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Acknowledgements. Justin Dulaney (Coahoma Co.) Earl Kline (Bolivar Co.) Collier Tillman (Leflore Co.) Buddy Allen (Tunica Co.) Kirk Satterfield (Bolivar Co.). Tim Walker (MS DREC) Shane Powers (YMD) Lyle Pringle (MSU DREC) Jim Thomas (MSU ABE ret.). MAFES MS Rice Promotion Board

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Acknowledgements Justin Dulaney(Coahoma Co.) Earl Kline(Bolivar Co.) Collier Tillman(Leflore Co.) Buddy Allen(Tunica Co.) Kirk Satterfield(Bolivar Co.) • Tim Walker(MS DREC) • Shane Powers(YMD) • Lyle Pringle(MSU DREC) • Jim Thomas(MSU ABE ret.) • MAFES • MS Rice Promotion Board • MS Water ResourcesResearch Institute • YMD Support Collaborators

  2. 2010-2012 On-Farm TrialsIntermittent Rice Irrigation Varietal Response • 6 Clearfield rice varietiesusing 4 reps per variety. • Planted at the top (alternatingwet-dry) and bottom(~continuous flood) of paddy. • 150 lbs N per A applied. • Yield and milling quality. • Water use and pumping pattern. • Rainfall

  3. 2010-2012 Rice On-Farm Variety x Intermittent Irrigation Trials

  4. 2010 Variety x Intermittent Irrigation TrialClay soilw/ 5 wet-drying cycles using 23 A-in/A Rice yields were either unaffected (p > 0.05) or slightly higher (p < 0.05) for the plots subjected to intermittent flooding.

  5. 2010-2012 Rice On-Farm Variety x Intermittent Irrigation Trials

  6. Pringle (1994)How much water does rice actually need? Depending on soil and cultivar, rice needs ~14 to 25 A-in/A water per 80-day flood in Mississippi. Avg. Evapo- Transpiration Losses Avg. Deep Percolation Losses 1991 rainfall was 66.5% of avg. 1993 rainfall was 97.9% of avg. ET was linearly-related to biomassproduction

  7. Potential Water Savings

  8. YMD (2009) 6-yr average water use in Mississippi rice production For Existing Straight-Levee Rice 44 ~60,000 A-ft savings if convert existing SL to Side-Inlet using 31 A-in 38 38 31 9 20 9 Pringle (1994): Water Use Requirements for Rice in the MS Delta

  9. YMD (2009) 6-yr average water use in Mississippi rice production For Existing Straight-Levee Rice 44 ~109,000 A-ft savings if convert existing SL to Side-Inlet using 25 A-in 38 38 31 25 9 20 9 Pringle (1994): Water Use Requirements for Rice in the MS Delta

  10. Conversion of All Straight LeveeAcres to Optimized Side-Inlet

  11. Conversion of All Straight LeveeAcres to Optimized Side-Inlet Value assumes pumping 25 A-in/A,not total that would include rainfall capture.

  12. 44 38 31 22 20 SL + Side Inlet + Intermittent Average Water Use by Different MS Rice Irrigation Systems 10-yr pumped average @ Dulaney Seed

  13. 44 38 31 21 20 SL + Side Inlet + Intermittent Average Water Use by Different MS Rice Irrigation Systems 4-yr pumped average @ Kline Farms

  14. How to Facilitate?

  15. Introduction to Side-Inlet Irrigation Training Video Completed Nov 2012Free DVDs available Side-Inlet = Foundational Practice

  16. Co-written and reviewed by farmers ‘It takes an experienced crew of three about one hour to lay one roll of tubing, install gates, punch air holes, and begin initial flood.’ Justin DulaneyClarksdale, MS

  17. Side-Inlet Video Available on DVD or On-Line http://msucares.com/crops/rice/index.html

  18. Info Sheet No. 1358 Now Available http://msucares.com/pubs/infosheets_research/i1358.pdf

  19. http://msucares.com/pubs/infosheets_research/i1358.pdf 242 depthgaugesbuilt anddistributed to farmers in 2012

  20. Gauges Help with Flood Management Top of Levee Top of Levee Emergency Overflow Top of Gate ~12-in 4-in Freeboard for Rain Capture 4-in Controlled Flood • Maintain freeboard to maximize rainfall capture and to reduce runoff.

  21. 21st Century Bin Busters Rice Harvest Competition Reward and Recognize Innovation Rice Harvest Competition Harvest Index: Bushels Produced / A-in H2O (pumped + rainfall)

  22. Estimated Energy Used By Groundwater-Based Irrigation Systems per A-in Water Delivered Remind farmers that: For every inch of water not pumped, ~ 1 gallon/A diesel fuel is saved.

  23. Remind Farmers that:Flow Meters are a valuable Management Tool Portable flow meter

  24. Systematic Approach to Water and Energy Conservation in Irrigation of Row Crops $ Crop Breeding AgronomicManagement Economics State/FederalRegulations Irrigation Technology

  25. Row Rice Trial (N=1) Runoff Irrigation added: 39 A-in/A Days less than full-flood: 88 Rainfall received: 15 in Water-use index: 4.2 bu/A-in Yield: 165 bu/A (dry)

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