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New Developments in Energy and Exergy for Better Technologies

Explore innovative low-exergy heating and cooling solutions for enhanced energy efficiency and reduced environmental impact. Discover the latest developments in energy-efficient appliances, smart building design, and cutting-edge technologies such as nuclear fusion.

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New Developments in Energy and Exergy for Better Technologies

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  1. New Developments in Energy and Exergy for Better Technologies Yunus Çengel Adnan MenderesUniversity, Faculty of Engineering, Aydın (Professor Emeritus, University of Nevada, Reno, USA) Summer Course on Exergy and Its Applications Marmara University May 25-27, 2016


  3. Low-Temperature Radiant Floor/Ceiling Heating • Enables the use of low-exergy waste heat or low-temperature heat sources. • Efficient and quite. • Takes advantage of radiation effect for thermal comfort. Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/30/automobiles/stretching-trucks-mileage.html?_r=0#h[]

  4. Heat Pumps with low ΔT • Winter: The lower the heating-fluid temperature, the higher the COP. • Summer: The higher the cooling-fluid temperature, the higher the COP.

  5. European Union: Horizon 2020 Funding

  6. ENERGY EFFICIENCY:Minimizing Exergy Consumption

  7. Energy-Efficient Home Appliances

  8. Energy Conservation with A+++ Appliances

  9. Green Refrigerators Energy efficiency of refrigerators-freezers has increased by nearly 75% over the last 30 years due to better insulation and higher efficiency compressors. Energy efficient refrigerators eliminated the need for 30,000 MW of new power plant construction in the US since 1973. The drop in the electricity consumption of new refrigerators-freezers over the years (per unit) (National Energy Policy Report, 2001).


  11. Tractor-trailer Tail: %6 savings (USA: $6.6 billion/year) December 28, 2012 The TrailerTail developed by ATDynamics is designed to reduce the aerodynamic drag generated at the rear of trailers. By reducing turbulence at the rear of tractor-trailers, TrailerTail can raise mileage. • There are roughly 2 million tractor-trailers on American highways, says ATDynamics. Based on Energy Department figures, a 6% reduction in diesel fuel use would amount to savings of: • 1.6 billion gallons a year, a reduction of about 14 million tons of CO2 emissions - and save about $6.6 billion/year. Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/30/automobiles/stretching-trucks-mileage.html?_r=0#h[]

  12. 3.5% Fuel savings with winglets called ‘Sharklets’ Winglets are small aerodynamic surfaces mounted almost vertically at the wingtips. Inspiration for the design came from birds observed to curl their wingtip feathers upward when in need of high lift. A well designed winglet rises vertically and is swept back such that it significantly reduces the size of the wingtip vortex thus reducing induced drag. http://theflyingengineer.com/flightdeck/winglets-and-sharklets/

  13. Mirrorless Cars:Side Mirrors out; Cameras in • Side mirrors create drag (2 to 7%), increase fuel consumption, cause blind spots and generate noise. • Auto parts supplier ‘Continental’ developed digital mirrors (video systems) with significant noise reduction and reduced fuel consumption. • There is also increased field of view. • Interior screens on the left- and right side of dashboard show side and rear views. Makes parking easier. (Feb. 4, 2016) http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/05/automobiles/end-of-the-road-may-be-near-for-side-mirrors.html?_r=1

  14. Energy Efficiency in Campus: Univ. of Washington in St. Louis invests $30 Million March 28, 2013 Washington University invests $30 million in energy conservation • The university’s goal is to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 22% by 2020 through initiatives such as retrofitting lighting in parking garages and installing more efficient air conditioning systems. • The university has saved more than $109 million since 1990 through its green initiatives. It has 7 LEED Gold, 6 LEED Silver and 2 LEED Certified buildings on campus. The university spends about $30 million annually on energy expenses, and the utility savings generated from the $30 million commitment will “pay back” the investment within 8 to 10 years. Source: http://www.bizjournals.com/stlouis/news/2013/03/28/washington-university-invests-30.html

  15. Color-changing roof tiles

  16. Cooling with central fans (Cheaper and more effective for high-heat producing regions)

  17. Passive Way of Energy Conservation: Light color roof and walls (and trees)


  19. Nuclear Fusion:Lockheed Martin Claims Fusion Breakthrough • Although nuclear fusion has been studied for decades, Lockheed is hoping to build a reactor small enough to fit on the back of a truck within 10 years. Superconducting magnetic coils inside a compact fusion reactor. Source: Lockheed Martin http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/lockheed-martin-is-building-a-compact-nuclear-fusion-reactor/2014/10/15/c2b13ff4-540e-11e4-892e-602188e70e9c_story.html?wprss=rss_national; (15 October 2014)

