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Computers in educational administration . Role of computers in educational planning Satish Mishra,PGT CS,KV Tirumalagiri . PLANNING : Act or Process of making plans. PLAN :Predetermined strategy ,detailed scheme for achieving a target /objective .
Computers in educational administration Role of computers in educational planning SatishMishra,PGTCS,KV Tirumalagiri
PLANNING : Act or Process of making plans. • PLAN :Predetermined strategy ,detailed scheme for achieving a target /objective . • Educational Planning : Process of decision making for achieving targets with optimum use of resources . • For decision making we need voluminous amount of data and need to process it . • Computers are best suited for data processing task , making decision making process easier . Introduction
Centralized (e.g. 5 Years plan by planning commission ) • Decentralized ( Guidelines from central ,planning at institution Level) • Micro (Smallest viable unit for planning ,Block or Village) • Macro (Above micro level) • Strategic (Planning for the total org. over a longer period of time) • Operational (short to medium term , focus on immediate and pressing problems…. Estimated expenditure prepared for approval from higher ups ) • Budget • Institutional (Most imp, lowest level, more realistic ) Educational Planning :Types
Understanding objectives Problem definition Data collection Data Analysis Set of alternative solution Collect new data Process of educational planning Evaluation of solutions Identify sub problem Feasible Implement
Huge data can be stored • Fast data processing creation of information • Helps in decision making • Reduction in number of manpower requirement and time • Secrecy of data can be maintained • Past data and current information can help in better long term projections for strategic planning Advantages of use of computers in educational planning
Computer based information processing system to record ,store ,process and retrieve data for decision making . MIS (MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM)
Operating elements • Decision support system(programmed,non-programmed,semi-programmed) • Management activity • Organizational Function MIS structure
Application of MIS in education is not very popular in India Role of MIS in educational planning
Two or more computers linked together for the purpose of Information sharing • LAN,MAN,WAN Information Network
Payroll and financial accounting • Student attendance • Student admission details • Inventory management • Staff data recordkeeping • Library management system • Result analysis • Fee collection Use of computers in educational admn
Used for examinations involving large number of candidates . • Can monitor amount of time each examinee took to answer a particular question • Immediate results • Grade card preparation • On demand exam Test admn
OMR to database • MS –EXCEL • ICR (Intelligent character reader ) software's to convert handwritten mark list submitted by evaluator to excel . Test scoring procedures
Question banks are large database of suitable questions coded by subject area ,instructional level, instructional objectives ,difficulty level. • By using computer based question bank manual process of question paper setting can be avoided ,which is usually time consuming and tedious process . Question banking
OLS : system of education that does not follow traditional method which is very restricted in nature . for e.g. admission restriction ,age restriction ,attendance restriction ,subject combination restriction etc. * Extension of traditional system of education Computers in open learning system
Virtual mode : computers for complete cycle from registration to certification. • Dual mode : Computers complement one or more operations .for example student shall opt for one or more computer based submission of assignment/exams or paper based. • Mixed mode : both options exist .computer assisted methods not compulsory Computers in open learning system
Student centric approach • Students have a choice to pace their study according to their own will ,time and pace. • Webcasts lectures • Digitized archives Computers in open learning system
Cost • Lack of student motivation • Slow internet • Human resistance to accept change Computers in open learning system-Problems
Web based courses offer a new way of delivering content to the intended audience . • Interactivity makes a difference between courses that present information and those who actually train learners . Web based courses
1. Accessibility • 2. Clarity • 3. focused • 4. Consistent interface design • 5. Ease of usability • 6.No broken links Web based courses –Design considerations
Synchronous – Chat, video conferencing • Asynchronous – E-mail, Bulletin boards Web based courses –forms of interaction