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Introduction to PeopleSoft Student Administration

Introduction to PeopleSoft Student Administration. Topics: Before We Begin Major Modules of CMS Understanding Academic Structure Signing in to PeopleSoft PeopleSoft Navigation Working with Pages CSU ID Search Introduction to the 3Cs Service Indicators Running Public Query’s

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Introduction to PeopleSoft Student Administration

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  1. Introduction to PeopleSoftStudent Administration Topics: • Before We Begin • Major Modules of CMS • Understanding Academic Structure • Signing in to PeopleSoft • PeopleSoft Navigation • Working with Pages • CSU ID Search • Introduction to the 3Cs • Service Indicators • Running Public Query’s • Using Wildcards, Access Keys and Hotkeys

  2. Introduction to PeopleSoftStudent Administration This training is an introduction to PeopleSoftStudent Administration. This training is not a module training.

  3. CSUSM Project Plan • Admissions Go Live 10/22/2007 • Financial Aid Go Live 02/2008 • Student Records, Student Financials 04/01/2008 • Academic Advising 6/2008 • Summer and Fall 2008 Registration will occur in PeopleSoft • Banner is system of record during this time period • Replacement of @ symbol in PeopleSoft • It becomes a 1 in the new system.

  4. Major Modules of CMS • Academic Advisement/Transfer Credit: defines and tracks requirements and rules students must satisfy to graduate and the rules for transfer courses. • Admissions/Campus Communitysupports the processing of applications, admission to the University, and functionality to support recruitment. • Financial Aidsupports the local management and awarding of financial aid. • Student Records/Academic Structuresupports maintenance of the Course Catalog, scheduling of Classes, registration, grading, enforcement of academic policies, awarding of degrees, and production of transcripts. • Student Financialsrecords and tracks all matters related to the student account including student charges, payments, financial aid disbursements, third party sponsorships and loan collections.

  5. Understanding Academic Structure These foundational components allow us to organize academic programs and offerings and associate them with both students and courses. Academic Institution - We have one Academic Institution code: SMCMP. Academic Career - Used to group programs and students at an institution. We will use: Undergraduate, Post Baccalaureate, and Extended Education to generate transcripts. Academic Program - Element within the institution to which a student applies, is admitted, and from which they graduate. Academic Plan - Plans describe an area of study within an academic program: majors, major options, minors, credentials, and certificates. Multiple plans are allowed for double majors/minors and students in more than one academic program (e.g. Teacher Credential and MA in Teacher Education ). Academic Sub-Plan - Directly linked to a specific academic plan; used for concentrations, tracks, specializations, and emphases. Jane is a sophomore pursuing a degree in Business with a minor in English Literature. CareerProgramPlanPlan TypeSub-plan UGRD UBACH BUS-/ISOM/B/BS Major MIS UGRD UBACH LTWR/B/BA Minor n/a

  6. Signing in to PeopleSoft • Navigate to the PeopleSoft Application via your web browser.https://cmsdev7.calstate.edu/HSMSCN/signon.html • From the PeopleSoft sign in page, type in your User ID and Password.(provided by your instructor) • Click the “Sign In” button.

  7. PeopleSoft Navigation As a web-based application, PeopleSoft is essentially a big website made up of hundreds of web pages, each of which allows you to perform specific functions. • It has portal like navigation. • Menus are collapsible and expandable. • Every user in PeopleSoft is assigned a role and this determines which items are displayed to them in the menu. • As the user expands the menu, folders and subfolders will appear on the right hand side of the screen. • Default Functional Area Navigation (DFAN) pages appear as a user drills down. These pages are task driven and centered around completing specific business processes. • Roles and permission lists are what control the level of access a PeopleSoft user will have.

  8. PeopleSoft Navigation Just above the menus are the breadcrumbs; they are links that follow the menu structure. Home > Student Admissions > Application Maintenance > Maintain Applications

  9. PeopleSoft Navigation Once you enter a search page the menu breadcrumbs will disappear. Each screen has topic-specific “Help” available via the link (top right, in the Page Bar). This links to PeopleBooks but does not include latest bundle updates.

  10. Navigation: Menu Search Find menu items quickly by using the search functionality. Search Results include • Menu Titles • Descriptions • Navigation Guide (Breadcrumbs) • A direct link to the component page

  11. Working with Pages: Adding Favorites Add the business processes that you use the most to your “My Favorites.” Activity: • Navigate the to the business process you want to add. • Click the “Add to Favorites” link, in the upper right of your browser window (Universal Navigation Header). • Enter/OK the “Description” as you want it to appear in your My Favorites menu. • You may want to name your favorites as the old banner function.

