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Sets of mutually orthogonal resolutions of BIBDs. Svetlana Topalova, Stela Zhelezova Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, BAS, Bulgaria. Sets of mutually orthogonal resolutions of BIBDs. Introduction History m -MORs construction and classification
Sets of mutually orthogonal resolutions of BIBDs Svetlana Topalova, Stela Zhelezova Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, BAS, Bulgaria
Sets of mutually orthogonal resolutions of BIBDs • Introduction • History • m-MORs construction and classification • m-MORs of multiple designs with v/k = 2; • m-MORs of true m-fold multiple designs with v/k > 2.
Sets of mutually orthogonal resolutions of BIBDs Introduction 2-(v,k,λ) design (BIBD); • V– finite set of vpoints • B – finite collection of bblocks : k-element subsets of V • D = (V, B) – 2-(v,k,λ) design if any 2-subset of V is in λ blocks of B
Sets of mutually orthogonal resolutions of BIBDs Introduction • Isomorphicdesigns – exists a one-to-one correspondence between the point and block sets of both designs, which does not change the incidence. • Automorphism – isomorphism of the design to itself. • Resolvability – at least one resolution. • Resolution – partition of the blocks into parallel classes - each point is in exactly one block of each parallel class.
Sets of mutually orthogonal resolutions of BIBDs Introduction • Equal blocks – incident with the same set of points. • Equal designs – if each block of the first design is equal to a block of the second one. • Equal parallel classes – if each block of the first parallel class is equal to a block of the second one. • 2-(v,k,m) design – m-fold multiple of 2-(v,k,) designs if there is a partition of its blocks into m subcollections, which form m2-(v,k,) designs. • True m-fold multiple of 2-(v,k,) design – if the 2-(v,k,) designs are equal.
Sets of mutually orthogonal resolutions of BIBDs Introduction • Isomorphic resolutions - exists an automorphism of the design transforming each parallel class of the first resolution into a parallel class of the second one. • One-to-one correspondence between resolutions of 2-(qk; k;) designs and the (r; qk; r- )qequidistant codes, r =(qk-1)/(k-1),q > 1 (Semakov and Zinoviev) • Parallel class, orthogonal to a resolution – intersects each parallel class of the resolution in at most one block.
Sets of mutually orthogonal resolutions of BIBDs Introduction • Orthogonal resolutions – all classes of the first resolution are orthogonal to the parallel classes of the second one. • Doubly resolvable design (DRD) – has at least two orthogonal resolutions • ROR – resolution, orthogonal to at least one other resolution.
Sets of mutually orthogonal resolutions of BIBDs Introduction • m-MOR – set of m mutually orthogonal resolutions. • m-MORs – sets of m mutually orthogonal resolutions. • Isomorphic m-MORs – if there is an automorphism of the design transforming the first one into the second one. • Maximal m-MOR – if no more resolutions can be added to it.
Sets of mutually orthogonal resolutions of BIBDs History • Mathon R., Rosa A., 2-(v,k,) designs of small order,The CRC Handbook of Combinatorial Designs, 2007 • Abel R.J.R., Lamken E.R., Wang J., A few more Kirkman squares anddoubly near resolvable BIBDS with block size 3, Discrete Mathematics 308, 2008 • Colbourn C.J. and Dinitz J.H. (Eds.), The CRC Handbook ofCombinatorial Designs, 2007 • Semakov N.V., Zinoviev V.A., Equidistant q-ary codes with maximal distance and resolvable balanced incomplete block designs, Problems Inform.Transmission vol. 4, 1968 • Topalova S., Zhelezova S., On the classification of doubly resolvable designs, Proc. IV Intern. Workshop OCRT, Pamporovo, Bulgaria, 2005 • Zhelezova S.,PCIMs in constructing doubly resolvable designs, Proc. V Intern. Workshop OCRT, White Lagoon, Bulgaria, 2007
Sets of mutually orthogonal resolutions of BIBDs m-MORs construction and classification • Start with a DRD. • Block by blockconstruction of the m resolutions. • Construction of a resolution Rm–lexicographicallygreater and orthogonal to the resolutions R1, R2, …, Rm-1. • Isomorphism test • Output a new m-MOR – if it is maximal.
