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Summary of methods to assess mRNA stability in eukaryotic cells

Summary of methods to assess mRNA stability in eukaryotic cells. mRNA degradative activities in mammalian cells Decapping DCP2 which binds RNA as a prerequisite for cap recognition. DCP1 augments DCP2 activity LSM (SM-LIKE) PROTEINS augment DCP2 activity

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Summary of methods to assess mRNA stability in eukaryotic cells

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  1. Summary of methods to assess mRNA stability in eukaryotic cells

  2. mRNA degradative activities in mammalian cells • Decapping • DCP2 which binds RNA as a prerequisite for cap recognition. • DCP1 augments DCP2 activity • LSM (SM-LIKE) PROTEINS augment DCP2 activity • 5’ -to-3’ exonuclease activity • XRN1 is a proven 5’ -to-3’ exonuclease that localizes to the cytoplasm. • RAT1/XRN2 is only thought to be a 5’ -to-3’ exonuclease on the basis of its similarity to the yeast orthologue. • Deadenylation • PARN is one of five mammalian homologues to yeast Caf1/Pop2 protein • 3’ -to-5’ exonuclease activity • Exosome (six RNase-PH-DOMAIN components, PM/SCL75,MTR3,RRP41, RRP42, RRP43 and RRP46; three S1 and KH RNA-binding components,RRP4, RRP40 and CSL4; the RNASE D-like components PM/SCL100; the putative helicaseKIAA0053; and a protein that is phosphorylated in the M phase of the cell) • PMR1-like activity • Polysomal ribonuclease 1 (PMR1) is a polysome-associated mRNA endonuclease

  3. ARE-binding proteins • AUBF, AU binding factor ; AU-A, AU binding factor-A ; AU-B, AU binding factor-B ; AU-C, AU binding factor-C ; hnRNP, heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein ; KH, hnRNP-K homology domain; KSRP, KH-type splicing regulatory protein 1; ND, not determined; PBMC, peripheral blood mononuclear cell.

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