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Separation of Beryllium from Interfering Elements in Inductively Coupled Plasma

Learn about the importance of purifying beryllium, its uses, associated health hazards, and a proposed purification method using Dipex Resin. This detailed analysis provides insights into overcoming challenges with current techniques.

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Separation of Beryllium from Interfering Elements in Inductively Coupled Plasma

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  1. The Separation of Beryllium from Spectral Interfering Elements in Inductively Coupled Plasma – Atomic Emission Spectroscopic Analysis Daniel R. McAlister and E. Philip Horwitz PG Research Foundation, Inc. 8205 S Cass Avenue, Suite 109 Darien, IL 60561

  2. Acknowledgement Darrin K. Mann Analytical Chemistry Organization Y-12 National Security Complex P.O. Box 2009, MS 8189 Oak Ridge, TN 37831-8189

  3. Outline Background Be Why it’s important/a problem Current Method  How it can be improved Single column purification to remove all ICP-AES interfering elements Guard column options to increase capacity of method for U(VI) (Key) Method is pH sensitive  Easy colorimetric method to monitor Simple, fast, and reliable More detail in paper prepared for Talanta (copies available)

  4. Beryllium Uses and Properties Lighter than Aluminum, Stiffer than Steel High heat adsorption Metal, alloys, salts and oxides used in a wide variety of industries Neutron moderators or reflectors in nuclear reactors Nuclear weapons components

  5. Problems Associated with Beryllium Physical Problems (Expensive, Brittle) Health Hazard Chronic Beryllium Disease (CBD) No know cure (can only be treated) Produces scarring of lung tissue Chronic (average 10-15 year latency period) 2-5% of population acutely sensitive Over 100 current and former DOE employees have CBD

  6. Beryllium Monitoring Controlled by US Dept of Energy CBD Prevention Program (10CFR part 850) Requires monitoring of air and surfaces to determine Be risk Y-12 analyzed nearly 40,000 samples for Be in 2003 50% more samples expected to be analyzed in 2004 Current method uses ICP-OES or GFAA on microwave digested samples sensitive to certain interferences

  7. Problems with Current Method Interfering elements in the OES spectrum of Beryllium Beryllium lines very intense  method is very sensitive for the determination of beryllium Interfering lines from other elements could lead to false positives. Positive determination of beryllium leads to shut down of operation until cleanup.

  8. Problems with Current Method Currently Interfering lines are corrected using inter element correction (IEC) Uranium is particularly spectrally rich Spectrum shifts depending on the degree of enrichment of the Uranium Method for removing OES interfering elements from samples desired Uranium in particular Several EXC Resins evaluated for their ability to purify Be samples

  9. Uptake of Selected Elements on Dipex Resin Be retained at low acid and stripped at high acid Most interferences strongly retained over entire range Cr weakly retained over entire range Single column should purify Be from all interferences Uranium very strongly retained

  10. Uptake of Selected Elements on Dipex Resin

  11. Proposed Method for Beryllium Purification Prepare samples as before (Digest with H2SO4/H2O2, dilute with HNO3) Neutralize samples to pH 1-2 with sodium aceate Buffers to maximum pH of 4.5 Monitor pH with methyl violet or crystal violet pH Range over which separation is effective

  12. Elution of Be and Selected Elements on Dipex Resin

  13. Elution of Be and Selected Elements on Dipex Resin

  14. Elution of Be and Selected Elements on Dipex Resin

  15. Effect of Large Quantities of Uranium Uranium uptake on Dipex Resin is very high Large amounts of Uranium could consume resin capacity and reduce Beryllium yields. 50 mg of U reduces Beryllium yield to ~60%. 100 mg of U reduces Beryllium yield to 29% and leads to U in Beryllium fraction

  16. Effect of Large Quantities of Uranium An LN2 Resin guard column effectively separates U from Be LN2 resin contains a substituted phosphonic acid

  17. Effect of Large Quantities of Uranium Coupling an LN2 Resin guard column increases Uranium capacity without decreasing Beryllium yields or changing chemistry. Over 100 mg of Uranium does not decrease Beryllium yield or produce Uranium in Beryllium fraction. GC attached through load, rinse and strip

  18. Effect of Large Quantities of Uranium An LN3 Resin guard column also removes U from Be and retains Be less than LN2. LN3 resin contains a substituted phosphinic acid

  19. Effect of Large Quantities of Uranium Coupling an LN3 Resin guard column increases Uranium capacity without decreasing Beryllium yields or changing chemistry. Over 100 mg of Uranium does not decrease Beryllium yield or produce Uranium in Beryllium fraction. GC can be removed following rinse

  20. Effect of Large Quantities of Uranium LN2 and LN3 Resins effectively increase the capacity for Uranium With LN2, the GC remains connected through the load, rinse and strip With LN3, the GC can be removed following the rinse

  21. Conclusions Efficient, Reliable method for purifying Be from all ICP-AES spectral interfering elements has been found using a single column Method is compatible with current monitoring and sample digestion methods Method is robust and performs over a wide pH range pH can be monitored with indicator to ensure optimal performance Inserting a LN2 or LN3 Resin guard column increases U capacity without changing the chemistry or significantly decreasing Be yields. Dipex Resin currently available from Eichrom as Beryllium Resin

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