  12. Navigation: Specifying User Defaults CMS allows you to identify certain fields and set default values for them. Setting these defaults the first time you enter PoepleSoft can save you time. Activity: • Navigation: Home > Set Up SACR > User Defaults • Navigate to User Defaults. • Be sure you are viewing the defaults under the “User Defaults 1” tab. • Click the magnifying glass icon, next to “Career Group SetID:” to see all the possible SetIDs. • Click the SetID link corresponding to “CSU – Semester” to set that as your default SetID.Note: You will be returned to the User Defaults 1 screen and this field is now populated. • Click the “Save” button to save your defaults. Activity: Click the “User Defaults 4” tab. Check the box, next to “Carry ID.” Click the “Save” button to save your defaults.Note: The User Defaults 4 screen will refresh and this field is now checked by default. Also look at the “User Defaults 2” tab.

  13. Working with Pages: Save and Sort Searches Enhanced Searches allow extensive, user-defined operators for flexible searches. • It is often necessary to specify certain data to be retrieved before you begin a task in a particular Component. • A Search Page opens automatically when you navigate to the first page of a Component and are used to narrow the search. • The more criteria you enter, the more specific your search becomes. • This is also true of the information you enter in a given field. If, for example, you can enter just the first few letters of the name. • One of the most common search keys is the student’s ID (aka ID or EmplID). • National ID = SSN

  14. Working with Pages: Sorting Search Results You can also sort your search results (in ascending or descending order) by column. To change the order, simply click on a column header.

  15. Working with Pages: Saving Searches You can save a search to use again in the future (or to reuse as a basis for a future search).Activity: Navigation: Home > Student Admissions > Application Maintenance > Maintain Applications • Enter Search Criteria (Last Name, begins with, Smith; First Name, begins with, Mi). • Click the “Save Search Criteria” link. • Name the search; use a descriptive name in the “Name of Search” field. • Click the “Save” button. • You are returned to the search page. Notice that you are now given the option of using your saved search and may Delete Saved Searches.

  16. Working with Pages: Exporting Data to Excel By clicking the download icon, shown below, you may export your grid data to Excel. Activity: Navigate to: Home > Student Admissions > Application Maintenance > Maintain Applications • Use your saved search and click “Search.” • Scroll down and click on a name (Smith,Michael has an example of multiple rows). • Biographical Details will now appear. • Click on the “Addresses” tab. • To download Current Address information, click the grid icon. • In Internet Explorer (IE) you will have to ctrl + click the icon. • A dialogue box will appear asking you to open or save the document. • In Firefox: Double click the “OK” button. Then click it again, when it becomes available. • In IE: Click the “Open” button. Note: You must disable any popup blockers in your browser.

  17. Working with Pages: Navigating Within or Between Pages Remember that pages often have navigational tabs (duplicated by links at the bottom of the page) to allow additional navigational options.And the Universal Navigation Header is always available to return you “Home” or allow you to “Sign Out.”

  18. Working with Pages: Adding and Deleting Rows To add a row, simply click the [+] icon, or the Add button in that section; to delete a row, click the [-] icon.Activity (Add a new row of data): • While still in Add/Update a Person click on the Biographical Details tab. Add another e-mail address for your person. • Click the “Add” button in the Email grid box found at the bottom of the page. • In the drop down menu select “Dorm.” • Type in a new e-mail address link. • Save your changes. • Please delete the row of information that you just added by clicking on the [-] Delete row icon. Note: After you click “Save” you may still delete a row. But if you navigate away and come back, you will get a message that you cannot delete history. At this point, you can use “Correct History” (bottom, far right), but this is a security setting.

  19. Working with Pages: Understanding Effective Dating When editing a record, you can add the updates to a new data row for the same record but distinguish it by an effective date – the date when the information goes into effect. This preserves the current/history data. The system categorizes effective-dated rows into three basic types: • History rows have effective dates earlier than the effective date of the current data row. There can be more than one history row per record. • Current data rows have the most recent effective date earlier than or equal to the system date. There can be only one current row per record. • Future data rows have effective dates later than the system date. There can be more than one future row per record. A Future data row becomes the ‘Current’ row on that day of the effective date and the old “Current” row becomes “History.” Note: When performing a search where you’d like to view “History” data rows, be sure to check the “Include History” box on your search form. Note: There is a “Include History” button (bottom right), if you forget to check the box.

  20. CSU ID Search The CSU ID Search can be used to locate a student ID number. Before adding a new person to the PeopleSoft database you would use Search/Match functionality to determine if that person already exists. Navigation: Home > CSU ID Search Depending on the type of record the following pages will be displayed when detail is selected. Employees/ Person of Interest (students are “Persons of Interest”) Campus Solutions Person HR Recruiting

  21. Introduction to the 3Cs The 3Cs consist of: • Checklists – Which allow you to create and monitor lists for completion requirements in different areas of the application. • Communications – Which allow you to manage correspondence and contacts both inside and outside of the university. This feature is unique to PeopleSoft. • Comments – Which allow you to enter and monitor remarks about individuals and organizations. It does keep track of who makes the additions.