  20. Nuclear Fusion:Germany makes landmark fusion power achievement • Researchers at Max Planck Institute in Greifswald switched on the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator for the very first time. • With temperatures reaching 80 million degrees C, the stellarator successfully generated its first hydrogen plasma. The European Commission announced in October 2014 a $1 billion initiative to develop nuclear fusion as an energy source by 2020. (4 February 2016) https://www.yahoo.com/news/germany-makes-landmark-fusion-power-191453294.html;

  21. Small Modular Nuclear Reactors (SMR):US to develop 50-MW SMR’s in next 10 years • SMRs are smaller, lower capital cost, factory produced units designed to provide electricity in the range of 50 to 300 MW. • In 2012, the US Department of Energy launched a 6-year $452-million SMR support program aimed at promoting the development and investment in US-based SMR projects. • Uranium or thorium as fuel. (15 June 2015) Modular: To be assembled from standardized, mass-produced subcomponents. Detailed Report: http://trade.gov/publications/pdfs/the-commercial-outlook-for-us-small-modular-nuclear-reactors.pdf http://www.nuclearpowerdaily.com/reports/US_Anticipates_Small_Modular_Nuclear_Reactors_in_Next_Decade_999.html


  23. Liquid Fuel from Solar Energy via Artificial Leaves Science: Natural Leaf (Photosynthesis) Sun → Energy (sugar) + O2 Scientists Have Figured Out a Way to Convert Solar Energy Into Liquid Fuel TECHNOLOGY: Artificial Leaf Sun → Energy (liquid fuel) + O2 12 Feb 2015 http://time.com/3706444/solar-energy-liquid-fuel/ and http://news.yahoo.com/video/us-scientists-develop-bionic-leaf-043519309.html

  24. ARTIFICIAL LEAVES ONLY God can make a tree, the poem says. But scientists are working on making artificial leaves that can produce fuels directly from sunlight, water and carbon dioxide, just as real leaves do. One day, the new leaves could help people heat their homes and drive their cars.. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/22/business/22novel.html?_r=2

  25. High Capacity (6x) + Fast Charge (UCLA) in Batteries • UCLA Researchers developed a new hybrid supercapacitor that combines the high energy densities of batteries and the quick charge/discharge rates of supercapacitors. • It can reach energy densities of up to 42 Wh/l, compared with 7 Wh/l for state of the art commercial carbon-based supercapacitors. • The LSG–manganese-dioxide capacitors can store as much electrical charge as a lead acid battery per unit volume, yet can be recharged in seconds, and they store about 6 times the capacity of state-of-the-art commercially available supercapacitors. http://www.gizmag.com/high-energy-density-supercapacitor/37075/ (19 April 2015)

  26. Artificial photosynthesis breakhrough:CO2 emissions turned into plastics and biofuel • Taking inspiration from Mother Nature, scientists devised a system that uses sunlight and H2O to convert CO2 into a wide range of useful chemicals. • New approach could be a game changer because of its versatility and the high yields it produces. (23 April 2015) http://www.gizmag.com/artificial-photosynthesis-creates-biofuel/37160/

  27. Chemistry:Audi made diesel fuel from air and water http://www.gizmag.com/audi-creates-e-diesel-from-co2/37130/ (26 April 2015)

  28. Artificial Photsynthesis http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2012-08/panasonics-artificial-photosynthesis-turns-water-sunlight-and-co2-useful-chemicals

  29. DOE Puts $122 Million Into Sunlight-To-Fuel Effort The San Jose Mercury News (7/24, Bohan) reports: "The Department of Energy is putting up $122 million to help humans capture the energy of the sun and create renewable liquid fuels through 'artificial photosynthesis.” The energy department also announced that "Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and the California Institute of Technology" has been selected to lead the project. Instead of yielding a simple carbohydrate, artificial photosynthesis would be designed to create oxygen and liquid fuels such as hydrocarbons or alcohols that could be directly pumped into vehicles, without additional, costly refinement. http://www.mercurynews.com/breaking-news/ci_15587962?nclick_check=1 (San Jose Mercury News, 23 July 2010)


