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training of trainers: Eliminating Barriers TO Learning through the early identification of student mental health issues Presenters: Christina borbely , ph.d. , ret partners Craig Gibbs, LCSW, PPS, PCOE Tad Kitada, School Social Work Instructor, CSUS 2013. Placer County Office of Education
training of trainers:Eliminating Barriers TO Learning through the early identification of student mental health issues Presenters:Christina borbely, ph.d., ret partnersCraig Gibbs, LCSW, PPS, PCOETad Kitada, School Social Work Instructor, CSUS 2013 Placer County Office of Education Sponsored by California Department of Education, Coordinated Student Support and Adult Education Division. Made possible through funding from the Mental Health Services Act of 2004
Purpose of this training • Orient school/district teams to the Eliminating Barriers to Learning Through Early Identification of Student Mental Health Issues (EBL) • To Develop Skills to Delivery Training at your site Purpose of EBL • Increase educator and school staff awareness of student mental health • Increase educator and school staff accountability for action • Infuse systemic promotion of student mental wellness through positive school climate
TOT Learning Objectives • Appreciate the value of mental wellness in schools and the role educators have in achieving positive school climate and school safety for ALL students through TETRIS. • Be familiar with the EBL curriculum and supporting materials. • Understand best practices for EBL delivery with fidelity, including customization for best fit for local level implementation. • Possess tools needed to replicate the training with their LEAs at least one time in 2013. • CRITICAL ELEMENTS ACTION PLAN
California department of ed Learning Supports Initiatives: • Provides strategies, resources, and training in psychological and mental health issues, including coping with tragedy, crisis intervention and prevention, school psychology and suicide prevention. Links to: • Training Educators Through Recognition and Identification Strategies (TETRIS)
Why EBL? • Adapted for California from original USDHHS Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) version • SAMHSA sets the standard for the field • Developed by team of leading experts • Aligns with California standards and state-level initiatives
Discussion Table Groups: Discuss the links between student mental health issues/mental wellness and learning. • Why is student mental health relevant? • Why does it matter to ________? • How does it impact students’ learning?
EBL Resources • Training Package: All training materials are provided (Slides, Trainer’s Guide, Participant handouts, supplemental resources, videos) • Implementation guide supports novice to expert trainers/facilitators • Designed to be customized for local level considerations (e.g. populations, time/resource parameters)
EBLOnline • Training Materials, Supplemental Resources, & Videos http://sites.placercoe.k12.ca.us/ebl/ https://www.youtube.com/user/YouthWellness?feature=mhee
EBLOnlineKognito Simulation • Introduction Video Interactive Learning Kognito Interactive • Orientation Tool • When to use Kognito • First Kognito assessment • Train EBL • Trainees participate in Kognitosimulation • Second Kognito assessment
Overview of Modules Must Be First Module I. Eliminating Barriers for Learning: The Foundation • Social-emotional development, stigma, and discrimination V. Infusing Cultural Competence into Mental Wellness Initiatives • Practical considerations for the classroom and campus II. Social-Emotional Development, Mental Health, and Learning • Overview of disorders, effects on learning, and risk factors III. Making Help Accessible to Students and Families • Formulate a plan to help students with mental health needs IV. Strategies To Promote a Positive Classroom Climate • Create a climate that promotes learning and mental health • Create a formal action plan for promoting mental health wellness
Module I: Learning Objectives Eliminating Barriers for Learning: The Foundation • Relate social-emotional development to academic and nonacademic success • Know the definition of mental health disorders and serious mental illness • Understand the stigma surrounding mental health problems and the impact of stigma and discrimination on help-seeking behavior • Understand the teacher's and other staff’s roles in relation to mental health and emotional problems
Module II: Learning Objectives Social-Emotional Development, Mental Health, and Learning • Learn social-emotional factors related to positive youth development, including risk and protective factors • Understand the range of social-emotional development and its relationship to mental health • Know the most commonmental health disorders and serious mental illnesses in students and their potential impacts on learning and behavior • Learn indications that a student needs additional support
Module III: Learning Objectives Making Help Accessible to Students and Families • Know a number of internal resources and external partnerships available to support teachers, students, and families • Understand how to access those resources and partnerships • Learn the elements of a successful action plan to help students with mental health needs • Know the appropriate limits of educators' roles with regard to outside involvement and confidentiality
Module IV: Learning Objectives Strategies To Promote a Positive School-Wide and Classroom Climate • Understand the relationship among school and classroom climate, learning, and mental health • Learn strategies that promote a positive school and classroom climate by taking advantage of adolescent social-emotional development • Learn strategies for maintaining an accepting, stigma-free school and classroom climate • Learn instructional strategies that promote a positive school and classroom climate and mental health
Module V: Learning Objectives Infusing Cultural Competence into Mental Wellness Initiatives • Verify current definitions of what cultural competency is, and what it is not • Examine cultural competency as an on-going process. Identify where you are on continuum • Appreciate dynamics of power • Commit to strengthening cultural proficiency at individual, classroom, and school levels for system-wide change
Fidelity • “Adherence”, “integrity”, and “purity”, is the extent to which a curriculum or program model is delivered in accordance with the intended (and tested) design If schools and agencies are not committed to program fidelity, they may be utilizing a great deal of valuable time and resources with little to no effect on the behaviors they are trying to change.
Core Components of EBL • Module I as pre/co-requisite to other modules • Engage appropriate audience • Trainers with training skills & subject area expertise achieve module learning objectives • Trainers follow preparation instructions in EBL Trainer’s Guide • Adherence to strengths-based model of student wellness and positive school climate
Adaptation • Also referred to as “reinvention”, it is the unintentional or deliberate modification of original program model. • Modifications may take the form of: • eliminating, abbreviating, reorganizing, or supplementing program structure or content.
Customizing the ebL Delivery • In segments over time (~1 hour & 15 minutes each) • In single one-day training (~6 hours) • Modules of interest/priority only (must include prerequisite, Module 1) • As complement to a larger professional development event • As booster sessions to specific topics (e.g. cultural competency module) • As a basic or augmented variation See Sample Agendas Trainer Resources
Hallmarks of “Watered Down” Training • Issues/focus of local agenda typically take priority to stated learning objectives. • Implementers pick and choose from model/curriculum components at will • Trainers do not demonstrate a clear & detailed understanding of the curriculum model. • Modifications to content delivery can not be articulated or identified
Navigating logistics: Critical Elements • Who to train? • How/when/where? • Your commitment • Meeting expectations
Group Activity Design Your EBL Excerpt Presentation