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17th century stuff

17th century stuff. Spain - From Habsburg to Bourbon France - Valois to Bourbon Austria - From Habsburg to Habsburg England - From Stuart to Orange to Hanover Prussia - Hohenzollern. Ferdinand + Isabella = Joanna and Catherine. Joanna + Philip the Fair

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17th century stuff

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 17th century stuff • Spain - From Habsburg to Bourbon • France - Valois to Bourbon • Austria - From Habsburg to Habsburg • England - From Stuart to Orange to Hanover • Prussia - Hohenzollern

  2. Ferdinand + Isabella = Joanna and Catherine Joanna + Philip the Fair Habsburg duke of Burgundy and son of Maximilian, H.R.E. = son born in Flanders - Charles I of Spain in 1516 and Charles V H.R.E. in 1519 marries Henry VIII daughter = Mary Tudor Queen of England When Charles V abdicates throne, he splits up empire: When Charles V abdicates throne, he splits up empire: brother: Ferdinand I - Austria and H.R.E. son: Philip II Spain Two branches of Habsburg rule: Spanish and Austrian Charles VI’s Pragmatic Sanction will ensure Habsburg rule of Austria to her daughter: Maria Theresa Habsburg rule will end with death of Charles II War of Spanish Succession = Bourbon

  3. Philip IV (1621-1665) Charles II (1665-1700)

  4. The Surrender of Breda by Diego de Velasquez

  5. Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes

  6. Expansion of Louis XIV

  7. War of Spanish Succession • 1702 - 1713 • death of Charles II • Philip of Anjou - Louis XIV’s grandson • “The Pyrenees have ceased to exist.” • Grand Alliance (England, Holland, Austria, Prussia and Portugal) v. Louis XIV • 1711 Charles VI from Austrian Habsburg is new H.R.E. (1711-1740) • Treaty of Utrecht 1713 ends war

  8. Treaty of Utrecht: Spanish lands pass to Austrian Habsburg: Milan Naples Sicily Southern Netherlands Other results: Philip V - King of Spain Bourbon dynasty rules Spain until 1931 Spain and France never to join kingdoms Treaty of Utrecht 1713

  9. War of Spanish Succession fought at same time as Queen Anne’s War in North America France cedes Newfoundland Nova Scotia Hudson Bay to British

  10. Treaty of Westphalia 1648 Treaty of Westphalia 1648 Treaty of Utrecht 1713 What differences do you see?

  11. Great Northern War 1700 - 1721

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