  22. Introduction to the 3Cs: Assigning the 3Cs As information is entered into the student application, some activities trigger automatic creation of one of the 3Cs to be added to the records. You may also enter communications, checklists, and comments manually from designated pages. Activity: From a student record, click the tab “Application Data” and explore the 3Cs.

  23. Introduction to the 3Cs: Checklist Summary Use Checklist Summary to view the student’s checklist items, including item status and due date for each item. Navigation: Home > Campus Community > Checklists > Person Checklists > Person Checklist Summary Checklist Summary Page After doing a search and selecting a record, you may use the Checklist Summary page to view the checklist item and status for the selected student. Viewing Checklist Details You can view checklist and checklist item details by clicking the View link next to a checklist item on the Checklist Summary page. These are the fields on the Checklist Detail 1 page: Checklist Date Time, Administrative Function, Academic Institution, Checklist Code, Status, Stat Dt, Due Date, Due Amount, Currency Cd, Comments, Variable Data

  24. Introduction to the 3Cs: Comments Summary Since they are part of the Campus Community record, Comments may be shared across functional areas. Many of the menu groups for other functions, such as Student Records and Financial Aid, include navigation to Comments. Individual Comments are attached to a specific Administrative Function, so we can easily identify which office is responsible for each Comment. Navigation: Home > Campus Community > Comments > Comments – Person > Personal Comment Summary Viewing Personal Comment Summary Use the Personal Comment Summary page to view a listing of all comments for the selected student. It works almost identically to the Checklist examples

  25. Introduction to the 3Cs: Communications Tool Automated processes can attach a communication to the student’s record, but communications can also be assigned manually. Communications may be outbound (generated by the College), inbound (generated by the student), or in person in the form of: A document, Personal contact, email, publication, fax, telephone call, letter, or the web. Navigation: Home > Campus Community > Communications > Person Communications > Communication Summary Viewing the Communication Summary The Communication Summary Component consists of two pages (tabs). You will use the first page, the Communication Summary page, to view a list of communications with the student.

  26. Service Indicators Service indicators can be defined as either positive or negative. All users can see them. • Negative Service Indicators prevent a process, or a group of processes, from occurring for the student. • Positive Service Indicators indicate that a student meets special criteria. Click a service indicator icon and you will be directed to a page that displays details for the service indicator.

  27. Service Indicators: Details Positive/Negative Service Indicator Page When you click a service indicator icon, information will be displayed on the Service Indicator page. Click the “Detail” link to view additional details for the service indicator.This is the Negative Service Indicators page: Service Indicator Detail Page When you click the “Detail” link on the Positive (or Negative) Service Indicator page, the Service Indicator Detail page appears for the selected service indicator. If the service indicator impacts a service, either positively or negatively, the impact will be displayed in the Services Impacted group box. These are the fields on the Service Indicator Detail page: DateTime, Institution, Service Ind Active Term, Active Date, Service Indicator Cd, Reason Code, Amount, Contact ID/Name, Placed Person ID, Department, Comments, Placed Method, User ID

  28. Running Public Queries Many of the reports that departments will utilize for business processes will exist in the Query reporting tool. Navigation: Home > Reporting Tools > Query > Query Manager • Using the Search on the Query Manager page, find the query you need. • Select the query that you would like to open and select what format you would like the query delivered in (HTML or Excel). Note: Some queries may have fields that require data prior to producing the desired report. If so they would appear similar to the example below. When you click “View Results” and “Open” the results will open in the format you selected. If you select HTML, you can still download the report to excel by selecting the “download results in” feature highlighted above.

  29. Using Wildcards, Access Keys and Hotkeys Using Wildcards on a Search page You can enter a full value or partial value for any key field. There are three wildcard keys to aid your searches. For example, if you enter 22 in the ID field, only those IDs that begin with 22 will appear. By placing a % before 22, you would see every row of data containing 22 anywhere in the ID.

  30. Using Wildcards, Access Keys and Hotkeys Access Keys An “access key” is an ALT + x key combination that moves the focus to a specific button or link on the current page. To actually perform the action, you must select the keys and then press ENTER. Access keys apply only to the buttons available within a specific page. The list below may not be relevant to all pages. These are used as keyboard shortcuts rather than using your mouse to scroll and click.

  31. Using Wildcards, Access Keys and Hotkeys Hot Keys for the scroll area: Holding down Ctrl and typing a “k” will show you all available Access and Hotkeys. • Only works in Internet Explorer • Works from DFAN pages and student record pages, etc (not from the Home screen).

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