  31. Solar PV: Exponential Growth (137,000 MW) • Global solar PV capacity grew by 37,000 MW to 136,700 MW at end of 2013 [Wind: 318,000 MW, (35,000 new). China: 91, US: 61, Germany: 34 GW)] • Japan (6,900 MW), China (11,300 MW), U.S. (4,700 MW) lead the charge.  • PV produces 3% of electricity (wind 8%) in Europe and 6% of peak demand. • 6 MW of PV = 1 MW of Nuclear or Coal plant ( = 3 MW of wind). • 1 kW of PV produces about 1100 kWh/year (1 kW of wind: 2200 kWh/year) http://www.epia.org/index.php?eID=tx_nawsecuredl&u=0&file=/uploads/tx_epiapublications/Market_Report_2013_02.pdf&t=1400420546&hash=d5e4c194ebb7b9a461334da4ad49afab4a57697b

  32. Transparent PV cells for Windows

  33. Australian Scientists Develop 40% Efficient PV’s • University of New South Wales researchers were able to convert more than 40% of sunlight hitting the panels into electricity. • While traditional methods use one solar cell, which limits the conversion of sunlight to electricity to about 33 percent, the newer technology splits the sunlight into four different cells, which boosts the conversion levels. • The record efficiency level was achieved in tests in Sydney and replicated at the US government's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). • The super-efficient system is built with commercially available materials, rather than with special, laboratory-produced PV cells. This helped keep the cost of the system down. • Lab-produced solar cells have even higher efficiencies than the 40 percent achieved by Green and his team. • German-based Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE developed a solar cell that can convert 46% of the sunlight into electricity. • While the UNSW solar energy system is not quite that efficient, it will likely be cheaper to produce than the Fraunhofer system. December 2014 http://news.yahoo.com/big-solar-step-super-efficient-system-sets-record-131322628.html http://news.yahoo.com/australian-scientists-announce-solar-energy-breakthrough-184749908--finance.html

  34. 80% efficiency increase in PVs with 3-D Nanotubes http://blogs.forbes.com/williampentland/2011/05/02/nanocone-tips-take-solar-cell-efficiency-to-next-level/

  35. Solar-Powered cars at 57 miles/h(Popular Science, 1 Ocak 2011) http://www.popsci.com/cars/article/2011-01/new-worlds-fastest-solar-powered-car-crowned-australia

  36. Increase in Solar PV Effficiency from 16% to 22%+:40% more efficient PVs at lower cost • SolarCity acquired: 1. ‘Silevo’ (a start-up technology co.) • ‘Zep Solar’ (provider of solar panel mounting systems) • ‘Paramount Solar’ (a solar sales and marketing company) (3 October 2015) • http://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/03/business/energy-environment/solarcity-to-make-high-efficiency-panel.html?_r=0


  38. TESLA: Driving Innovation in Electric Cars • TESLA MOTORS was founded in 2003 in Silicon Valley, CA, and producing cars since 2008. • It has 2000+ employees and it sold cars in 37 countries. • Produces 500 electric vehicles a week (26,000 cars in 2013.) • Predicted sales for 2014: 40,000 cars. • Supercharger stations provide half a charge in 20 minutes. Battery pack can be swapped in 90 seconds. • Received a $465 million loan from US Department of Energy’s Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturing Program. • Repaid the entire loan back to DOE in May 2013. Range: 400 km per change. Motor: A 360 hp. Fuel cost: $2.8 per 100 km (at $0.11/kWh). Accelerationfrom 0 to 100 km/h: 5.8 s. Price: $70,000 (in US). http://business.time.com/2013/08/08/tesla-shares-zoom-14-on-strong-sales-as-chinese-market-beckons/

  39. Hop Pursuit in Electrik Cars: FORD to Invest $4.5 Billion by 2020 in Electric Cars • Focus will be on plug-in hybrid systems - which allow drivers to operate part of the time on batteries recharged from the grid, and part of the time on gasoline. • The batteries for plug-in hybrids are not as heavy or expensive as those required to deliver 200-mile or more range in an all-electric vehicle. • All new vehicle platforms will come equipped with engine- and battery-powered capabilities. • FORD plans to add 13 electric, plug-in models in 5 years. • The plan includes an electric Ford Focus with a 160-km range and 30 minute battery recharge. • Such vehicles to rise to 40% of lineup from 13% now. (Dec. 12, 2015 http://http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-12-10/ford-to-invest-4-5-billion-in-electric-plug-in-hybrid-vehicles/

  40. R&D Team to Improve Batteries for Electric/Hybrid Cars The US Department of Energy chose Argonne to lead the effort after a national competition. The lab will receive up to $120 million over 5 years. http://www. car-battery-research-20121130,0,7799993.storychicagotribune.com/news/local/sns-ap-il-- • Other members for the new ‘Joint Center for Energy Storage’ include: • 5 universities (Northwestern, U. Chicago, U. Illinois-Chicago, U. Illinois-Urbana Champaign, U. Michigan) • 4 national labs (Lawrence Berkeley, Pacific Northwest, Sandia, SLAC National Accelerator Lab) • 4 industrial partners(Dow Chemical, Applied Materials, Johnson Controls, Clean Energy Trust). • 120 individuals working on battery technology around the country will visit the Argonne hub on a regular basis. • Goal: To license the inventions fostered there for commercialization. • A breakthrough in battery technology would have major implications for the auto, wind and solar industries.

