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CPE 432 Computer Design. Dr. Walid Abu-Sufah. Course Goals. Introduce you to design principles, analysis techniques and design options in computer architecture The use of cost/performance as a basis for making decisions about computer architecture. Instructor/Course Website.
CPE 432 Computer Design Dr. Walid Abu-Sufah CPE 432 Computer Design
Course Goals • Introduce you to design principles, analysis techniques and design options in computer architecture • The use of cost/performance as a basis for making decisions about computer architecture CPE 432 Computer Design
Instructor/Course Website • Instructor: Dr. Walid Abu-Sufah • Email: abusufah@ju.edu.jo • Office: CPE 417 • Office Hours: Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday 1-2 CPE 432 Computer Design
Course website/ Discussion website • Course website: http://www2.ju.edu.jo/sites/academic/abusufah/material/cpe432_spr13/index.html • Piazza for Q&A + announcements: To join Piazza visit: https://piazza.com/instructors/ju.edu.jo Send me e-mail if you wish to be registered on Piazza using a non-JU email address CPE 432 Computer Design
Textbook • Main Textbook: Patterson and Hennessy. Computer Organization & Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, 4th ed., Morgan Kaufmann, 2009. • Reference: Hennessy and Patterson, Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, 5th ed., Morgan Kaufmann, 2012. CPE 432 Computer Design
Pre-requisites and Background • CPE 335 Computer Organization • Specifically I assume you have taken • A basic computer organization course • A logic design course • Assembly language programming CPE 432 Computer Design
Grading • Four quizzes: 20 % • Midterm: 30% • Final: 50% CPE 432 Computer Design
Course Policies • There will be no make-up quizzes/midterm for any reason. • In case of medical/ or other disabling emergencies, Dr. Abu-Sufah should be notified BEFORE the quiz/midterm and his approval for missing the quiz/midterm should be obtained BEFORE the midterm. • Academic Honesty: Any copying of assignments is unacceptable. • Attendance will be taken • University regulations regarding attendance will be strictly enforced. CPE 432 Computer Design
Tentative Course Outline/ Readings in the Textbook CPE 432 Computer Design