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Polymeric Matrix Composites (PMC). The reasons for PMC to be the most commonly used composites: monolithic polymer has low strength and stiffness processing is easier (no high temperature or pressure) Disadvantages of PMCs: low maximum working temperature high CTE, low dimensional stability
Polymeric Matrix Composites (PMC) The reasons for PMC to be the most commonly used composites: • monolithic polymer has low strength and stiffness • processing is easier (no high temperature or pressure) Disadvantages of PMCs: • low maximum working temperature • high CTE, low dimensional stability • sensitive to environmental factors: radiation, moisture,… e.g. water adsorption degradation in strength, modulus formation of internal stress swelling lowering of Tg • combustible for most polymers
Classification of Polymers Thermosetting plastics (thermosets) amorphous Polymers Thermoplastics (partially) crystalline Rubbers (elastomers)
Polymeric materials (Polymers) • mono•mer (mer = unit) • poly•mer
Polymerization (聚合、聚化反應) Chain polymerization of monomers: (1)Initiation
(2) Propagation R─CH2─CH2+CH2=CH2R─CH2─CH2─CH2─CH2 (3) Termination R(CH2─CH2)m+R´(CH2─CH2)n R(CH2─CH2)m─ (CH2─CH2)nR´
Degree of Polymerization (DP) DP = the number of subunits or mers in the polymer molecular chain =
Homopolymer (同聚合體) & Copolymer(共聚合體) • Copolymers: • Random copolymers. Different monomers are randomly arranged within the polymer chains. If A and B are different monomers, then an arrangement might be AABABBBBAABABAAB… (Fig 7.8a) • Alternating copolymers. Different monomers show a definite ordered alternation, as ABABABABABAB… (Fig 7.8b) • Block copolymers. Different monomers in the chain are arranged in relatively long blocks of each monomer: AAAAA─BBBBB─… (Fig 7.8c) • Graft copolymers. Appendages of one type of monomer are grafted to the long chain of another: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (Fig 7.8d) B B B B B B
Stepwise polymerization • Stepwise polymerization: (condensation polyerimization reaction)
Commercial Thermoplastics • Polyethylene (PE) 特點:價格低、室溫下韌性佳、低溫下保有強度、曲撓性腐蝕抵抗佳、絕緣性佳、無臭無味、低水汽穿透性 應用:容器、電絕緣材料、瓶子、薄膜
Commercial Thermoplastics • Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) 特點:高強度、脆性、中等熱變形溫度、介電性質佳、溶劑抵抗力強、防火防蝕 應用:汽車內裝、雨衣、鞋、家中用品另件
Commercial Thermoplastics • Polypropylene (PP) 特點:抗化學、水分及熱之能力佳,適當之表面硬度、形狀尺寸之穩定性佳、優越之彎曲壽命、價格低 應用:瓶罐、電瓶外殼、汽車風扇罩、導管、包裝袋、薄膜
Commercial Thermoplastics • Polystyrene (PS) 特點:堅硬、透明、容易加工處理、脆性、尺寸穩定性佳、模鑄,收縮低、抗侯性佳、易受溶劑浸蝕 應用:汽車內部零件、家電用品外殼、轉盤旋鈕
Commercial Thermoplastics • Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) 特點:形成高強度纖維,可抵抗水分及溶劑之浸蝕 應用:運動衫、毛毯之纖維
Commercial Thermoplastics • Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) 特點:堅硬、強度高、可見光穿透性高、室外環境之化學抵抗佳,俗名壓克力(acrylics) 應用:窗戶玻璃、廣告看板、護目鏡
Commercial Thermoplastics • ABS 特點:抗熱與化學性佳、韌性佳、表面光澤、剛性佳、易加工處理 應用:管線及其配件、電腦外殼、電話外殼
Commercial Thermoplastics • Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) 特點:極緻密之結晶材料、高密度、可抗有機溶劑浸蝕、超低溫至高溫之機械性質佳、高衝擊強度、極低摩擦係數、強度低 應用:管路、幫浦零件、不沾粘之覆層
