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Learning Objective : Today we will spell suffixes/endings of words correctly. suffix – a word part added to end of a base word. Partner share . What are we going to do today?. Describe a movie where a toy comes to life. Today will correctly spell suffixes/endings of words.
Learning Objective: Today we will spell suffixes/endings of words correctly. suffix – a word part added to end of a base word.
Partner share What are we going to do today? Describe a movie where a toy comes to life. Today will correctly spell suffixes/endings of words.
Why is it important to be a good speller? Your writing and you ideas will better communicated and expressed.
Spellin Rule #1: CE If a word ends in a consonant and e, drop the final e when you add a suffix that begins with a vowel. Examples: sincere + ity = sincerity believe + able = believable
Spelling Rule #2: CY For a word ending in y that has a consonant right before the y, change the y to an i when you add a suffix. Examples: beauty + ful = beautiful deny + al = denial
Spelling Rule #3: Singular to Plural To form the plural of nouns ending in y, change the y to i and add – es. Examples: robbery + es = robberies. bunny + es = bunnies
Spelling Rule 4#: CVC1 For one-syllable words that end in the pattern consonant – vowel – consonant , double the final consonant before adding a suffix that begins with a vowel. Examples: spin + ing = spinning hug + ed = hugged
Spelling Rule #5: CVC2+ For words with two or more syllables that end with a syllable that follows the pattern consonant – vowel – consonant, double the final consonant before adding a suffix that begins with a vowel if the accent is on the last syllable. Examples: commit + ee = committee repel + ing = repelling
Common suffix endings that start with vowels • ed • ing • able • er • est
Follow these steps! Step 1- Read the instructions carefully. Step 2- Identify the misspelled word Step 3- Collect the misspelled word.
Skill development – match the base word and its correct added ending.Rule #1 hoping living • live • hope
Instructions: math the base word with its correct added endingRule #2: CY carried burial hurried happiness • happy • carry • bury • hurry
Instructions: Read the sentence and choose the word with the correct spelling.Rule #3, singular to plural • John (hurries, hurry) to the playground to get the ball. • My mom (worry, worries) when I came home late from school Monday evening. • I had to (study, studies) for the CST so that I can achieve “advanced.”
Instructions: Read the sentence and write the correct spelling of the word in parenthesis. Rule #4, CVC1 • I went (run) to school because I did not want to be late. • The (rob) broke into our home and took my Xbox 360 with all my games! • My brother was (cut) the cheese! • The hungry dog was (beg) for food and so I fed it. • I was wondering why Pedro looked the (sad) out of all the kids.
Instructions: math each word with its correct added ending.Rule #5 – CVC2+ hopped rubbed dropping skipping • rub • hop • skip • drop
Let’s review what we’ve learned. Today will correctly spell suffixes and endings of words.
Suffixes Spelling Rules Words ending in e, drop the e if the suffix begins with a vowel. Bake-baking Keep the e if the suffix begins with a consonant. Manage-management Words ending in y (following a consonant), change the y to i unless suffix begins with i. Words ending in a single consonant (following a single vowel), double the final consonant before adding ed or ing. ship-shipped-shipping
Follow these steps! Step 1- Read the instructions carefully. Step 2- Identify the misspelled word Step 3- Collect the misspelled word.
Resources and Activities http://www.learner.org/interactives/spelling/ AAASpell.com Spelling Words online doc Scholastic Fish Em Up!