Sets of mutually orthogonal resolutions of BIBDs m-MORs construction and classification
Sets of mutually orthogonal resolutions of BIBDs m-MORs of multiple designs • Latin square of order n – n x n array, each symbol occurs exactly once in each row and column. • m x n latin rectangle – m x n array, each symbol occurs exactly once in each row and at most once in each column.
Sets of mutually orthogonal resolutions of BIBDs m-MORs of multiple designs • L – latin square of order n: E1, E2, E3 – sets of n elements . • = {(x1,x2,x3) : L(x1,x2) = x3} {a,b,c} = {1,2,3} • (a,b,c)-conjugate of L – rows indexed by Ea, columns by Eb and symbols by Ec, L(a,b,c)(xa,xb) = xcfor each (x1,x2,x3) E2 E1 E1 E2 (1,2,3)-conjugate (2,1,3)-conjugate
Sets of mutually orthogonal resolutions of BIBDs m-MORs of multiple designs • Equivalent latin squares – threebijections from the rows, columns and symbols of the first square to the rows, columns andsymbols, respectively of the second one that map first one in the second one. • Main class equivalent latin squares – the first latin square is equivalent to any conjugate of the second one.
Sets of mutually orthogonal resolutions of BIBDs m-MORs of multiple designs • L1 = (aij), S1; L2 = (bij), S2; i,j=1,2,…,n; n – order of latin squares. • Orthogonal latin squares – every element in S1x S2occurs exactly once among the pairs (aij, bij). • Mutually orthogonal set of latin squares (set of MOLS) – each pair of latin squares in the set is orthogonal.
Sets of mutually orthogonal resolutions of BIBDs m-MORs of multiple designs with v/k = 2 • v / k = 2 If one block of a parallel class is known, the point set of the second oneis known too; • R1 – B1, B2 • R2 – B1, B2’; B2, B1’ • ?R3 block ≥ 2 equal blocks B2 = B2’, B1 = B1’ block ≥ 1 equal block Partition of parallel classes into na subcollections, each contains equal parallel classes. min ni = m n1 n2 … na Example: 4 equal parallel classes of 3 mutually orthogonal resolutions, v = 2k 2-(6,3,16) 2-(8,4,12) 2-(10,5,32) 2-(12,6,20) 2-(16,8,28)
Sets of mutually orthogonal resolutions of BIBDs m-MORs of multiple designswith v/k = 2 • Proposition 1: Let D be a 2-(v,k,) design and v = 2k. 1) D is doubly resolvable iff it is resolvable and each set of k points is either incident with no block, or with at least two blocks of the design. 2) If D is doubly resolvable and at least one set of k points is in m blocks, and the rest in 0 or more than m blocks, then D has at leastone maximal m-MOR, no i-MORs for i > m and no maximal i-MORs for i < m.
Sets of mutually orthogonal resolutions of BIBDs m-MORs of true m-fold multiple designs with v/k > 2 Example: true 4-fold multiple, 4 equal parallel classes of 4 mutually orthogonal resolutions, v = 3k • Permutation of resolution classes, numbers of equal classes, resolutions of the m-MOR -> columns, symbols and rows of all the latin squares in M. • A nontrivial automorphism of the design transforms M into one of its conjugates.
Sets of mutually orthogonal resolutions of BIBDs m-MORs of multiple designs • Proposition 2:Let lq-1,m be the number of main class inequivalent sets of q - 1 MOLS of side m. Let q = v/k and m≥q. Let the 2-(v,k,m) design D be a true m-fold multiple of a resolvable 2-(v,k, ) design d. If lq-1,m > 0, then D is doubly resolvable and has at least m-MORs.
Sets of mutually orthogonal resolutions of BIBDs m-MORs of multiple designs • Corollary 3: Let lm be the number of main class inequivalent Latin squares of side m. Let v/k = 2 and m ≥ 2. Let the 2-(v,k,m) design D be a true m-fold multiple of a resolvable 2-(v,k,) design d. Then D is doubly resolvable and has at least m-MORs, no maximal i-MORs for i < m, and if d is not doubly resolvable, no i-MORs for i > m.
Sets of mutually orthogonal resolutions of BIBDs Lower bounds on the number of m-MORs