Commercial Thermoplastics • Polychlorotrifluoroethylene (PCTFE) 特點:結晶度較低、易壓模製造 應用:O型環
Engineering Thermoplastics • Polyamides (Nylons) [聚醯胺(尼龍)] 特點:高度結晶性構造、高強度、高熱變形溫度、化學抵抗性佳、易加工處理、高潤滑性、低表面摩擦、抗磨耗性佳、吸水性強造成尺寸改變 應用:無潤滑之齒輪、軸承、汽車計速器之齒輪
Engineering Thermoplastics • Polyamides (Nylons) [聚醯胺(尼龍)]
Engineering Thermoplastics • Polycarbonate (PC) (聚碳酸酯) 特點:高強度、高衝擊強度、熱變形溫度高、電絕緣性佳、透明、潛變抵抗佳、抗化學腐蝕、尺寸穩定性優 應用:安全玻璃、凸輪、齒輪、安全帽、紅綠燈罩及鏡片、太陽能板之玻璃
Engineering Thermoplastics • Phenylene Oxide-Based Resin(苯氧基樹脂) 特點:高剛性、高強度、尺寸穩定性佳、低潛變、低水分吸收性、良好之介電性質、優良之衝擊抵抗 應用:汽車儀表板、柵板、小家電外殼
Engineering Thermoplastics • Acetals (聚縮醛) 特點:高強度、熱變形溫度高、長期承載性佳、尺寸穩定性佳、低摩耗、低摩擦、疲勞抵抗佳 應用:汽車安全帶及窗戶把手另件、幫浦翼輪、寫字用筆
Engineering Thermoplastics • Thermoplastic Polyesters (熱塑性聚酯) 特點:具結晶性、強度佳、低水分吸收性、化學抵抗佳、電絕緣性優 應用:幫浦翼輪、流量計、點火線圈蓋、噴油控制管
Engineering Thermoplastics • Polysulfones (聚砜塑膠) 特點:高強度、高剛性、高衝擊強度、高氧化穩定性、高熱變形溫度、低潛變、可抵抗水解作用 應用:電容器薄膜、醫學器皿
Engineering Thermoplastics • Polyphenylene Sulfide (聚苯硫) 特點:堅硬、高強度、具結晶性、高化學侵蝕抵抗、高溫之強度保持性佳、低鑄模收縮 應用:汽車排氣污染控制系統另件、油田之管路及配件
Engineering Thermoplastics • Polyetherimide (聚醚醯亞胺) 特點:熱抵抗性高、融溶下流動性佳、電絕緣性優 應用:斷電器外殼、印刷電路板
Thermosetting Plastics (Thermosets) • Epoxy Resins (環氧樹脂) 特點:液態時低分子量、製程處理時流動性佳、浸濕能力強、硬度高、強度大、化學抵抗強、硬化收縮低 應用:罐頭之裡襯、電纜之表層、高壓電絕緣體、複合材料
Thermosetting Plastics (Thermosets) • Epoxide group (環氧基群) • Epoxy resin chain Be: benzene ring (苯環)
Thermosetting Plastics (Thermosets) • Curing (cross-linking) of epoxy resin:
Thermosetting Plastics (Thermosets) • Unsaturated Polyesters (未飽和聚酯) 特點:低粘滯性、可填充大量強化材料、填充後強度高、衝擊及化學抵抗力強 應用:汽車面板、浴室用品 Ester linkage :
Thermosetting Plastics (Thermosets) • Linear polyester • Curing (cross-linking) of polyester
Deformation mechanisms in polymeric materials • Extension of main carbon chain (elastic) • Uncoiling of main carbon chain ( elastic & plastic) • Chain slippage (plastic)
Strengthening of Thermoplastics • Strengthening due to the average molecular mass of the polymer chains Polymer polymerization: low molecular mass → high molecular mass liquid → solid
Strengthening of Thermoplastics • Strengthening by increasing the amount of crystallinity in a thermoplastic material e.g.: Low-density polyethylene High-density polyethylene
Strengthening of Thermoplastics • Strengthening thermoplastics by introducing pendant atomic group on the main carbon chains Example: polypropylene: P.E.→ P.P. polystyrene: P.E.→ P.S.
Strengthening of Thermoplastics • Strengthening thermoplastics by bonding highly polar atoms on the main carbon chain Example: Polyvinyl chloride: P.E.→ PVC
Strengthening of Thermoplastics • Strengthening thermoplastics by the introduction of oxygen and nitrogen atoms in the main carbon chain Example: Polyoxy methylene (acetal): P.E.→ acetal Polyamide (nylon 6,6): P.E.→ nylon 6,6
Strengthening of Thermoplastics • Strengthening thermoplastics by introducing phenylene rings into the main polymer chain in combination with other elements such as O, N and S in the main chain Example: P.E.→ thermoplastic polyester P.E.→ polycarbonate