  41. BMW, Toyota Partner On Next-Generation Batteries Toyota Motor Corp. and BMW Group are working together on next-generation batteries for green vehicles called 'lithium-air' as their collaboration, first announced in late 2011, moves ahead in fuel cells, sports vehicles and other fields." http://www.foxnews.com/leisure/2013/01/24/bmw-and-toyota-team-up-on-sports-cars-battery-development/ Toyota and BMW "aim to complete a fuel-cell vehicle system by 2020, and a concept for a mid-size sports vehicle by the end of this year. They will also work together on developing lightweight technologies such as composites, which will help make cars greener.

  42. Doubling Battery Capacity http://www.technologyreview.com/energy/39806/?p1=A1

  43. Tripling energy storage capacity of a battery Kaynak: http://www.forbes.com/sites/uciliawang/2012/05/23/tin-the-secret-to-improving-lithium-ion-battery-life/

  44. 5-fold increase in battery capacity: Lithium-Air w/Gold

  45. Boosting lithium-ion capacity 7X by adding cobalt • Researchers from the University of Tokyo have found a way to develop a lithium-based battery with 7 times the energy density of current lithium-ion batteries, according to Nikkei Technology. • It also has each of the major benefits — lower cost, greater capacity and increased safety. • The team have used a new material on the positive electrode in the battery, formed by adding cobalt to the lithium oxide crystal structure. This aids an oxidation-reduction reaction during which peroxides are produced, and electrical energy is generated. The researchers claim energy density of 2,570 Wh/kg. (The theoretical density of lithium-air technology is 3,460 Wh/kg.) But as a sealed design it’s more stable (and thus safer) than lithium-air. (27 July 2014) http://venturebeat.com/2014/07/27/good-news-for-electric-cars-new-battery-tech-uses-peroxide-to-boost-energy-density-by-7x/

  46. Ultra-fast charging batteries recharge 70% in 2 minutes • Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore) Scientists have developed a new battery that can be recharged up to 70% in 2 minutes. • The battery will also have a longer lifespan of over 20 years. • New battery will be able to endure more than 10,000 charging cycles – 20 times more than the current 500 cycles of today's batteries. • New technology uses a cheap titanium dioxide gel in the form of nanostructures instead of the traditional graphite. (13 October 2014) http://phys.org/news/2014-10-ultra-fast-batteries-recharged-minutes.html#ajTabs

  47. New Battery Design Allows Near-Instant Charging http://www.wgntv.com/entertainment/viral/wgntv-super-charge-battery-uofi-may9,0,6004531.story

  48. Extending the Life of Lithium-ion batteries to infinity • Brittleness is solved by coating a gold nanowire in a MnO2 shell and encasing it in an electrolyte made of a plexiglas-like gel. • The combination is reliable and resistant to failure, lasting 100,000+ cycles instead of just 5000 without losing any capacity. (22 April 2016) http://www.computerworld.com/article/3060005/mobile-wireless/scientists-can-now-make-lithium-ion-batteries-last-a-lifetime.html


  50. GW-Level MatureEnergy Storage Technology:Pumped Hydropower Storage • Over 98% of installed storage capacity worldwide is pumped hydropower. • A mature, reliable, proven, and commercially available large utility scale energy storage technology for load shifting from peak to off-peak hours. • DOE Global Energy Storage Database: 292 pumped storage hydropower facilities worldwide provide 142 gigawatts of power. • Pumped storage capacities: Japan 27 GW; China 22 GW; USA 21 GW. • 46 projects capable of providing 34 GW are being developed. • First used in the 1890s in the Swiss, Austrian, and Italian Alps. • Challenges to Pumped Storage • Improved battery technologies, • inexpensive natural gas-fired ‘peaker plants,’ • High construction costs/times ($1-2 per W storage capacity) • Environmental considerations. (Dec. 12, 2015) http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Making-a-difference/Change-Agent/2015/1210/To-store-renewable-electricity-utilities-turn-to-pumped-water

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