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CASEMIS Data Meeting Fall 2008 Elk Grove, California Ventura, California. CASEMIS Overview. Fall 2008 CASEMIS Fields TABLE A – STUDENT DATA. Fall 2008 CASEMIS Fields. TABLE D – POST-SECONDARY. TABLE B – SERVICES. TABLE C – DISCIPLINE. General Instructions.
CASEMIS Data Meeting Fall 2008 Elk Grove, California Ventura, California CASEMIS Overview
General Instructions • Table A (Student Data Table) shall contain one record for each student found eligible for and recieve special education services. The unique identifier of a student record for a SELPA is derived by the combination of the SELPA_CODE and STUDENT_ID data fields in the table. • Table A shall also contain one record for each child referred and evaluated but not eligible for special education or related services. • Table A shall also contain one record for each child referred, found eligible, and did not receive special education and related services because parent declined services or child was parentally placed in private school where no ISP services were provided. • Table B(Student Services Data Table)shall contain at least one record for each student in Table A, except those with a code of 70, 80 or 90 in Data Field A-32 PLAN_TYPE. Table B may contain more than one record, one for each service received by the student.
General Instructions, cont’d • Table C(Discipline Data Table)shall contain one record for each disciplinary action for a student receiving services in Table A. Table C may contain more than one record for a student, if the student is subjected to more than one disciplinary action during the school year (for end-of-year reporting cycle only). • Table D (Post-secondary Follow-up) shall containone record for each student exited from program or SELPA during the prior year(exited during 2007-08, for the end-of-year cycle reporting only). Post-secondary is generally considered as after high school; the June 2009 would include any student exiting high school during the 2007-08 school year.
General Instructions, cont’d • It is important that each data table maintained by the LEA contains all data fields with appropriate codes according to this structure. • Generally, there are no optional data fields in the CASEMIS data tables • Exceptions: • A-12 SSN may be left blank • For students with code 20 (Individual Service Plan) in field A-32 PLAN_TYPE other data fields may be left blank (See table A in the TAG) • For students with code 70, 80, 90 in field A-32 PLAN_TYPE, only fields A-1 through A-32 need to be completed
Criteria – Table A, B, C • One record per student in Table A. The CASEMIS Student Data file shall contain one record per student; in order to ensure this, the student identification code shall be determined in such a way that no two students (or no two records) have the same identification code. • More than one record permissible in Tables B and C.The Services Data Table and Discipline (Suspension/Expulsion) Data Table may have more than one record per student, as applicable. • Must be receiving services or referred and evaluated for special education. All students in the data file must be receiving (or have received) special education and related services according to an individualized education program (IEP) or an individual family service plan (IFSP), or were referred, and evaluated for Special Education services.
Criteria, cont’d • Data based on IEP or evaluation. All data for a student in the student level data file shall be based on the student's IEP or evaluation. • Students served in SOP not reported by LEA/SELPA. A student who is receiving (or has received) special education services in a state-operated program for the disabled, shall not be included in the student level data file submitted by an LEA (SELPA). The SOP shall report these students. • SELPA that provides services reports the student. If a student is placed by a SELPA to another SELPA for providing special education services, the SELPA that provides the services to the student shall report the student; the SELPA that placed the student shall not report the student. • Entity providing most intensive/majority of services reports. If more than one SELPA, county or district provides special education services to a pupil, the agency that provides the most intensive or majority of the services shall report the pupil. • NPS/NPA student reported by district that placed the student. A pupil placed in a nonpublic school or agency (NPS) shall be reported by the school district, county office or the SELPA that made the placement.
Criteria, cont’d • Related service must assist child to benefit from special education. A disabled child who is receiving a related service may be reported only if that related service assists the child in benefiting from special education. • Native American children on or near a reservation may be reported only if the SELPA provides special education services to these children. • Disabled children on military facilities may be reported only if the SELPA provides special education services to these children. • DDS funded infants/toddlers not reported in CASEMIS. A child younger than three years with a disability whose services are funded through a contract or vendor agreement with a regional center of the Department of Developmental Services is not to be included in the CASEMIS report process.
December 2008 Submission Timelines EDEN Submission Undupl. Sent Undupl. Due Count Date Data Due 5 weeks 1 week 2 weeks 1 week Jan Dec Feb Mar Jan 2 Jan 23 Dec 1 Feb 1 Jan 9
December Reports • For the December Reporting Cycle: • the files shall contain data on each student who is receiving (or has received) special education and/or related services according to an IEP on December 1. • This determination will be based on the entry in the data fields ENTRY_DATE and EXIT_DATE for each student record. • The ENTRY_DATE must be on or before December 1. The EXIT_DATE shall be blank or may not be before December 1. • A student may not be older than 22 years old as of December 1.
End of Year Reports • For the 2008-09 End-of-Year Reporting Cycle: • the files shall contain data on students who have received special education and/or related services for any period of time between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009. • This means that the files shall include students who have entered and/or exited as well as those who have continued through the program during the reporting period. • The determination of this criterion will be based on the data in the fields ENTRY_DATE and EXIT_DATE. • All students shall be included in the files except those whose EXIT_DATE is before July 1, 2008 or ENTRY_DATE is after June 30, 2009. • End-of-Year report also includes those students referred for SE, evaluated but did not receive SE. • Although the End-of-Year data file will contain records of students who are active as well as have exited, all exit reports are generated based on the exited students only.
