re-thinking Resource Sharing Dare to Share. Gail Wanner (SirsiDynix) & Clare MacKeigan (Relais International) October 12, 2006. Agenda. Rethinking Resource Sharing initiative What is it and why now? Interoperability GET IT!! What it is Status Future.

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Re-thinking Resource Sharing Dare to Share

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  1. Re-thinking Resource SharingDare to Share Gail Wanner (SirsiDynix) & Clare MacKeigan (Relais International) October 12, 2006

  2. Agenda • Rethinking Resource Sharing initiative • What is it and why now? • Interoperability • GET IT!! • What it is • Status • Future

  3. It’s Time Again to Think about Resource Sharing A White Paper published February 2005 http://www.ala.org/ala/rusa/rusaourassoc/rusasections/ stars/starssections/committeesa/rrscomm/rrscomm.htm

  4. Why change resource sharing? • User expectations • OCLC Perceptions study (http://www.oclc.org/reports/2005perceptions.htm) • Amazon, eBay, Google • Digitization • Netflix • Technological advances

  5. Rethinking Forums • Chicago, November 2005 & Denver, February 2006 • Planned: Chicago, April 2007 • International focus • Participants from all types of libraries • Public • Academic • State, Consortia • Special, K-12 • Vendors • Small group discussions & working groups

  6. Vision Statement • Create a new global service framework that allows individuals to obtain what they want based on factors such as cost, time, format, and delivery. • This framework will encompass promoting and exposing library services in a variety of environments.

  7. Rethinking Main ideas • User focus, not enhancing staff tasks • Vendor neutral • Global context • Broad definition of resource sharing • ILL • Consortial borrowing • Reference • Digital services

  8. Working Groups • Steering Committee • User Needs (ALA RUSA STARS) • Continue evaluation of barriers, expectations • Policies (ALA RUSA STARS) • Remove barriers, change policies • Interoperability (NISO – possible) • Leapfrog today’s interoperability issues

  9. Rethinking Resource Sharing Interoperability

  10. Resource Sharing Models • Traditional Model: • Today’s Model: But commercial search engines used to Find 98% time • New Resource Sharing Model = Discover Locate Request Deliver Find Get GET IT

  11. Introducing GET IT... • Service operates as a plug-in • Independent of other software • Developed as open source

  12. Internet get-it User-object Search Results Item Lookup Item-object GET-IT Domain page list parser Source list html constructor

  13. GET-IT Application components • Personal configuration • Domain page list parser • Item look-up • Source list html constructor • Logging agent • Intelligent profiler

  14. Internet User-object Search

  15. Profiling Serviceuser-object • Populate at installation • Modify as needed • Possible elements include • Postal or zip code • Local library registration • May be stored on (to be determined) • User workstation • Remote server • Maintains and stores user-object

  16. Internet User-object Search Results item-object GET-IT Domain page listparser

  17. Domain page list parseritem-object • Parse the content of each web page as it is displayed • If a ‘handle’ is found, e.g., ISBN, OpenURL, UPC, titles • Generate link, , i.e., Get-It button • Create item-object • Not COinS dependent • although these elements will serve as ‘handles’

  18. This has been done…. • Extensions or plug-ins for web browsers that assist in locating library resources have been developed. • Examples of these are: • OpenURL Referrer by Openly Informatics • Wake County Library Lookup by Josh Staiger • Denver-Prospector-WorldCat-CD-DVD Lookup by Sean LeBlanc

  19. Internet User-object Search Results Item Lookup Item-object GET-IT Domain page list parser

  20. Item lookup • Uses an underlying database of services/suppliers this may be part of the user profile • Based on user-object identifies relevant sources • Possible sources include • libraries within the user’s service area, • commercial supply services, e.g., Amazon, NetFlix • information sources (online help, for example) • request services • Based on item-object determines availability from sources • Creates list of sources that can supply

  21. Internet User-object Search Results Item Lookup Item-object GET-IT Domain page list parser Source list html constructor

  22. Source list html constructor • Item lookup passes list to the source list html constructor • Builds browser window with list of sources • Each item = deep link to source

  23. Logging agent • Gathers the data for statistical analysis (pilot) • Two types of click actions reported: • “get-it” button • a link in the resulting pop-up page

  24. Intelligent profiler • Track sources user recently selected. • Used to sort list so that the user’s preferred sources are at the top.

  25. Reality – proof of concept • Initial focus is to • Enable following web pages: • Amazon book, CD and DVD pages • Netflix • One or more OPACs • Identify and use following sources: • OpenURL resolvers • Amazon book, CD and DVD web pages • Netflix • One or more OPACs • One or more resource sharing systems • Firefox

  26. What’s next for GET-IT? • Development with preview at Midwinter ALA Jan 2007 • Marketing / Testing • Evaluation • Next generation • Developers will build on prototype

  27. Interested? • Functional specification • Call sent out for volunteers for prototype by John Bodfish via • Web4Lib • Code4Lib • NGC4Lib • Gcs-pcs • Greasemonkey • Email: J.Bodfish@oclcpica.org

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