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Chapter 11 Review

Chapter 11 Review. The Black Death-100 Years War- Great Schism. Feudalism. During the middle ages Feudalism was the form of government of much of Europe King on top had complete control Lords (aristocrats-nobles) had wealth and supported king Knights fought

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Chapter 11 Review

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  1. Chapter 11 Review The Black Death-100 Years War- Great Schism

  2. Feudalism • During the middle ages Feudalism was the form of government of much of Europe • King on top had complete control • Lords (aristocrats-nobles) had wealth and supported king • Knights fought • Peasants (the great majority) lived miserably with no rights

  3. Trouble A-brewing • Little Ice Age hits Europe in the end of the 13th Century • Small drop in temp= disastrous weather conditions • The Great Famine • Heavy rain leads to plant destruction • 10% of the population dies • Survivors are malnourished • Increased trade with Genghis Khan’s protection of the silk road

  4. Black Death • Bubonic Plague= Yersinia Pestis came from fleas on infested rats. • Starts in ports in Sicily and spreads northward in the middle of the 14th C • Estimates claim that 25-50% were killed. . .

  5. Aftermath of the Plague • Some people abandon social norms (Boccaccio’s quote 307) • Extreme asceticism: Flagellants not very popular with the higher-ups • Pogroms and anti-semitism • Loss of life meant raise in wages and decrease in prices • Lack of labor means giving in to demands including limited legal rights

  6. Peasants begin to fight • Feudalism (manorialism) begins to fade • Upset nobles try to have the monarch crush revolts • Peasant revolts spread throughout the land (Jacquerie or the ciompi) • Peasants begin to fight for rights. . . Only men sorry ladies

  7. War erupts • Causes: • King Philip IV (of France) dies with no male heir • Isabella of England, (she-wolf) daughter of P4, has her son Edward III claim title since he is in line • French decide to go with a cousin and rename him Philip VI of Valois • Year later in 1337 Edward does not give homage for Gascony and Philip takes it. Edward declares war!

  8. Course of the War • French army wore heavy armor and cavalrymen looked with disdain on foot soldiers and crossbowmen • English used peasants with pikes and bows (go welsh) • English win at Crecy with more advanced army in 1346 • The Black Prince (Edward’s son) devastates the French later (battle of Poitiers) capture French king John II and a momentary truce is made

  9. Phase 2 • John’s son Charles V gets it all back by 1374 for France • Henry V (England) in 1415 at battle of Agincourt. Heavily armored French get stuck in the mud and are slaughtered (took advantage of a French civil war) • Henry marries Catherine (Charles VI’s) daughter and becomes heir apparent

  10. A woman saves France • Charles the Dauphin (VI’s son) becomes frustrated and is saved unexpectedly by the leadership of a peasant woman (Joan of Arc) • Win at Orleans • Burgundians capture the girl and she is burned to death as a witch at 19 : ( • War lasted from 1337-1453. . . ish

  11. Impact of 100 years War • Most Europeans realize that the old fighting system needs to be changed to incorporate more peasants and bowman • Growing tensions from England and France • Influence of a woman in politics/military

  12. Terms Activity • Scutage • 3rd Estate • Golden Bull • Mysticism • Petrarch • Dante • Conciliarism • Popolo Grasso

  13. The Great Schism • “The struggles between the papacy and secular monarchies began during the pontificate of Pope Boniface VIII” . . . . Understand? • King Philip IV (remember p4!) of France began to tax the church • Pope Boniface responds with pg 322 the UnamSanctam

  14. Great Schism cont • UnamSanctam claimed that secular rulers could not control religious ones! • Pope excommunicates Philip IV • Philip sends a military and kidnaps the pope!!! • The Italians freak out and save him • . . . And the peasants rejoice

  15. Papacy in Avignon (1305-1377) • Pope Boniface ultimately dies of stress from the whole event and a college of cardinals is summoned • Phillip IV “encourages” the cardinals to elect a French pope. • Clement V takes up residence in a city of popes (avignon) • . . . . And the peasants do not rejoice

  16. Papacy in Avignon • People become frustrated with the church in Avignon (very wealthy) and pope is the bishop of Rome • People become suspicious that the French are using the papacy as puppets 113 of 134 new cardinals are French! • Catherine of Siena calls Pope Gregory XI out pg 323

  17. Changes in the Church • Gregory XI returns to Rome and dies • At the new college of cardinals Roman citizens “encourage” the cardinals to elect a non-French pope pg 324 • Urban VI is chosen (an Italian. . . . And no I don’t know why we went from Urban VIII to the VI)

  18. French get back • Urban VI brings in a ton of new Italian cardinals and the French run away • French church leaders claim it was a sham and call for a new pope to be elected and choose Clement VII who returns to Avignon • Great Schism begins in the Church with election of two popes

  19. More Popes • Both popes excommunicate each other • Marsiglio writes Defender of the Peace and claims church authority has no power over secular activities and should be separated • Rise of Conciliarism: Have a church council to determine changes and solve problems not single church leaders

  20. Conciliarism Fail • Council of Pisa deposes both popes and elects Alexander V. . . . Yeah?!? • Another ecumenical council is held by Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund and Martin V is elected and 3 popes all kicked out

  21. Results of Great Schism • People lost faith in the church and its hold over Europe was significantly weakened • Wealth of the church led to many great monuments and sculptures (Renaissance) • Rise in Mysticism • Aquinas, Occam and Nominalism-Reason

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