Unduplication – December Report • Step 1: Department will verify the statewide student data file for possible duplicate report of students. • Step 2: A cover letter and instructions will be sent by CDE to each SELPA involved. • Step 3: SELPAs shall verify the reports showing possible duplicates against their data file and remove students as appropriate. • SELPAs will submit a new unduplicated data file to the department as directed. • SELPAS must provide documentation describing the methods used for determining that the student should be included in their data file. • NOTE: NO new student records may be added during this process. • Step 4: The Department will again verify the statewide student data file for duplicates. • Step 5: The Department will remove duplicate students from the SELPAs that failed to submit a revision or failed to meet the initial timeline. If SELPAs resubmit duplicate student records without documentation that they are different students, the Department will remove the students from all SELPAs.
Revision of Data • Permitted previously • Under current timelines no revisions are allowed • Data should be checked thoroughly before submission
Data Comparison Report Calculation • Mirrors a federal requirement on CDE • Calculated by comparison with prior year • Must have at least 20 in at least one of the years for comparison • Test 1: (2007-2006)/2006*100>=100% • Test 2: (2007-2006)/2007*100>=100% • Test 3: |2007-2006|>=50 • Required part of data submission
2006 SLI = 7 2005 SLI = 80 Precondition: 2005 SLI > 20 Test 1: (2006-2005)/2005 * 100 >= +/-100 (7-80)/80 *100 = -91.25 Test 2: (2006-2005)/2006 * 100 >= +/-100 (7-80)/7 *100 = -1042.86 Test 3: (2006-2005) >= +/- 50 (7-80) = -73
Data Comparison Report looks at changes in three areas: Disability, Ethnicity and Grade
Data Comparison Report provides a five year historical look at the data submitted to CDE
The Data Comparison Report identifies (circles) substantial shifts in data from the immediate prior year
Anomalies Report • SELPA must submit a report providing explanation for each of the circled items on the report • Conduct some level of inquiry to determine if there was a specific cause for the shift • For example • Change in data collection system, software or form • Change in policy, procedures or practices • Change in key personnel, staffing patterns or program shifts from one LEA to another
Some Sample Explanations • The jump from 18 in 2005 to 36 is caused by an increase in the amount of preschool students referred. The preschoolers are referred by parents, Preschool Programs, Head Start Programs, and by private physicians. This in turn led to the increase in students for 2006. • The decrease of 52.38% in the 11th grade is due to 5 students moving, 2 students being served out of district, 1 student being on a different districts' list in the consortium and one student's name not migrating when the data was rolled over from 04 05 to 05 06. • Third Grade: One the district general education early reading intervention program ends at second grade. Students that were previously receiving intervention through general education are no longer able to access this service and we are seeing an increased number of referrals at this grade level. Two, as stated above this and fourth grade is the grade level we are seeing an increased awareness for Aspergers and we are more appropriately identifying these students at an early age. • District has experience declining enrollment district wide. This appears as a decrease in special education enrollment in some grades, and is evident for grade 4, resulting in an encircled data element on the Data Comparison Report.
Explaining that ninth graders became 10th graders is only part of the explanation. Is there a reason that the group went from 19 in seventh grade to 7 in the eighth grade? Was this explained in a previous report?
The manual contains four chapters: Chapter 1 - General Information Chapter 2 - Database Structure with Codes ………………………………………
The manual contains four chapters: Chapter 3 - CASEMIS Software Chapter 4 - Reporting Requirements The manual includes five appendices: Appendix A – Code Definitions
The manual includes five appendices: Appendix B – List of Errors and Warnings Appendix C – Selected sections of state law Appendix D – Selected sections of federal law Appendix E - References
There are four data tables in Chapter II Table A – CASEMIS Student Data Table B – Student Services Data Table C – Discipline Data Table D – Post-secondary Follow-up
In Chapter II there is a field matrix for each of the four tables. • The field matrix includes: • Table and Field Number • Field Name • Type of Data • Field Length • Whether the field is verified • Whether the field is new or revised
Chapter II also includes a Field Detail chart for each field in CASEMIS. The Field Detail includes: • Definition • Purpose • Valid format, examples and code location • Comments • How the field is verified
Definition code lists in Appendix A are presented by code number.
Personnel Data • The Personnel Data reports are required by the Department of Education in order to comply with the reporting requirements under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA 04). • The CASEMIS software contains a module called Personnel. This module allows SELPAs to submit the personnel data to State electronically. • Personnel Data Report forms and instructions are disseminated under separate cover. • The Personnel Data Report will be changed (reorganized) to reflect state and federal requirements related to Highly Qualified Teachers.
The Personnel Data Report differentiates between K-12 special education teacher positions that teach core academic subjects and those that do not teach core academic subjects.
The CASEMIS Step by Step is divided into sections: • Software Installation • Preliminary Info (File Formats) • Using the Software • Student Tables A-D
Secure Data Submission • Personnel Data Reporting
This is an example of the instructions related to CASEMIS installation. Each section includes both narrative directions and screen shots to assist the user.
The Main Menu Screen describes all of the main functions of the CASEMIS software
This section guides the user through the Table A-D extraction process.
This sections describes how to input information about the person authorized to certify CASEMIS data (so it can be properly printed on the Cerfication Report).
This section describes the procedures to send the data files to the CDE secured portal.